Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 424


Chapter Fourteenth and Sixteenth: The House of Korsfen

The people he met that night made Belén's mood a bit wrong these days. He originally wanted to visit Korsfin's house the next day, but he didn't expect this to be delayed for several days.

Although he was not sure, the repeated reflections in his mind made Belen feel that the black-robed man was wrong and made him feel more and more that his intuition was right.

That killer is Lumia!

Despite this judgment, Belen is convinced but not convinced. If you think about it carefully, you can indeed find one thing, that is, Belen doesn't know Lumia's surname.

The Miesnison killer family.

Could it be said that Lumia is a member of the Miesnison family?

"Mr. Belen, what's the matter with you?"

Laya on the side frowned when she saw the rice in Belém's plate. He always felt that Mr. Belén seemed to have something on his mind these days, a little absent-minded.

Latier was also worried when she saw this, and she asked aloud: "Could it be that Mr. Belém is your injury..."

Hearing the voices of the girls, Belen also recovered. He quickly said: "No, it's okay, just some things are more concerned."

"If there is anything upsetting, you can tell us." Laiya smiled and suggested.


Belen responded, and then began to eat breakfast. Putting the problem aside, let's go out today and visit Kolstein's house.

So, after Belen explained to everyone what they were going to do, the girls immediately made a unanimous decision to go out with them, but in the end they were turned down by Belen, even though there are imperial patrols everywhere. , But it's better just in case, so let everyone stay here with Hill.

Although Latier and the others were a little disappointed, it was better to stay with Hill before the storm passed.

Belen looked at the corolla girl and said, "Wendy, if you want to go back, tell me."

"I want to stay here for a few more days." Wendy blinked his eyes wide, and then grinned back.

Therefore, Belém has gone out alone. Thanks to the help of the two girls in the past few days, his body has recovered very quickly. Now he can also use the more amplification magic, so he does not need to care too much about safety. , He can't fight, can't he still run?

According to the address left by Korsfin, Belem still needs to ask around to find the exact location. After all, he is not very familiar with Eloranya, and the distribution of areas and streets is enough to make him a headache for outsiders.

As a result, Belén would find a passerby to ask for directions every time he went through a street. Because his health was much better, he did not feel tired even for a long journey.

"Witt Street...House number 317."

Belén started looking for the house number on this street, and when he walked, he found that the order of the house numbers was a little strange, and he would always skip a few numbers.

There was an uncle selling fruit on the side of the road. After seeing the young man who seemed to be looking for something in front of the store, he seemed to guess that the young man was in trouble, so he kindly spoke out.

"Young man, do you need help?"

Hearing the sound, Belen also turned his head and looked away. He was also startled when he saw the uncle smiling at him, then took a step forward and nodded slightly.

"Hello, uncle, um, where is house number three and seven?"

The fruit seller looked in two directions on the street, and then thought about it. He smiled and said, "If you can't find it on this street, you need to walk into those small alleys, maybe you live in the alleys. "

Although I don't know the specific location, the uncle undoubtedly gave good advice.

"Thank you."

Belen bowed slightly, and then left. He probably could think of how to go. If you think about it carefully, there will be a corner where the house numbers are not connected. Probably the connected house numbers are in the alley.

Three hundred fifteen, three one six, three one... seven!

Belém came to the alley. He was standing in front of a door with the number "Three Seven" hanging on it. He looked at the address on the note and thought it was here, so he looked at this one. Wooden door.

It doesn't look like a rich family.

After Belen knocked on the door a few times, there was also a sound from inside. Although there was no response, the door was quickly opened, and a teenager with messy hair was greeted.

The boy was wearing a very ordinary white shirt and black half-length pants. He was rubbing his eyes, looking very confused, obviously not awake yet.

"Does it bother you to sleep?"

"Study, senior?"

After seeing the true face of the man in front of him, the boy opened his eyes wide, then scratched his hair, and smiled: "Don't bother or disturb, please come and sit in first."

"excuse me."

Belen responded, and then entered Kolsifen's house.

This room is not big, it can even be said to be a little small. Once you enter the door you can see the bed and some cooking tools. He sees another door.

"Can you take a look inside?"

"of course."

After getting permission, Belen went to open the door. When it was opened, he was stunned. It turned out to be a toilet, but the strange thing is that the toilet is well decorated. The rooms are half the size and they are cleaned very well. clean.

Kolsfin laughed when he saw Belen stunned. He said: "It must be cleaned, or I am afraid I won't be able to sleep in the middle of the night."

Closing the door, Belen looked at the room, and then curiously asked: "Are you living here alone?"

"Yeah." Kolstein nodded, and then said with a smile: "Just sit on the bed, it's more convenient."

"Thank you."

Belen sat down, then looked at the opaque room, and said in doubt, "Why not live with my parents? Is it a habit to live alone in such a room?"


Colesfin scratched his cheek, smiled and said, "I originally lived with my parents, but after they passed away I lived alone."

Hearing these words, Belen was stunned for an instant. It turned out that this house was originally shared by three people, and it wasn't that Colesfin moved out alone as he thought.


"No, no, no, although the seniors were right, I am not poor. I sold the house after they left. After all, one cannot live in such a big house."

Belen found that there was no haze in Kolstein's smile. Perhaps the latter had already been relieved. He was also relieved by this, and he was indeed a very good junior.

"There is nothing fun for me, otherwise, shall we go to Weilian's house?"

"it is good."

After the two went out, Belen turned his head and glanced at the door that was connected to the wall. It turned out that Kolstein entered the academy purely by his own ability.

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