Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 427

Because the black-robed man he met that night made Belen even more aware that it was Rumia, so he was full of Rumia’s affairs recently. He wanted to see her again and wanted to know that she was after that. What happened.

But now it seems that Lumia is probably resisting herself.

If you don’t intervene in the affairs between Poggiacorti and Miesnesen, you may not be so entangled. After all, Belen doesn’t want to interfere with Lumia’s doing. Since she is a killer, then her To divide is to assassinate the target, and there is no right or wrong in itself.

Belen knew how influential this matter was. After all, the Imperial Army had already begun to guard against it invisibly. In his opinion, Miesnesen should have been ordered to do so, so he dared to deal with Borgia The Curty family must also be members of the party and government, and the confrontation between high-ranking aristocrats, if accidentally involved, it is very dangerous.

The so-called undercurrent surging, but will engulf people unconsciously.

Now Belen and the others must have been targeted by Miesnesen, as long as he and La Tier stay on Poggiacorti's side, they will always be in danger.

The solution is actually very simple, and that is to leave here.

Maybe the assassins would still act on them, but with Belem who has now recovered some strength and Ilia, it is not difficult to protect everyone.

As long as he expresses the meaning of no longer participating to the killer who attacked them, Belen is still quite sure that they will stop focusing on himself and others. After all, no one wants to provoke a powerful enemy. Illya's power is also very good for those killers. Experience.

Before he knew it, Belem had already begun to think about such things, but at this point, he suddenly woke up and sat up.

"I actually..."

Belen looked at his hands, his eyes were incredulous, because the thing he had just considered was running away, and running away was not shameful, it was shameful that he wanted to leave Hill alone.

may I handle it in this way?

However, if they don't leave, Latier and the others will be caught in an unimaginable secret fight, and it's unimaginable how dangerous their situation will be.

After learning about this method from Weilian that day, from the time he didn't have the idea to know this method, he began to think about the feasibility unconsciously.

For a person like the Grand Duke of Giovanni, those who dare to deal with him must be someone who should not be provoked. If they are involved, I am afraid that only death can escape this secret fight before one of the two sides falls.

Illiya may be able to protect everyone, but her own sin karma is still alive. If she intervenes in this secret fight and is found out of her identity, she may not have the chance to cleanse her sin karma again in this life.

Belen didn't want to see that scene. He clenched his fists, trying to find a perfect solution to the problem, but maybe he was rather stupid, so he couldn't find such a method.

Let Latier and the others leave with them?Maybe they will refuse willfully, after all, and Hill are already very good friends.

So, take them away with a strong attitude?

Belen couldn't help having such a rough idea, he thought, probably only this way can let Latier and the others leave with him.

Only by letting everyone leave Hill can everyone be safe.

Now the situation is getting more and more complicated. He can't ask Murphys and Flotti, otherwise their situation will be very bad. At this moment, Korstein and Willian are involved. He can't delay because of himself. Someone else.

He took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. I have to say that he is under a lot of mental pressure, and he doesn't bother to think about it anymore, he just wants everyone to be safe.

So, if there is a very conservative approach, why not use it?

As for Latier and the others, Belen doesn't care anymore, even if he wants him to take them away with a tough attitude, he must do that.

Thinking that Latier and the others might fall into the "dark spider web," Belen strengthened his mind, and absolutely couldn't let them be involved, and made a decision immediately before it was too late.

Belen stood up, and he looked at the deep night sky. The stars shone and moved, but they couldn't arouse any fluctuations in his heart, just like stagnant water.

No matter what happens afterwards, let him bear it alone.

Chapter four hundred and twentieth: It seems, what's the misunderstanding?

"Mr. Belém! Early!"

Just after freshening up and preparing to make breakfast, Belen suddenly heard a sound coming from behind. He turned around and looked around and found Latier and the others coming in through the gate.

Belen looked at the sportswear on them, a little surprised, then smiled and said: "You guys got up so early, are you out for exercise?"

"Well, we went out to practice magic."

La Tier smiled and came to Belén's side. There was tantalizing sweat on the white neck. Since the last time she helped deal with the killer, she felt that she had to study magic hard, otherwise she would not be able to help everyone.

Laya placed her hands on Elia's shoulders, and she smiled and said, "Speaking of which, although Elia is very powerful, she can't teach anyone at all."

Hearing what she said, Belem was also noncommittal. Illya's strength and talent can be said to be innate. Because she can master it by nature, she cannot teach others, not to mention that she is only fourteen years old.

And Illiya blinked big jewel-like eyes, and she calmly said: "I will teach you when I learn it." The beautiful girl seemed to say this very seriously.

As a result, the girls walked happily to prepare for the meal, while Belen stood there, watching everyone's backs were silent for a long time, and then there was a voice in his ear.

"Hey, it's time to make breakfast, don't you know if you will be hungry after exercising early in the morning?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Belen also turned his head to look. At this moment, Hill was looking at him with his arms folded. When the two eyes met, Hill seemed to flash a certain picture in his mind. , She subconsciously avoided her gaze.

"Look, what do you see! Don't hurry up to make breakfast!"

"Hug, sorry."

Out of guilt for Hill, Belen also moved away at the moment when the former's eyes dodged. After experiencing yesterday's thought activities, he now needs time to adjust, otherwise he would not even have the courage to talk to Hill. Up.

Seeing Belen turned and left, Hill looked at the departed back strangely. She always felt that Belen today was a bit strange. She frowned slightly, but could not think of a reason.

When Belen was absent-mindedly ready to cook, he placed the end in front of Hill, and then was about to return to the kitchen to have his own meal. He felt a little uncomfortable just staying with Hill now.

"So sweet!"

Hill immediately spit out the beef rice that he had just chewed in his mouth. The sweetness was almost nauseating. Why is the beef rice so sweet?


Belem had stopped when he heard Hill’s words, but now he turned around when he heard the call, and then said bitterly, "That, it seems that I made a mistake."

Hill snorted coldly, and shouted in disbelief: "You did it on purpose!"

"Sorry, I was absent." Belen was a little guilty.

Seeing Belen apologize, not only was Hill stunned, even Latier and the others suddenly turned their heads and looked at the former. Did Mr. Belen apologize to Hill?

After Hill was stunned for a while, she looked at Belem, then turned her head, she said softly: "If there is any discomfort in your body, go to rest. The cooking that you save will affect my health. "

"I'll do it for you again."

Hearing Hill's words, Belen also fell silent for a while, then picked up the beef rice in front of Hill, turned and walked towards the kitchen. It was not that he was not physically well, but that there was a psychological problem.

Seeing the back of Belen turning and leaving, Hill watched for a long time. She always felt that Belen had something on her mind, and then pursed her lips, then shook her head secretly. It doesn't matter if she has any concerns.

In the evening of this day, Belen was walking in the corridor. He was a little entangled whether to tell Latier and the others today. After all, it would be better to leave early, but he couldn’t imagine how Latier and the others would be after he said it. An expression.

"Mr. Belen?"

After hearing the sound that came, Belen also turned around, and the blonde girl was greeted by the blond girl. Belen was also taken aback when he saw Laiya, and then noticed the nightdress and soft long hair she was wearing. , I think I just freshen up.

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