Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 415

The black hair was stunned when he saw the man with the slippers turned around and ran away, and then he looked at the noble man with something wrong.

"Hey, your slippers were stolen."

"flip flop?"

That skinny man frowned when he heard this. Even a thief wouldn't steal slippers in such a disgraceful way?Although he thought so, he turned his head and looked around. When he saw that his slippers were gone, his eyes widened, and then he noticed the back that ran away quickly.

"Hey! Put down my slippers! Stop!"

Ever since, the noble man quickly climbed onto the shore and chased the thief who had taken off his shoes.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt a little dramatic, and then each went on to do their own thing, and the staff member bowed to the black-haired boy to express his gratitude.

"It's all right, you can go ahead."

After the staff also left, the black-haired boy also let out a long sigh of relief, and shook his head helplessly. There are really any weird people. When he turned around, there was a dull but pleasant sound in his ear. the sound of.

"Why don't I know your father is an earl?"


The black-haired boy suddenly opened his eyes. When he saw the blue-haired girl beside him, he scratched his hair in embarrassment and laughed. He said, "Isn't this bluffing that person."

These two young people are known to Belen, and the blue-haired girl who helped Belen yesterday is the student president of Flozarno Academy, Weilian Alice.

And the identity of this black-haired teenager came out naturally, it was Kolsifen Murilag who returned to Eloranya with Weilian.

Kersfin looked at Weilian who was wearing a swimsuit in front of him and his cheeks blushed. He turned away from his sight, swallowed, and immediately found a topic and said: "Say, Weilian, I saw that sword is the second senior. , Um, Senior Belem."

"He's here too?" Weilian blinked, then said: "I also met the senior last night, the senior still..."

"Yesterday? Why didn't you tell me?" Kolstein was also taken aback.

Willian looked at Kolstein and said indifferently: "You didn't ask me."


In this regard, Kolstein could only be speechless, as if there was no room for rebuttal. He looked at Weilian and remembered that the latter had something to say, so he asked: "What happened to the senior? ?"

"Senior invited me to a pub to drink."

"Drink, drink!? You guys went for a drink!?" Korsfin suddenly opened his eyes, and he looked at Weilian in disbelief. He had never gone out to drink with Weilian!

In the evening, a man and a woman went to a pub to drink, which is a very emotional thing.

But Kolstein couldn't bear it anymore. He gritted his teeth and then turned around. Probably from Weilian's question, he would only get an understatement. He had to go to the senior.

Seeing Kolstein ashore, Weilian asked curiously: "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to find that bastard!"

Looking at the back of the black-haired boy leaving, Weilian was standing in the water, her head tilted slightly, she looked at the figure with some doubts, completely unknown.

Chapter Four Hundred and Seven: Another Killer

At this moment, Belen was holding a pair of slippers in his hand. He was panting against the wall and seemed to be avoiding something. After running for so long, it was exhausting!

"Damn it! Come out for the shoe thief!"

A figure dashed across the trail. It was the noble man who had been shocked by Korsfen before. He was desperately looking for the shoe thief at this moment. I have to say that this place is too hot!

Belen walked to the edge and was relieved to see the noble man running farther and farther, then he sat down along the wall and started to rest.

If you don’t put your slippers in a special place, you probably don’t want these slippers, right?

Belen began to hypnotize himself, and then firmly believed that it was true. After resting, he stood up and found a place where he could wash his clothes and washed his shoes. Who knows if these shoes have that person's feet?

After he put on the slippers, he strode on the avenue, and the whole person was relaxed. At this time, he saw Latier and the others.

Belen was watching from the shore, and he found that Hill was already with Latier and the others. They seemed to be playing well, after all, there was such a happy smile on his face.

At this time, La Tier also noticed Belén on the shore. She raised her arms and waved hello, shouting: "Mr. Belén!"

Hearing La Tier's call, Belen also waved his hand in response, and he also saw Hill averted his gaze after looking at him, and he was somewhat helpless.

How much does this guy hate himself?

Latier and the others returned to the shore, and the five girls stood together to form an unparalleled landscape. At this moment, many people's eyes gathered.

"The girls are so beautiful!"

"Who is that man?"

"It should be the elder brother, there can be no other."

The people around started talking, some were comforting themselves, some were judging wisely, and they also had weird glances at the only male Belen.

"Look at that super beautiful silver-haired girl!"

Many people noticed that Illiya turned her head to look at them, and a few men who felt that their movements were not elegant immediately straightened their posture.

"Go over there and have a rest?" Belen thought. Everyone should be tired after playing for so long. It's time to have a rest.


Latier was obviously having a good time. She responded in a pleasant mood, then stretched out her hand to embrace Belen's arm and said with a smile, "Mr. Belen, shall we play together later?"

Feeling the softness on his arm, Belen also felt a tactile touch. He swallowed and pressed down the strange charm, and then replied: "Okay, let's play together later."

It's already evening, and because I don't plan to go back yet, I have to stay here for dinner, but there are no restaurants here. There are only some foods that you can buy anywhere in the market.

For these ordinary foods, Hill is very resistant, but because La Tier and the others are very happy to eat, they will stop. Belen can see this in his eyes, although Hill Noticed it.

"What to look at!"

"It's nothing."

Hill glanced at Belen, then continued to eat the snack that didn't seem bad.

At this time, Laya suddenly noticed a poster on a sign. She blinked, then turned her head and smiled and said, "There seems to be a wave pool tonight."

"Is it like the waves of the sea?" Ratil asked curiously.

Laya nodded.

"The sea..."

The eyes of Ilia on the side also lit up. Obviously, this child wanted to see the sea too, and had never seen the sea since that time.

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