Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 425

Amazing boy.

Chapter 417: Weilian's background is so powerful?

Belen had planned to visit Weilian today, but he saved a lot of things at the moment. After all, he didn't understand Eloranya's route. It would be great to be accompanied by Kolstein.

"By the way, Senpai, is your injury okay?"

When Korsfin asked, Belen nodded, then smiled and said, "Well, it's okay, it's better to say it."

At this time, Korsfin suddenly turned his head to look at Belem, looked straight, and asked in a deep voice: "Senior, you are so strong, why are you hurt like this? Is it really the work of the people from the "natural disaster" ?"

Obviously, although the other seniors were injured, they were not seriously injured, and the senior in front of him was hailed as the strongest of the "golden age" by the school principal. How could such a powerful person be " Those people from "natural disasters" are hurt to such a degree?

Hearing what Kolstein said, Belen also stunned for a while, then reached out and grabbed the white hair on his head, and he sighed bitterly.

"There is a very helpless reason here."

Seeing Belen's helpless appearance, Korsfin was also startled. He also noticed that there seemed to be some reason here, and he still wanted to know after thinking about it.

"Senior, can you talk to me?"

Hearing that, Belen also thought about it, and finally decided to talk to Korsfin. Although there are some things in it that cannot be known to outsiders, Belen is still willing to stand up for others. Very trustworthy.

"Then tell you, don't spread it, it will happen."


Ever since, on the way to Weilian’s home, Belen told Kolstein that the “brave” was also in the academy at the time and was controlled, and gave a rough explanation of why he was so weak. a bit.

When Korsfin heard that "The Brave" was also in the academy, the boy's eyes lit up, and he reconfirmed in disbelief: "Is the Lord Brave also in the academy?"

"She was walking a lot in the academy at the time, you should have seen it before." Belen's mind appeared like Sisia, and then gave a rough description.

"Red-haired girl!?"

Kolsfin recalled that figure in an instant. He had indeed seen a girl like that in the academy. Although he had only seen one face, the temperament and appearance of the other party were still hard to forget.

"Is that super beautiful girl the Brave-sama? Is it a student from our school?"

Seeing how excited Kolstein was, Belem twitched the corner of his mouth, and then reminded him a little: "After all, that's your senior sister."

"Ah! Yes, yes, I'm sorry." Kolstein remembered that the beautiful girl was a senior sister, and he quickly apologized, even though the target was not here.

Korsfin was also stunned when he heard that the "brave" was under control. He also couldn't understand why the "brave" who was hailed as the "approximate god" was controlled.

When Kolstein listened to it, he was also silent. Can the "brave" be blamed for this incident?No, after all, Lord Brave is here to help too. Obviously no one had expected such a thing.

It turns out that Senior Belen’s opponent is not a "natural disaster", but a "brave" enough to be called a "god". No wonder it ended up like this.

"Senior, thank you very much."

"Well, it's okay."

Belen didn't really care about this anymore. He didn't tell Korsfin how much time he had left. It was unnecessary. Why should he worry about this kind of thing?

There is not much time left for such things, and I have cried, and I have said what I should say. Now that I have decided, why bother to bother.

Because they learned of such things, the two of them walked on the street and lost the topic for a while, but in order to dispel this atmosphere, Kolstein thought for a long time and finally found the topic.

"Senior, let me tell you that Weilian's house is oversized, and it's no worse than where you live."

Hearing this, Belen guessed: "Weilian is a nobleman."

"Yes, she is the daughter of the Alice family, that is, the super wealthy business giant family. Have the seniors heard of it?" Kolstein said with a grin.

"Although I haven't heard of it, it sounds amazing."

After all, being dubbed such a powerful title as a "commercial tycoon", it is probably a family similar to Verni's "Andy Inz".

The rich may not have the real power of aristocracy, but they can also be called aristocrats, because their ability and influence are even comparable to high-level aristocrats.

It turns out that Weilian has such a strong background.

Weilian's home is probably in the southeast of Eloranya, so Belen and Kolstein have been walking for a long time, but they finally came to Alise's territory.

Generally speaking, people without real power of the nobility cannot own their own territory, and this is especially true in Eloranya, but there are exceptions, such as using huge amounts of money to obtain the right to use from the empire. Yes, and Weilian's family obviously does that.

Kersfin came to the iron gate and saw someone walking there, so he shouted: "Hey, buddy, is Weilian at home?"

The guard patrolling over there was also startled when he saw Korsfin, and then showed a gritted expression, he shouted: "It's you again! You stinky boy, don't come and pester our eldest lady!"

"What are you talking about, I just came to play with Willian!" Kolstein shouted dissatisfied.

The guard walked to the iron gate, he glared at Kolstein, then another young man he had never seen before, and he frowned.

"Okay, this time you actually brought someone with you. Even if you and Missy are classmates, it is said that you are just an ordinary student! Our Missy is the president of the student council! Besides, you are just a commoner after all! Not qualified to be friends with our eldest lady!"

Hearing what he said, Belen didn't say anything. After all, there are many people who value status and status. Perhaps this guard wants to do well for Weilian.

"Cut, can your eldest lady and I be friends? Besides, Weilian went to the water park with me a few days ago. What does this mean? It means that Weilian also treats me as a friend! You You can't be convinced?"

For what the guard said, Kolsifen smiled with his arms around his chest. He seemed to have been accustomed to the targeting of such guys, but he didn't care, and responded calmly.

When Belen heard what Kolstein said, he also smiled. He thought Kolstein would be angry and retorted, but Belen was surprised that he would respond with such a rogue.


The guard gritted his teeth, he stared at the young man viciously, and shouted unwillingly: "You rogue, the eldest lady will not be friends with you!"

"You are jealous."

Colesfin responded calmly.


Just when the guard wanted to refute something, he suddenly stopped, and the familiar voice came from behind Korsfin and Belen.

"Why are you here?"

Chapter 418: So, seniors can't control

At the moment behind the two, a blue-haired girl carrying a bamboo basket is standing there, wearing a blue dress with the same hair color and a straw hat on her head. She is looking at the standing iron with curious eyes. Two people in front of the door.

Hearing this voice, Kolstein and Belen also turned around. After seeing that it was Weilian, the former also grinned, and he patted Belen beside him.

"Isn't this coming to see you with the senior?"

No, no, our two goals must be different.

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