Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 422

"Personality? Ha! Do you think you can make irresponsible remarks to me once you save me?" Hill also gritted her teeth. She really couldn't stand Belen's arrogance. She sneered and said: "Indeed, You seem to have some means, but this is the first time I have seen someone fall down with a swing. So, do you really have the ability to protect them?"

Belen grinned, and he mocked: "Do you just talk to your savior like this?"

Hearing this, Hill also sneered. He said: "Savior? Oh, yes, you saved me once, if I have a chance, I will pay you back, and then, you can block a knife for me. Shouldn’t it be an honor?"

"Ah, it's such an honor, Miss." Belen looked at Hill with a smile.

Seeing what the other party looked like, Hill was also very angry. She shouted: "Don't think that you saved me once, you can point fingers at me!"

"Yes, yes." Belen sighed, answered again and again, then stood up, walked slowly to Hill, smiled and said, "You guy really dare to say it."

"You, what are you doing! I, I said, I will pay you back! You can't..." Seeing Belen walking towards her, Hill couldn't help but panic.

She also realized that she seemed to have said too much, is he angry?Isn't she going to beat her?Even so, she can only endure it, just treat it as if she is doing it for herself!

So when Belen stood in front of her, Hill subconsciously closed her eyes and lowered her head. She was ready to be beaten, but the next moment, she felt a hand on her She opened her eyes slowly and saw a young man who was half kneeling in front of him and looking up at her.

He was smiling, that hand was touching her head softly, and his voice was very soft, just like the wind blowing across his face in the midsummer.

"But, aren't you very energetic?"

Four hundred and fourteenth chapter: his smile has changed

At the moment in the room, Hill’s slightly opened mouth seemed to be trembling slightly. She looked at the man in front of her with a dull gaze. Her body was also trembling slightly. The last touch of crimson rose from the snow-white neck until she reached the base of her ears. The tips are so red.

Because the light was so dim, even Belen in front of Hill couldn't see clearly. He rubbed the girl's head, then retracted his hand and stood up.

"Okay, okay, it's time to go out when you get up, Latier and the others are worried about you."

Belen looked at the girl who was still bowing her head. He scratched her hair. He didn't know if this would make Hill back to normal, but he thought, maybe it should be okay. After all, quarreling with himself is still a lot. active.

"Do you want to go out together? Latier and the others are probably outside the door." Belen looked at the door, as if he could see the nervous girls outside.

"You, you go out."


Seeing Hill suddenly raised her head. Although she could not see her flushed face, Belen could see the girl gnashing her teeth. She shouted: "I'm calling you out!"


Is it counterproductive!?

Originally wanted to say something to make up for it, but in the end, unable to resist the girl's stare, Belen turned around very well and left the room.

Hill glanced at the door, then gritted his teeth, clasped his hands on his thighs, and finally lay backwards on the bed, with one hand in front of his eyes, and the watery spirits could be seen through the thin fingertips Pupil of the eye.

What is this guy doing, nasty guy!


"Mr. Belen!"

After seeing Belen come out, the girls all looked at him expectantly.

"Probably, it's all right?" Belen was also a little uncertain, so he replied like this.


The girls leaped for joy, and sure enough, the person who tied the bell must be tied.

When everyone returned to the hall, Belen was a little worried about Hill, and didn't know if she would come out. If she didn't show up, that means she would not be relieved.


The soft voice came to say that Belen's gaze pulled back from the stairs, he looked at Lattes, and then habitually reached out and rubbed his head.

"what's wrong?"

Latis blinked her big cute eyes. She smiled and stretched out her right hand, her palm spread out, and the dark green magic power emerged from her palm. It was the magic of life, and it made Belem feel extremely comfortable when it appeared.

"Lattes has achieved this level? It's amazing." Seeing the magic power emanating from Lattes' hands, Belen was extremely surprised. Unexpectedly, the kitten can already manipulate the magic power on his own. Days can't do it.

Could it be said that working with Wendy to heal him these days has also allowed Latis to gradually master her own magic power?This is really incredible.

It seems that not only is the magic attribute outstanding, Latis herself is very talented in magic control.

Immediately afterwards, Latis sat beside Belen, then put her hands on the latter's body, and the magic of life slowly entered Belen's body.

"Latis, brother is all right now."

"Brother has something."

Hearing what Latis said, Belen was startled, and then saw the serious look on the little cat's face, he was silent for a while, then stopped stopping her, he turned his head and looked at Wendy .

"Wendy, let you taste the dishes my eldest brother made today! I'm the God of Cooking."

Wendy responded with a smile: "I'm really looking forward to it!" She had learned about this from Laiya two days ago, but she didn't expect her elder brother to be such an amazing cook.

Immediately afterwards, a figure suddenly walked down the stairs, Belen turned his head to look, and smiled slightly, and Ratil stood up in surprise, and then ran towards Hill.


La Tier hugged Hill, and Hill was stunned for a moment, and then laughed, the little dimple was so cute, she patted La Tier on the back.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Latier let go of the hug, then smiled and shook his head and said, "It's okay, as long as Hill is fine."

After Hill came to the large living room, she glanced at Belen, and then she seemed to be whispering something, and then she shouted that she was hungry, and at Ratil’s suggestion, she went to make breakfast with everyone. .

Seeing the happy girls over there, Belen also smiled slightly. He glanced at Hill's back, and then shook his head helplessly. Even "thank you" could not be said to him.

"You little fellow, you should also help."

Belen picked up the kitten Latis, and the latter looked at Belen with that cute pupil, while he put the kitten down a little funny and patted the kitten on the back.

"Go go now."

Ratis turned her head and glanced at Belen, then ran towards Hill and the others with a lovely step.

"This little guy."

Seeing the kitten so cute, Belen felt his heart melted, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. It was great that everyone was fine.


Illiya's voice came in her ears.

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