Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 419

The pony-tailed female assassin's eyes widened after seeing the black-robed man stunned, and she quickly shouted: "What are you stunned!? Kill her quickly!"

However, the black-robed man seemed to be lost, and he couldn't even listen to the words of his partner. At the next moment, a wind magic suddenly struck her, and the whole person flew out directly.


The silver hair tied up the killer who liked to throw*, and then flew away fiercely. When it fell to the ground, the killer coughed up blood. The fall of the mask revealed his true face. Young man.

After solving her opponent, Illiya also turned her head abruptly. Her sight caught the figure falling in a pool of blood in an instant, her pupils gradually contracted, and her fairy-like face was gradually covered by haze.

A huge castle suddenly appeared in her mind. It was a castle covered in blood red. In front of her, several figures fell into the scarlet red.


A vast magical power suddenly emerged from her body, that substantial magical power even solidified the space, the air became extremely depressed, and the earth began to vibrate at this moment.



The surrounding terrain began to twist, and the building began to collapse due to the changes in the foundation. Everyone was attracted by the huge movement, and at the same time looked at the silver-haired figure floating in the air, exuding terrifying magic power. .

"Ilia! Calm down!"

"Stop! Illya!"

Seeing that Ilia started to lose control, Laiya and Latir also hurriedly spoke out. The situation is already very bad. If Ilia loses control, the situation will be even worse!

When Ilia heard these two familiar voices, the magic on her body gradually calmed down, and then her figure flew to the side of Belem below. She looked at the man with open eyes but distracted eyes, with a small face. A very rare look of panic appeared on the site.


Those assassins didn't dare to stay anymore when they saw this, especially the leading ponytail female assassin. At this moment, he looked at Hill unwillingly, and then stayed on Ilia for a while, his eyes full of fear.

That magic power is simply beyond the reach of humans!

"Where to go!"

A golden figure suddenly arrived, and the blazing golden flame suddenly formed a giant flame net to cover the killers. The person who came was a black-haired boy with golden flames glowing all over, it was Kolstein.

The pony-tailed female killer also lost her eyes when she saw it. As expected, everyone was already here. She looked at her fascinating partner, and hurriedly shouted, "If you don't make a move, no one can run away!"

The black-robed man's gaze gradually returned to her senses, and then she saw the golden flame net covered above, she leaped gently, and her palm touched the golden flame net.


The giant net of golden flames turned into countless flames at the moment it was touched, and the moment it broke, the killers quickly evacuated, and the black-robed man seemed to want to look back at something, but was The killer girl pulled away quickly.

"That magic..."

Colesfin was a little surprised, then shook his head and took his gaze back. Now he couldn't catch up. Then he turned his head to look at the senior who fell in a pool of blood, and he frowned.

The senior is actually so weak that he can't deal with such an opponent?

At this time, many figures came here again. One of the girls wearing a flower crown opened her eyes wide when she saw the person in the pool, and then hurried over.

"Big brother!"

Four hundred and eleventh chapters: I owe you a life

When the Corolla Girl ran to Belem's side, La Tier and others were all taken aback, and then they saw what magic the girl who was about the same age as Ilia was using.

The white magic gives people a very comfortable feeling, even if they are not affected, they can also feel this way. Everyone can judge it in the first time. This corolla girl is treating Belem!

At this time, Latis was also half kneeling in the pool of blood. She learned that the girl in the flower crown stretched out her hands, her small face was a little flustered, but her eyes were firm. After a while, the dark green magic radiated from her hands. , And then covered Belem's body with the white magic.


Seeing this scene, both Laiya and La Tier were stunned for a moment. They just remembered that La Tisi’s magic power is the magic of life, and the ability to heal is the top of all magic powers.

"What happened here?"

Many people came here, and if Belem was sober, he would find that many of them were from special combat troops, even Dulce had come.

Latier and others did not respond to them, and they had put all their minds on the man who had passed out at the moment.

Corsfin on the side thought for a while, and said his own judgment, he said: "Probably, there is a killer attacking them."

Hearing that, Dulce also nodded slightly to Korsfin, then looked at the man in the pool of blood, he sighed and said: "Sure enough, Wendy is too weak, fortunately Wendy is here today, otherwise it will be troublesome. Up."

When I first met with Belén that day, Dulce felt the former's already weak and impenetrable qi. He also uses the power of qi, so he can sense the strength of a person’s qi, which cannot be hidden. , For example, a strong man, he must have a power that the naked eye can't see but can feel it.

Obviously he was a man who had fought with the "Brave", and he would be so weak for no reason. Now it seems to be exactly what he said, probably because of the trauma of fighting with the "Brave".

At this moment, the surrounding area was surrounded by the guard knights. They all knew that there was a seriously injured person in the arena, and there was also the eldest lady of the Poggiacorti family, so they didn't dare to neglect the slightest.

And at this time, Weilian also came here, she walked to Kolstein's side, when she saw the figure in the pool of blood, the girl's eyebrows were also slightly frowned.

"Senior, he..."

Kolsfin shook his head, and then said, "If there is that girl, there will probably be nothing wrong."

During the academy festival, both Weilian and Kolstein witnessed the scene of Belém fighting many graduates with their own eyes. Naturally, they knew that the senior who didn’t seem to be more brilliant was actually too strong, and he would actually be here now. There was almost an accident here, and I knew how weak the senior was.

And because of this, my heart felt extremely heavy for the "natural disaster" at the time. Even such a strong senior Belen had suffered such a serious injury.

"Miss Hill, you still need to explain some things."

The administrators of the water park and some commanders of the Imperial Army also came here. They need to learn some information about the attack from Hill.

However, Hill did not respond at all to their voices. She had been sitting there from beginning to end. The wind was very cold this night, and she was still wearing the swimsuit, but she didn't seem to feel any coolness. .

Laya, who was by her side, was the first to regain her mentality. She patted Hill on the shoulder and said in a soft voice, "Hill, you should do what you should do first. There is no problem here. ."

"Huh? Oh..."

Hill looked at Laiya, was stunned after hearing her words, and then replied somewhat stupidly.

After Dorsa ran up, he brought a large shirt to put on Hill. Although he also had injuries on his body, it was not very serious, and this degree of injury was not a major problem for him.

It took a long time for Wendy to stop her magic power. Her small face was also a little pale. It was obvious that her magic power was also consumed very much, and she was also a little tired at the moment.

Seeing Wendy's movement stopped, La Tier, who had been worried all the time, quickly asked, "How is Mr. Belén?" She is now very nervous and nervous, for fear of hearing something bad. news.

Wendy took a few breaths and then smiled. She said, "Big brother is all right now, just needs a rest."

"Thank you, thank you!"

Hearing that Belen was okay, La Tier's tight nerves immediately relaxed, and the whole person was relieved. She wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and then thanked the girl very gratefully.

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