Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 421

Wendy shook her head, with shallow dimples on her face. She smiled and looked at Belen and said, "It's okay, big brother!"

"I want brother's food."

Latis smiled and blinked.

"Okay, let me take care of today's cooking!"

After Belen agreed, he suddenly felt a sense of emptiness, his stomach made a timely grunt, and then he rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

"When is it now?"

Ever since, after Belém came to the kitchen, the chefs all said hello. They didn’t know what happened, so they also asked curiously, but Belém naturally perfunctory, these things It is better not to tell them, in case they are moved in.

Because La Tier and others had used the meal, Belen only prepared one of his own. After the meal, everyone went to the sofa in the hall and sat down.

"Where's Hill?"

Belen looked around suspiciously. He found that he hadn't noticed Hill this morning, and then he frowned slightly. Could it be that Hill had an accident?

Seeing Belen asked, Latier sighed. She said with some worry: "Since I came back that day, Hill has gone to a separate room by himself, and probably hasn't eaten anything in the past few days. "

Laya on the side looked at Belém and said, "Mr. Belém, this matter probably has something to do with you, so you still need to contact Hill."

"Then leave it to me."

Belen responded, probably the child was confused.

Four hundred and thirteenth chapter: Isn't this very energetic?

Wendy has been staying in the castle these days, because she can’t worry about Belen’s injuries. She is one of the few people who know how bad Belen’s body is. During this time, she naturally talked to Latier and the others. Become a good friend.

Sure enough, as the elder brother said, everyone is a gentle and good girl.

For Wendy, except for everyone in the army, she has no other friends. It is a very happy thing for her to be friends with Ilia and others.

Belen asked curiously: "Wendy, is it okay not to return to the army?"

"Captain Dulsey has agreed to stay here for a while." Wendy nodded with a smile.

Belen nodded, and then said, "If you want to go back after that, let me take you back?" He didn't know what he could get to repay Wendy for saving his life.


Wendy responded happily.

After a while, everyone came to the second floor. At this moment, Belém was standing at the door of the room where Hill was. Behind him, the girls were encouraging him. At this time, only Mr. Belém could solve this problem. Up.

"Mr. Belen, come on!"

Hearing Latier and Laya cheering, Belem turned his head and looked at them helplessly, and then the moment he knocked on the door, the girls immediately hid away.

"Why are you so nervous?"

Belen looked at the girls helplessly, and then there was no response behind the door. He knocked on the door again and said, "Hill, are you awake? It's me."

After a while, there was no response after the door. Belen was a little confused. He wondered if Hill was still asleep so he didn't hear it, so he planned to knock again, and at this moment, the door opened.

What came into view was a girl with disheveled hair. When seeing Hill's somewhat depraved appearance, Belen also frowned slightly, and finally let him speak first.

"Can I go in?"

Hill's somewhat bleak eyes were a little brighter when they saw Belen, and they stiffened a bit after hearing the latter's words, and then nodded, surprisingly there was no objection.

So Belen walked into Hill's room, it was very dark and the light was very weak, but it was okay to see Hill clearly.

Belen sat on a chair, and Hill sat on the bed. Neither of them spoke. Although they didn't know what was going on with the latter, Belen didn't know what to say.

His mind was spinning quickly, and finally Belen took the lead and said: "Um, have you eaten?"

Hill didn't respond to his question, but Belen thought, probably she didn't eat it. According to Latier, Hill seems to have not eaten much these days.

"Hungry? Do you want me to make something for you?"

"Why did you save me at the time."

When Belen was halfway through, Hill suddenly said these words, which made Belen dumbfounded, and then he came back to his senses. As expected, the child was so depressed because of the incident at the time. .

But Belen still thought about Hill's question for a long time, and finally he sighed and said: "I can't do it if I can't save you from death."

"You will die."

Hill's voice came out again, her voice trembling.

"Am I not dead?"

Seeing Hill suddenly raised her head and looked at Belem, her hands clenched on her thighs, she gritted her teeth and shouted: "What if? What if you die!?"

She doesn't understand, she hates this guy, and this guy seems to hate her very much, obviously they hate each other, why would this guy come forward and get a knife for her?

Hearing what Hill said, Belen smiled and shook his head. He remembered his situation and said, "What if...it's not bad, anyway, it's just a little earlier."

"What do you mean?"

Hill's eyes widened slightly, just staring at Belen.

"Ah, I mean, people will die anyway, right?" Belen realized that he seemed to have almost missed something, so he hurriedly retransmitted.

After this, the two fell silent again. Belen didn't know how to let Hill relieved. It seemed that his help made Hill difficult to accept. He really didn't expect it, and finally was empty here. There was a faint sound in the room.

"Yes... right..."

Hearing this intermittent voice, Belem knew what the kid was trying to say instantly, probably because he wanted to apologize?But it looks very embarrassing.

"I said, when are you going to fall?"


Hill, who wanted to apologize, was stunned. She raised her head to look at Belem, and then listened to the latter saying: "Are you a fool? Take a guard when you go out. Isn't this easy for those killers? "


Belem was not forgiving, and then helplessly spread his hands and said: "It is said that I have caused everyone to be burdened. Now let's see who is responsible for who is the burden. I really doubt whether you are sincere."

"I am serious!"

Upon hearing Belen’s words, Hill immediately refuted. She gritted her teeth and said, “It is indeed my negligence that put Latier and the others in danger, but I really want to bring them to my house. This kind of danger will never happen again!"

Belem laughed noncommittal when he heard the words, and seemed to be ridiculing. He said, "Is that right? It sounds good, but I don't believe your character now, because this little thing has begun to fall into disbelief. , If everyone is allowed to live here, then when such a thing happens, who will comfort whom and who will protect whom?"

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