Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 420

"It's ok."

Wendy shook her head.

And at this moment, Wendy was stunned and grabbed her hand with both hands, and then looked at the silver-haired girl in front of her, who was looking at her with a very serious and serious look.

"I owe you my life."


Wendy was also stunned when she heard Ilia's words.

On the side, Laya stretched out her hand and rubbed Illya's head. She knew how deeply Illya had feelings for Mr. Belen, and she truly regarded Belen as her brother or father.

Kolsfin stepped forward and said, "Anyway, take the senior out of here."

"You are here too?"

When she saw Korsfen and Weilian, Laiya was also taken aback. Of course she remembered that these two young people were students at Flozarno Academy.

"Well, let me escort you away."

Although Illya was there, Kolstein was still uneasy. After all, there would always be accidents, just like the current situation, so he decided to escort them to a safe place.

"I'll go as well."

At this time, Weilian also came forward. She looked at Laiya and said, "Is the place where you live is safe. If it is not safe, why not come to me first?"

Upon hearing this, Leia shook her head and said, "Thank you, but we are now living in the residence of Grand Duke Giovanni, so we shouldn't worry about safety."

Dulce also stepped forward at this moment. He rubbed Wendy's head. The little girl was a little sluggish at the moment. This was because the magic was consumed too much.

So Dulce said, "Can Wendy live with you? She is very tired now."

"Of course it's okay, I think Hill will definitely not refuse." Laya agreed without hesitation, this is the benefactor who saved Mr. Belen.

There is an Imperial Army escort on Hill, so there is no need to worry, so La Tier and others left the water park under the escort of Kolstein, Weilian and the special combat troops and returned to the Poggiacorti family. Mansion.

With such a lineup of escorts, probably no one dares to ask for trouble.

Four hundred and twelfth chapter: one sleep is three days

After everyone escorted Belém and the others back to their residence, the Cuban father was shocked when he saw Belém was covered in blood. He wanted to call the medical staff but was stopped, and only then learned that the injury had been dealt with.

On this day, Hill came back very late. When she came back, she went to a separate room alone. She was in a bad mood, so Latier and the others did not bother. They knew Hill needed to be quiet.

Belen slept for three days in this sleep, and every day at noon, Lattes and Wendy would help Belen recuperate his body, and even gradually improved his weak physique. This is comparable to medicine. The bath is a lot faster.

With the help of Belen to regulate his body more and more times, Latiz’s growth has surprised Laiya. Now Latiz can use magic power without brewing. This is an excellent growth.

Because of Belen’s deep sleep, everyone’s mood was very low, especially Ilia. She even fell asleep next to Belem every night. Latier and Laiya also understood Ilia very well. They also very sad.

The fourth day, early morning.

The eyes that had been closed for three days and nights slowly opened at this moment. Because of the curtains, the light was very weak, so they did not pierce Belen's eyes.

Belen didn't feel anything when he just woke up. His head was blank, and his consciousness gradually recovered over time. He remembered that he was stabbed before unconscious, but now he doesn't feel any pain.

Belen tried to twist his body, and found that apart from some stiffness, numbness and bone chucking, there was only a little soreness, and then there was no other abnormality. He sat up slowly, and found that he did not Wearing a jacket, but the trousers are well worn, although they have also been changed.

Belen looked at his chest, and he found that there was still a long mark on it. Although it was very light, it was obvious that the knife was really taken off.

How is he good?Have you been unconscious for a few days?


When he heard the soft sound coming from around, Belen's doubts in his mind were also forgotten. He turned his head and looked at the silver-haired girl sitting by the bed. After watching for a while, his expression gradually softened.

"I am back."

Hearing Belen's words, the silver-haired girl's beautiful obsidian-like eyes had faint ripples. She pressed her pink lips lightly, and then slowly lowered her head, as if she was enduring something.

Belen felt a little distressed when she saw Iliya look like this. Maybe the child was guilty. He remembered that he felt Iliya’s immense magic power just before he fell into a coma. He wanted to see himself suffer. After a knife, he lost his mind.

"Good, not uncomfortable, not uncomfortable, it's okay."

Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Illia's head, then pinched the girl's cheek with both hands, pulling the beautiful face with very gentle force.


Ilia seemed to want to say something, but she couldn't speak because her face was pulled, but her bright eyes were enough to express her happy emotions.

Upon seeing this, Belen also quickly released his hand, then blinked, smiled and asked, "Ah, sorry, sorry, what do you want to say?"

"I'll call sister Latier and the others."

"Then go quickly."

Belen smiled and nodded, and after Ilia ran out of the room with a brisk pace, he looked at the basin and towel aside, and his heart warmed.

After that, Belen reached out and touched the knife mark on his chest. He frowned slightly. At that time, the knife was obviously deadly, but the opponent seemed to have retained strength?

Is this an illusion?

Is it because the target is not yourself, so you show mercy?This shouldn't be possible. Does the killer now have a new set of professional qualities?Besides, at the time, the opponent could clearly win the pursuit, but now it seems that the opponent did not do so.

The figure of the black-robed man at the time appeared in Belen's mind. His eyes condensed slightly, and his thoughts seemed to overlap with the black-robed man he saw that night.

The same person?

I really can't figure it out.

Belen shook his head, then got out of the bed, took out a new piece of clothing and put on it. After he walked out of the room, he saw several familiar figures.

"Mr. Belen!"

Latier and Laya both yelled, and then ran over quickly, came to Belen's side and began to touch Belen with their hands.

"Hey, don't touch it, I'm fine."

Belen was a little uncomfortable being touched by two girls like this. He quickly stopped the two girls, and then he smiled when he saw the second girl breathe a sigh of relief.

Latier looked at Belen with a sweet smile. Her mood was extremely tense these days. Although she knew that Belen's injury was no longer a major problem, she still couldn't relax.

"Mr. Belen! Wendy and Lattes have been healing you for these three days!"

Hearing that, Belen also nodded. He noticed Wendy when he saw the girls, and he could probably think of the reason why he was safe.

Belen looked at Wendy and Latis, and then solemnly said, "Thanks to you this time."

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