Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 414

Hearing what Belen said, Hill also pursed her mouth. She didn't want her to let Latier and the others lose their time to play, and she wanted to be with everyone, but she didn't want to be with Belen. .

Seeing Hill hesitate, Belen just waited patiently, and after a while, he asked, "Have you decided?"

In the end, Hill also made a decision. She took a deep breath, then glared at Belem and said: "Okay! I can let you teach me, but you can't touch me!"

"I won't touch you." Belen looked at Hill with disgust.

"Hey! Don't look at me with such a disgusting expression!"

Chapter 406: I want these slippers!

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Belen stretched out his hands, Hill frowned and took a step back in disgust.

Seeing Hill's disgusted expression, Belem also twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said indifferently: "Grab my two hands and start practicing."

"Say you can't touch me!"

"Just holding your hands."

"No way!"

Belen couldn't help taking a deep breath to calm his emotions after seeing Hill resisting him so much, and then grinned with a very reluctant smile.

"The food you eat is made with my hands."

Hearing that, Hill placed her gaze on Belen's hands again, and she swallowed, as if looking at something very dirty.

"Are you going to learn?"


Since then, Belen said indifferently: "Crash teaching, you will be there in a while."

Hearing Belen's words, Hill also gritted her teeth, she walked forward, and then placed her hands on Belen's hands very slowly, seeming to endure something.

"come on."

Belen sighed, it was really troublesome. He took Hill's hands and went deep into the pool. Because of his traction, Hill did not drown again.

"let's start."

Hill turned his head without looking at Belem.

"Well, relax."

Belen didn't care about Hill's resistance, he pursed his mouth, feeling a little upset in his heart, why would he want to teach this guy to swim.

Is it because she wants to play but can’t play and is a little pitiful?

Could it be the reason for being so naive?

After an hour, Belen finally finished his teaching. Although Hill is still very new to swimming, he never drowned like before.

"Me, I can swim?"

At this moment, Hill floated in the water after swimming slowly for a while. She looked at Belém in a little surprise, and then seemed to realize that her eyes were not right. She changed back in a flash. She glanced at Belém. Then he snorted.

"I won't say thank you to you."

"Yes Yes Yes."

Although now Tsundere's temper has come out again, Belen also sees Hill's happy side because he learns to swim. He smiles a bit and doesn't care about Hill, just waved his hand in disgust.

"Go and play with Ratil and the others."

"Hey! Don't drive me like a kid!" Hill shouted at Belen very dissatisfied, and then walked away in anger.

Seeing Hill wandering away, Belen was amused by what she said. Hill who said this was like a child, wait, she seems to be underage, she is indeed a child.

Immediately afterwards, Belen went ashore, always feeling a little tired, and he didn't play with the more exciting amusement facilities, and his physical endurance was not very strong now.


When Belém’s feet fell on the ground that was not covered by water, he was immediately scorched. He hurried out and sat down next to a big shady tree.

This won't work, find some slippers.

Belen thought for a while, let's go to the activity hall and see if there is any sale. You can't steal someone else's home, right?Thinking of this, he stood up and looked at the sun-covered ground with fear in his eyes.

"Sir! Please put your slippers in the cabinet over there!"

"what did you say?"

Hearing the sound coming from behind, Belen also turned around and looked around. There was a staff member in overalls on the shore, and a thin man in the pool. The two seemed to be facing each other.

The skinny aristocratic man looked at the staff arrogantly, and he sneered: "A commoner dare to tell me what to do? Who gives you the qualifications?"

"Sir, there is no distinction between high and low in this paradise." The staff responded courageously.

"Oh? I think you are impatient?" The aristocratic man began to yell, unexpectedly a commoner dared to disobey him.


At this time, a voice suddenly came from behind the noble man. He turned around and looked at him. A black-haired teenager was standing in the pool, looking at him with a smile on his face.

"What are you doing?"

The black-haired boy looked at him with a smile, and said: "You have to be a little emboldened if you violate the rules of this park? This park is operated by several Duke-level big figures. I don't know which Duke or Duke you are. Duke? Or is it the heir of a big man?"


"Is it just an ordinary nobleman?" The black-haired boy looked at the thin man with a smile, and then guessed thoughtfully.

When he heard the words of the black-haired boy, the thin aristocratic man's complexion immediately turned ugly, and then shouted, "What are you? Are you qualified to blame me?"

"Ah, I guess, there is a baron or a viscount in your family? I'm sorry, although I have no merit, my father is one or two higher than the one in your family."

The black-haired boy looked at each other with a smile on his face, and then stretched out his hands in a very pretentious manner.

"Bo... the son of Lord Earl?"

The man was taken aback, he was completely shocked by the other's self-confident attitude, and it also showed that the adult in his family was a viscount noble.

At this moment, the black-haired boy seemed to want to say something, he suddenly noticed the man on the bank who was secretly holding slippers.

Is that... Senior?

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