Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 418

When the momentum shook away, Hill and Latis' hair fluttered up. The former opened his eyes and looked at the man beside him, his eyes full of disbelief.

Belem now feels completely new to her, completely different from the sickly feeling of weakness before!

But the next moment, Belen's surrounding magic started to tremble, and his throat was sweet, he gritted his teeth and swallowed it back, but blood still spilled from the corner of his mouth.

It was at this moment that the two assassins had already rushed in front of them, and there was a flash of lightning between the two, and Belen stepped forward at this time, the majestic breath of his body was receding rapidly, and he At this moment, the sword was also cut horizontally.

The qi that gathered on the blade was cut out at the moment of swinging the sword. It was an attack that was invisible to the naked eye. The qi that was born from the sword was another way besides magic.

Qi is born by the sword and enters the wood three points.

Gritting his teeth to maintain the last bit of strength, relying on the strength of that instant increase to carry the power of Qi, the sword aura struck the two killers horizontally, and a blood stain appeared in front of them at the same time, and the ray of lightning was also in the air. Disintegrated under interference.

After the two assassins were dealt with, Latier and Laya's wind magic also came, and directly flew the third assassin who wanted to activate the magic.

Without the support of his strength, Belen also knelt on one knee under his feet, with the tip of the sword hitting the ground, holding the hilt in his hand to keep himself from falling, he was gasping for breath.

"Mr. Belen!"

When they saw Belen knelt on the ground, Latier and Laya were also shocked, but then they turned to the enemy, and there was no time to be distracted.

"You, how are you?"

Hill also paled after seeing Belen’s pale appearance. She didn’t expect that the latter’s face would become ugly after just swiping a sword. Then she remembered what Ratil said about “weakness”. One thing.

Belém is really weak now, instead of being born with that sickness!

"It's okay."

Belen reluctantly responded.


Lattes also came to Belem's side. Kitten's face was worried. She sucked her nose, and the edges of her big eyes were a little ruddy, as if she was about to cry. She put her two small hands on Belen Body.

A dark green magic power containing a warm breath radiated from his young hand, and Belen also felt the strangeness in his body. It seemed that a warm current poured in, and his pale face was much better.

Belen looked at Latis with some surprise, blinked, and then smiled. He also recovered some strength, so he reached out and rubbed the kitten's head.

"Latis was the best at the critical moment."

Four hundred and tenth chapter: This knife, to carry!

Although he was healed by Ratis' life magic, Belen's internal injuries did not heal all at once, only slightly relieved, but even this was content.

His injury is temporarily suppressed.

Belen wanted to stand up, but he didn't have enough strength to support him to do so, so it was not in vain to just kneel on one knee to recover his strength.

Probably the foreign aid should have broken through the barrier soon, otherwise it would be too disappointing.

"Do you need me to help you up?"

Hearing this voice, Belen also raised his head slightly, and then turned his head to look at Hill. At this moment, the latter was looking at him with some worry, without his usual disdain.

"Then trouble you."

So, with Hill's help, Belen also stood up slowly. He couldn't even hold the sword at this moment, so he took it back.


Everyone suddenly felt a wave of magical power, and Belen was also happy in his heart. The barrier has been broken, and probably the rescue is coming soon, and the killers should also retreat.

But at this moment, the long-haired female assassin suddenly shouted: "What are you still hesitating! Do it!"

Hearing this sentence, Belen was also taken aback, but the next moment he felt his horror. He squinted his eyes and saw a black shadow coming at extremely fast speed, as fast as a ghost, no trace of it. Fast as lightning.


La Tier also noticed that another assassin suddenly appeared, and when he saw the opponent heading towards Hill, he subconsciously shouted out.

On the other side, Illiya also noticed something. She looked back, flicking her fingers, and the silver hair shuttled out, but the next moment countless darts appeared in front of the silver hair.


The huge blasting sound was deafening, and the impact of that blast directly blocked Ilia's silver hair. At the same time, many assassins suddenly violently attacked the silver-haired girl in mid-air.

Seeing this scene, Illiya had a look of impatience in her eyes. She is now very worried about Hill's situation, but now she has to deal with this side!

Can't use earth magic!

Otherwise you will hurt yourself and innocent people!

The closest to Hill is Belen. Latier and Laya are running towards this side, but they are obviously too late compared to the speed of the killer. Only one person can stop them.



The exclamation of everyone came into Hill’s ears. She looked at the black-robed man who was already approaching, her beautiful pupils gradually shrank, her eyes and face were full of horror, but she was biting silver. Ya, although she wanted to avoid it, she couldn't avoid it because of the weak feet of fear.

That cold knife can already be seen clearly with the eyes, will it cut her neck?Or do you cut yourself a knife?

Several images appeared in her head at this moment, no matter what they were, they were full of blood.

And after the black robe man came to the front, under the hat above the mask, the deep black eyes were reflected in the brown eyes, as if he had seen death.


At this moment, a figure suddenly came in front of her, that figure seemed to have exhausted all the energy, and some thin figures stood in front of Hill.

Seeing this person in front of her, Hill's eyes slowly widened, her head was blank, and only a word echoed in her mind.

What is he going to do?

Under the black hat, those black eyes suddenly shrank when they saw the person who appeared suddenly, but the next moment they frowned, as if trying to force themselves, and then swung the knife. Cut it down.


A slender blood spilled out, Latier and the others opened their eyes wide at this moment, their bodies trembled slightly, their eyes widened, they looked at the scene in disbelief, and finally she hissed.

"Mr. Belen!"

Belen, who was standing in front of Hill, took two steps back. The sharp pain even made his head start stunned. When he retreated, he hit Hill on the body, and the two fell to the ground together.

The black-robed man was also standing on the spot dumbly at the moment. Those black eyes were staring at the bloody man on the ground. It was also incredible. The knives in her hand fell to the ground.

"You can obviously block it, how could you be so weak..." The muttering voice was obviously from a girl.

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