Wonderful trip to another world

Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 429

Hearing these words, Belen was also startled, then looked at Laya, and said with some doubts: "The end of the month?"

Laya did not go to see Belem, but responded and said: "Well, Hill mentioned before, there is a banquet at the end of the month, and she is already preparing our dress these days, and La Tier seems to be looking forward to it. When that day comes, so will I."

Hearing these words, Belen remembered that there was such a thing. He was silent for a while, and then softly replied, which was regarded as agreeing to Laya.

Although the sooner that matter is told to everyone, the better, but since Latier and the others are looking forward to the banquet, he can only push back. After the banquet they are looking forward to is over, he must summon up The courage to tell everyone about this.

Leia, who was walking by Belém, opened her mouth and gritted her teeth. She was a little unwilling to say: "Mr. Belém, can't you stay and help? If we work together, it may not be as expected. Sleepy?"

Hearing what Laiya said, Belem shook his head and said, "Laiya, there are too many unknown dangers in it. We can't join in."

Laya pressed her lips tightly. She seemed to want to say something, but at this moment a few girls just walked into the big store and looked at their sportswear, apparently they had just returned from a workout.

Belen was also startled. He glanced at Laya next to him. Only then did he understand that the child probably didn't sleep well after the incident last night, so he didn't go out with everyone this morning.


Hill came to Belem with her hands wrapped around her. She hesitated for a while, and then said indifferently: "It will be a banquet in a few days. If you dress like this, I won't let you follow."

"That's it, then I..." Belen was a little helpless, and just wanted to say that he would not go, but the next moment he was interrupted by the girl's words.

"So, in order not to lose everyone's face, I also prepared a dress for you." Hill turned his face and did not go to see Belen, then snorted and said, "I'm not for you! I participated. The banquets are all famous families. If you don’t dress decently, you will insult my reputation!"

Hearing what she said, Belen's eyes widened slightly. Seeing the proud look of the girl, his heart hurt. He thought that Hill would not allow him to go, but he didn't expect it to be like this. .

These days I have also noticed that Hill's attitude towards him has changed slightly, and he has never refused to be friends with Hill, just like Latier and the others.

But now...

What should I do?

Until this day passed, when Belen thought of Hill, his heart that was no longer shaken again shook. He was a little confused. What should he do?

Now he does not have the ability to protect everyone comprehensively, even if Illya is there, there is even a danger of revealing Illya's identity in the battle that may occur later.

If there is a situation where he has to be allowed to take action later, maybe there is not much time left that will get shorter and shorter. He doesn't care about death, but wants to accompany them as far as possible.

Chapter 422: Mies Nathan

There is a basin in the mountains outside Eloranya, surrounded by uninhabited areas, but there are many green grass and trees, which can be said to be a place with abundant natural atmosphere.

And there is a barrier in that basin, and a huge castle is hidden under the barrier, so hidden, like a special institution of the empire.

However, this is not a special institution of the empire.

There are still many houses outside the castle, which surrounds the castle in a ring shape. Although it is in many mountains, it is like a small country outside the world.

At this moment, a figure in a black battle suit was walking on the avenue in the castle, and this person was Lumia who Belen had always wanted to see. She looked calm at the moment, and strangely, she was wearing a collar around her neck.

And here is the home base of the Miesnison killer family.

Except for Lumia, the people around them all dressed differently, but they all wore clothing that was easy to fight. They were also killers.

"That person is the number one sting bee on the new list!"

"It is said that her previous missions were all one-shot kills, but this mission seems to have failed, so she gave up the mission before returning."

"It seems that her teacher is the ninth black wolf."

The people around were talking about it, no matter what it said, although Lumia heard it, she was not moved, she walked into the castle with a cold expression.

"You haven't given me an explanation last time."

After Lu Mia walked into the castle, a voice suddenly came from the side, which also made Lu Mia stop. She turned her head to see that a girl with a ponytail was leaning against the wall with her hands around her chest. Standing on tiptoe against the wall.


Lumia only apologized in the end.

The ponytail girl glanced at her, then sighed, and said, "Lu Mia, did you relax with the knife at the time and could obviously kill the other person? Do you know that person?"


Lumia didn't hide it from her.

Upon seeing this, the ponytail girl shook her head helplessly, then reached out and patted Lu Mia on the shoulder, and said, "Did you go to that person the other day?"

Because she went to find Rumia that day, but she couldn't find Rumia anywhere, and now she knew that they knew each other before she came to this conclusion.

Lumia nodded.

Seeing Lumia's appearance, the ponytail girl thought for a while, then smiled and said, "It looks like that person is fine."

Lumia knew that the girl was worried about herself, so she smiled and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, Cheryl and Lumia are buddies!" The ponytail girl smiled and patted Lumia on the shoulder, then she seemed to think of something, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "It is said that you are annoying My teacher is here. It seems to know that your mission has failed. Now you are in a very bad mood. You are going to pick up the mission. I will accompany you. Be careful."

Cheryl was very annoying to Lumia's teacher. She still remembered one time she happened to pass by and watched the scene where Lumia was slapped in the face.

How could there be such a hateful teacher?

"I know."

When she heard the "teacher" was there, Lumia's eyes darkened slightly, but she still smiled at Cheryl, and she nodded.

Immediately afterwards, the two traveled together. They came to the second floor of the castle. On the second floor, there was a lobby where the rewards were offered. The killers depended on rewards from all over the empire to sustain themselves. Economic source.

Although Misnaisen is a killer family, in fact not all killers have the surname "Misnaisen". This killer family has countless branches of factions, but they all respect "Misnaisen", but A capable killer is also respectable, such as the one beside Lumia.

There is a new list in this killer family, which is for the younger generation of killers to compete. Now the first place is "Stinger Bee", which is Lumia, and the second place is next to her. Cheryl, codenamed "Evil Spider".

When Lumia and Cheryl came to the hall, many people's eyes were swept away from them. The killers of the older generation rarely appeared on the second floor, so here are the younger generation. Killers, when they saw these two young girls, their eyes were filled with fear.

Although they are of the same generation, the talents of these two girls as killers are outstanding, and even the magic attributes are enviable.

"Sting bee."

When someone called, Lumia also turned her head. When she saw the middle-aged man standing there, her heart jumped, and then she walked over with her head down.

Cheryl narrowed her eyes slightly after seeing the middle-aged man. The latter was Lumia’s teacher, ranked ninth in this killer family, named Burton Miesnaisen, code-named "Black Wolf "The strength is naturally nothing to say, but even if it is a killer on the dark side, his character makes her very disgusting.

Seeing Lumia leaving behind with her teacher, Cheryl stopped staying after hesitating for a while, she followed carefully.

When we arrived at the top of the castle, there was no one here, but then Burton brought Lumia to here, and it was very windy.

Burton turned his back to Lumia and said coldly: "Have I told you that you are not allowed to fail."


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