Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 428

Laya came to Belém and asked curiously: "Mr. Belém, what are you doing here?"


Seeing Laya asked, Belem was a little hesitant, but then he stared at the girl in front of him, and then made a mental preparation. He said, "Laya, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?"

"Come to my room."


As a result, Laya followed Belen to the latter's room very nervously. She sat on the sofa a little nervously, looked around, and then spoke carefully.

"Bei, Mr. Belen, don't you turn on the lights?"

"Moonlight is enough, sorry, I'm a little nervous."

This, what is this going to do!?

Laya's heart suddenly pulled, and her cheeks flushed unconsciously. She was a little afraid to look at the man sitting by the bed. It's easy to misunderstand the current situation.



"I know that to say these things, it may be a bit early now, but I think it is better to say it as soon as possible."

Listening to Belém's words, Laya's legs are close together, her hands are entangled, her cheeks are already red, and she always feels that Mr. Belém will say something embarrassing next moment.

Mr. Belén, I don't mean that to you, we are not suitable!

Well, just say that!

Pooh!How to say it!

From time to time, Laya glanced at the man with his head down by the bed. The latter seemed to be thinking about something. His expression was very serious. But seeing this scene, her throat rolled slightly and she swallowed. Is it true that Mr. Belém is serious?

No way?Does Mr. Belén treat me...

When did it start?

Laiya looked at Belém and saw the serious face under the moonlight. She held her hands very tightly. If you look closely, Mr. Belém who has calmed down is quite handsome, how can you say?Beside Mr. Belem, there is always a sense of security.

She doesn't hate Mr. Belén, and she has to admit that there is a little good feeling, which she thinks is a kind of love and dependence that is closer to a reliable brother.

However, if you want to have a relationship like a couple, it seems...

At this moment, Belen suddenly raised his head, his eyes met with Laya's eyes, and the latter immediately recovered as if he had been electrocuted, then closed his eyes and lowered his head.

"I want to take everyone out of here."

"Mr. Belém! Please also consider it!"

The atmosphere was silent for a while, and Laya was startled suddenly, she opened her eyes, she raised her head to look at Belém, blinked, recollected what Mr. Belén had just said, and then tilted her head.


Chapter 421: What should I do?

"You are already very happy if you are willing to consider me."

Although Laya's instant reply made Belen stunned, he still breathed a sigh of relief. It was great not to be rejected directly, but he was nervous.

"No, no, no."

Laya shook her head quickly. She looked at Belen a little strangely, always feeling a little strange. She said: "Mr. Belen, please repeat what I just said."

"I said... I want to take everyone here."

Although a little strange, Belem repeated it.

After confirming what Belen said, Laya also put a hand on her chest, and then let out a long sigh of relief. It turns out that she made a mistake. What she was thinking about just now!

After calming down, Laya began to think about the meaning of the sentence. She was silent for a while, and then said: "Mr. Belen, do you want to take everyone away from Poggiacorti?"

Belen nodded, and said seriously: "Yes."

I wanted to explain it directly to everyone, but Belen has been hesitating, so after seeing Laiya, she decided to say that the intelligence of the latter will definitely understand her own good intentions.

Laya calmly said, "Mr. Belém, you want everyone to stop interfering in Hill's family."

Indeed, as Belen had thought, Laya understood Belen's meaning in an instant.

Belen lighted his head and said with a serious expression: "Yes, if this continues, it will not be just the killers of Miesnesen. We should not intervene in this dispute between the upper-class nobles."

"Does Mr. Belén mean we don't care about Hill anymore?" Laya clarified the deeper meaning of Belén's words, and she stared at the latter.

"Yes, yes." Belen shook his hands. He lowered his head slightly, not daring to look at Laya's eyes. He said: "We have saved her several times. It's enough. It's not enough for everyone. Cut off contact, just leave temporarily."

Hearing that, Laya just looked at Belem calmly. After a while, she said, "However, everyone will not be willing to leave Hill at this point in time."

She is the same.

Everyone has become good friends with Hill, and during this time, Hill is life-threatening, and they can't leave good friends behind.

Immediately afterwards, Laya stood up. She looked at Belém, bit her lower lip, and then said disappointedly: "Mr. Belém, you have changed."

"The former Mr. Belén would definitely not watch the people in front of him suffer without helping him."


Leia had left the room. Although she didn't see what kind of expression Leia had said, Belen thought, probably with a very disappointed expression.

He sat on the edge of the bed with his fingers intersecting, and silently raised his head and looked at the moonlight outside the window. There is no doubt that Laya understood his intentions, but he was disappointed in his decision.

So, Belén lay back on the bed, the back of his left hand pressed against his forehead, and there were faint ripples in those black eyes, and he gritted his teeth.

He can't help it, what should he do?

In the early morning of the next day.

Belén didn’t sleep well last night, his eyes were a little dark, and his spirit was a little bit depressed. After washing, he walked to the top of the stairs, and at this moment, he found a figure walking towards him and looked carefully. It turned out to be Laiya.

After the events of last night, Belém is now a little hard to face Laya. After all, Laya is also a member of their family, and he was extremely sad when he let the family down.

Therefore, Belén retracted his gaze and then walked down the stairs. At this time, Laya also came to him, which caused his movements to be slightly stagnant, and immediately afterwards, Laya's voice came in. In his ears.

"If Mr. Belém decides that way, I have no choice but to respect you, but I hope Mr. Belém can talk to them again after the end of this month."

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