Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 426

Belen glanced at Kolstein, probably this guy just wanted to see Weilian, and he just wanted to thank him for what he had done before.

Upon hearing this, Weilian looked at the two of them, then looked at the guard inside, and said flatly: "Open the door, they are my guests."


After all, it was the eldest lady who spoke, and there was nothing the guard wanted to let the two in.

"Come in with me."

Under the guidance of Weilian, Belen and Kolstein walked into this huge mansion, and the guard glared at Kolstein, who turned his head to give a Meaningful eyes, and this also made the guard jump.

The feeling of this castle in Belem is different from that of Borgiacorti. Hill’s castle has a luxurious feeling, but Weilian’s house gives him a simpler feeling.

However, the air here is particularly fragrant. After entering the castle, you can see precious flowers everywhere. It seems that Weilian's family is very tasteful.

When I came to the upper level of the castle, there was a very empty hall. Although the light was dim, there was a natural hazy beauty. In short, it was the environment that Belen liked.

Weilian handed the bamboo basket in her hand to the maid, and then took the straw hat and set it aside. She sat on the sofa, her every move was very beautiful.

Belen, who felt this way, couldn't help but think of Hill. Compared to the proud eldest lady, Weilian was very elegant and beautiful.

After Belem and Korsfin both sat down, the maid served tea for the three of them, and Weilian asked at this time: "Senior, are your injuries healed?"

"It's almost all right now." Belen nodded, then bent down and said, "This time I mainly want to say thank you to you and Kolstein."

Regarding this, Weilian just shook her head and said: "We didn't do anything, we just escorted a distance. In fact, those people were there and we didn't need our help."

The "those" in Weilian's mouth are undoubtedly those of the special combat troops. Although it is exactly what she said, Belen has truly endured this intention.

Therefore, Belem still very solemnly thanked him.

And Weilian no longer struggled with this kind of thing. She changed the topic and said, "Senior, are you involved in any trouble?"

"Is it..."

Belen nodded helplessly. As expected, he still hated troubles. He couldn't cope with it, although he didn't regret intervening in these things.

After taking a bite of dessert from the maid, Kolstein on the side looked at Belem and said, "Senior, can you tell me? Maybe we can help."

"You are still students." Belen shook his head. He didn't want his juniors to get involved in such troublesome things. After all, it was very dangerous.

Weilian said calmly, "We are students of Flozarno Academy."

Kolsfin also brightened his eyes when he heard Weilian's words, and then looked at Belem with a smile. Yes, although they are students, they are not ordinary students.

"Senior, are you underestimating us?"

Hearing what Kolstein said, Belen was also a little helpless, but he still told the two of what he knew so far, but after hearing what he said, Weilian couldn't help but frowned.

This is not a simple matter, after all, it involves nobles at the level of the Grand Duke.

After seeing the dignified expressions of the two of them, Belen said with a smile: "Why are you so serious? This matter doesn't need you juniors to take care of it. I just happened to intervene."

At this time, Weilian also spoke. She calmly said, "Senior, with all due respect, you should take your family and leave the territory of the Grand Duke. There must be many things involved in this."

"Although this is true, but now, I probably can't leave." Belen said bitterly. He can do anything, but the relationship between Latir and Hill is now very deep, surely not. Allow him to take everyone away.

Taking them to leave Hill is a very willful choice. After all, it is to protect everyone's safety in spite of everyone's opposition. It is also cruel. After all, this seems to be abandoning Hill.

How would he choose if he was forced to do so?

Belen also has doubts about this. Although it is not clear enough, he may leave with Latier and the others. Anyway, the relationship between him and Hill is not good, right?

Kolsfin suddenly stood up. He looked at Belem and showed a bright smile. He said, "Senior, I will help you!"

"No, no, no, so I don't need your juniors..."

"Vilyn doesn't have to participate, I'll help the seniors alone!" Kolstein didn't care what Belen said, and he grinned at Weilian.

"You fellow, listen to me."

Belen rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

Weilian glanced at Kolstein. She seemed to know the latter's thoughts, and now she said coldly: "You don't need to decide what I do here."

Colesfin frowned and said, "But, wouldn't it be troublesome for the Alise family to intervene?"

"My personal actions have nothing to do with the family." Weilian answered calmly.

Seeing that these two young people made their own decisions without authorization, Belem could only laugh. I have to say that it is a good thing to have someone help. Moreover, although these two young people are juniors, they are very capable juniors. Even so, he didn't want to put the younger generation in danger.

"You two guys, don't you ask my opinion?"

Hearing Belem’s words, Korsfin smiled at him and said, "No, we are not seeking the consent of the senior."

"Since the senior told us about the situation, then we should also have our own choice." Weilian looked at Belen with a flat expression.

The young Junyi had a very sunny smile on his face, while the beautiful girl took a sip of hot tea calmly. Her attitude was also very determined, and the two spoke in unison at this moment.

"So, the senior can't control it."

Chapter 419: His Decision

After leaving Weilian's home, Belen and Kolstein were also separated by a street. Although he was moved by the decision of the two young people, he felt deeply helpless.

If something happened to these two younger generations because of him, he would be ashamed for a lifetime.

Now that we have visited Korsfen and Weilian, only the members of the special combat unit are left, but Belem is not in a hurry to visit. When Wendy wants to go back, I will thank you again. , By the way, you can also ask Flori to learn about "Zeland Bella Gwen".

Handing those things to that family member is Belen's final goal. As long as it is completed, I will probably relax a lot.

That night, Belen came to the roof tiles through the window. He just lay on the eaves of the castle, looking at the bright starry sky.

I always feel that God is torturing people, and I always have boring troubles to come to my door. Is it because I want to pursue stability, so it is so difficult?

I came to Eloranya just to do two things. It is obviously a very simple thing. Why does it become annoying to be life-threatening now?

Belen pursed his lips. Perhaps this annoyance only exists because of Poggiacorti, not against him, but ah, he still feels very melancholy.

At first, his wish was to take everyone around the world and try to avoid all the bad things. Such a harmonious and peaceful day is what he wants most, but now, it seems that he is getting farther and farther away from that kind of life?

Over the past year or so, there have been a lot of things, big and small, which kept them in trouble again and again, and his appearance at the moment speaks for itself.

Could it be that this is fate?

Belen thought of Lumia. If she hadn't interfered with Lumia, she might have completed the task and left. After he shot, perhaps Lumia who returned to the organization would be unfair. Treat it.

He doesn't regret the shot, but he blames himself a little. Maybe it would be a good thing for Lumia if he didn't meet from the beginning?

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