Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 417


The fallen leaf suddenly shattered, and unexpectedly burst out of *like power, but with the protection of Ilia's silver hair, she was just flying out.


La Tier was shocked when she saw this scene. She didn't expect that there was a * here. She was extremely worried when she saw the silver figure flying backwards behind her and the others, and rushed over.

Immediately afterwards, Illiya's figure stabilized, and she shook her head to La Tier, and then noticed something. Several silver rays shot away from her side, directly piercing countless leaves.

There was a faint magic power from the leaves that were pierced through, and Belen frowned slightly after sensing it, and sure enough, there were some killers in the dark.The next moment, he turned his head back suddenly.

A leaf suddenly fell behind him, and Belen's eyes suddenly widened at this moment. As soon as he gritted his teeth, he opened his arms to protect Latier and Latis.


A gust of wind suddenly swept out, directly blowing the leaves into the air, and at that moment, the leaves suddenly exploded, blasting Belen and the others out.

After falling to the ground, Belen didn't care about the pain on his body. He immediately stood up and found that Latier and the others were all okay. After that, he was relieved, and then his eyes fell on Laiya.

Laya smiled at Belen. She gave herself a thumbs up and said with a smile: "I'm great too!"

"Fortunately, I have you, thank you." Belen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Laya's magic was performed in a timely manner, otherwise he, Latier and Latis would be in danger.

I can’t go on like this. Illya can’t let go of her hands and feet at all in such a place. Not only are there many assassins, but there are also people sneaking attacks in the dark.

The killer's goal is obviously Hill, and no one has arrived in the paradise at this moment. It is not difficult to guess that the enemy may have set up a barrier, otherwise it is impossible for such a big movement to be no one.

It would be great if you could do it yourself.

Belen gritted his teeth. With his physical fitness that is worse than that of ordinary people, he can't use amplification magic. Similarly, even if he can solve some killers with kendo, he can't suppress all of them. He must fall first. It's him.

"found it."

At this moment, Illiya suddenly said, her eyes locked on a dark place, her right hand opened, and then she grabbed it in that direction out of thin air.


The mud rock broke through the ground in an instant, and then turned into a big hand and grabbed the dark place. At the moment when the five fingers were also clenched, a figure flew out, the sleeves flicked, and several cold glows flew out.

Bang bang bang!

Countless explosions sounded but did not hurt everyone, because as if the light curtain turned into the silver thread resisted the front, the explosion could not break the defense at all.

That figure fell on the ground. It was also a masked killer, but his figure was tall, he was obviously a man, and the other party's magic power was probably to give something explosive power.

Seeing the other party appearing, Belen's eyes were also slightly squinted, and sure enough, there was another person, and he was more concerned about whether there were other killers in the dark at the moment?

Four hundred and ninth chapter: It is too reluctant

When that person appeared, Illiya took the lead in attacking. She floated in front of Belen and the others because she was worried that the other party's blasting would affect everyone.

At this moment, Belen has also discovered that Dolsa’s situation is gradually deteriorating. The latter cannot fight too many killers by himself. At this moment Dolsa’s body is already covered with scars, although there are not too many serious ones. Injury, but it will definitely be more dangerous if it continues.

Laya on the side also saw that the situation was very bad. She was really sorry to let Illya and Dorsa deal with so many killers!

"Latier, let's help!"

"Okay!" Latil did not hesitate, and then looked at Belem. She said with a serious expression: "Mr. Belem, Latis will be handed over to you."

She knows that Mr. Belém is very powerful. After all, she is a high-achieving student who graduated from that school, but at the same time she also knows very well that the current Mr. Belém is too weak, so she and Laya must protect everyone!

After handing Latis to Belem, Latil walked to the back with Laya, who shouted: "Illya! Concentrate on solving the enemy in front, let us here!"

After hearing Laya's words, Illiya also glanced back at the two figures covered in turquoise magic, then chose to believe in the second girl, and began to concentrate on dealing with the dozens of killers in front of her.

The situation is clearly one-sided.

By Belen's side, Hill saw that Latier and Laya were also going up to deal with the killer. She was also very nervous. Although worried, she could do nothing. She had no way to help everyone.


Belen glanced at Hill, who was lowering his head, then reached out and patted Hill on the shoulder. He said, "Don't worry, you won't get hurt."

Hearing the words coming from her ear, Hill also raised her head and glanced at Belen. At this moment, she was not in the mood to mock the latter as usual, but remained silent.

"The spirit of the wind! I will sing the story of the wind, and may the weather of harmony be a solid wind shield!"

"Take it up, that noisy wind, wind cannon!"

Laya's magic power is much stronger than that of La Tier, so she has to bear more pressure, she is to defend against the opponent's attack, and La Tier is the main attacker!

Seeing the two girls cooperating to resist the opponent, Belen also opened his eyes wide. He did not expect that these two girls could already do this.

Latil now has the ability to stand alone. As a parent, Belen is very happy to see her growth, but it is not the time to be happy at this moment.

Although La Tier and Laya also played a very important role in fighting together, but there are still some killers who are good at physical skills among these enemies.

Laya's Wind Shield resisted all the magic, and La Tier's Wind Cannon also blew several killers, but they couldn't be perfect after all, so they still exposed loopholes!


"Be careful!"

Seeing the assassins approaching Latier and Laya, Belen was also shocked, and immediately yelled, but the next moment he suddenly opened his eyes, because in his sight, those few The killer actually skipped Latier and Laya, and came towards him!


Latier and Laya, who were already ready to defend, also changed their expressions, but they didn't expect these killers to move toward the target so decisively.


Hill saw the killers fly over, she was also terrified, and subconsciously took two steps back, but the enemy was also the enemy behind, she couldn't retreat.

How to do?

Belen locked on the killer who was coming at them. There were three people on the other side. He gritted his teeth and wanted to try to get rid of the other three, but the next moment he found that one of the other three actually stopped. After coming down, he actually began to chant a magic spell, his pupils suddenly shrank.

No, you have to fight it!

With a decisive decision, Belen made a choice immediately. His eyes closed, and the magic that had been silent began to work quickly. At the moment his eyes closed and opened, a breath rose from him.

Increase, 15%!


After using the amplification magic, Belen's body immediately sounded with the chuckle of bones, and the snow lion appeared in his hand with a flash of silver light. He took a deep breath and began to adapt to the state he had not entered for a long time.

"How are you..."

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