Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 430

Lumia lowered her head in response.

The next moment, Burton suddenly turned around and stood in front of Lumia, then raised his palm high and waved it down fiercely.


Lumia fell to the ground, her left cheek was all red, and blood was spilled from the corner of her mouth, but she had no intention of resisting at all.

Burton looked at the girl on the ground coldly, his expression was indifferent, but his eyes were extremely mad. He said: "Obviously, the task can be completed, but in the end, is his heart soft?"

When she heard these words, Lumia suddenly raised her head and looked at her teacher in disbelief. She didn't expect her teacher to send someone to monitor her.

"I think you have forgotten what I said to you." Burton looked cold, and a bead appeared in his hand, and his fingertips entered magic power into it.


Lumia suddenly screamed, and the collar around her neck emitted an electric current. The strong electric shock made the girl's whole body pained and even started to smoke.


Hearing this voice, Burton also temporarily stopped. He looked up indifferently and found a girl with a ponytail came here.

Cheryl has been hiding behind the door, and she couldn't help showing up after hearing Lumia's screams. When she saw Lumia curled up and trembling on the ground, the girl's face immediately became ugly. She looked at Burton coldly.

"What kind of shit teacher are you?"

Hearing these words, the madness in Burton's eyes no longer only appeared in his eyes, but spread all over his face. He looked at the girl with a strange expression.

"Your words remind me of someone."

Chapter 423: Cheryl

At this moment, the ponytail girl Cheryl confronted Teacher Lumia. Despite the difference in seniority and strength, the girl still stood up resolutely.

"I don't care who you think of, I told you directly, I hate you!"

For this middle-aged man, Cheryl did not have the slightest sense of awe. After she said these words, she squatted down and helped Lumia up and leaned against her. She could feel the latter's body slightly Trembling.

"Little girl, I'm afraid I can't help but kill you."

"If you have the guts."

Cheryl looked at Burton indifferently, and she said indifferently: "If you have the guts to kill me, my teacher will never let you go. Of course, you don't mind being killed either."

Hearing the girl's words, the madness on Burton's face gradually faded. He stared at Cheryl and said solemnly: "Do you think I'm afraid of him?"

Hearing that, Cheryl just shrugged and said indifferently: "I don't know if I'm afraid, you will not be able to beat him anyway, but after killing me, you can just run away. I guess he will not be able to catch him. You, black wolf, black wolf, presumably canine creatures run very fast."

"Are you irritating me?" Burton's expression returned to normal, but the murderous intent was looming in his eyes. He really wanted to solve the problem in front of him like this.

"Yes, but what can you do?"

Cheryl curled up her mouth and smiled wildly, as if she was not afraid of the person in front of her. She sneered and said, "Lumia is my friend. You dare to do this to her again, I swear..."


Before she finished speaking, the trembling person in her arms made a trembling sound, and Cheryl curled her lips, then gave Burton a cold look. She carefully carried Lumia on her back, and then Left here.

"Friend, friend again, what's the use of this thing?" Burton's face suddenly showed anger, his eyes were crazy like a patient, and he smiled and said to himself: "Lu Mia, can't you run? Dropped."

On the castle, the strange and crazy laughter kept echoing.

After leaving the top, Cheryl took Lumia all the way out of the castle and returned to her residence. There was no one in her house, but it was a very safe place.

She put Lumia on the bed, and Cheryl also sat down. She couldn't help but feel palpitations when she thought of her behavior just now. How could she not be afraid of death.

Cheryl looked at Lumia who was in a coma and also clenched her hands. She gritted her teeth. This is the second time she saw Lumia being abused by her teacher. Why did Lumia treat her like this? Are you a teacher?

It's just ranked ninth. Is it good to teach?Cheryl didn't agree with this point. Lumia was so good that she was able to achieve her excellence, and she had nothing to do with that guy!

No, you must save Lumia from that guy.

Seeing Lu Mia still frowning even in a coma, Cheryl was very distressed, probably even in a dream, Lu Mia was still in pain.

Cheryl didn’t know about Lumia’s past, because the two of them didn’t know each other for long. She had been following her teacher to practice outside, but even though she didn’t get along for a long time, Cheryl still treated Lumia. Become a good friend.

Although she was always resisted by Rumia at the beginning, Cheryl knew that it was not that she hated herself, but that she didn’t want to have anything to do with others. It took a lot of effort for herself to become friends with Rumia. She didn’t allow anything. People took Lu Mia away from her!

For the killer, friends are very precious.

After a long time, Lumia gradually woke up. She found that she was lying on a big bed, and the pain in her body had subsided. She sat up slowly and looked around.

"Lumia, you are awake."

Cheryl poured a glass of water, then walked to the bed and handed the water to Lumia. She smiled and said, "You fellow, you are really uneasy."


"I want to hear thank you more than I am sorry."

Hearing Lumia’s apology, Cheryl also smiled and shook her head. She sat on the side of the bed and said: "Lumia, leave that person, otherwise, sooner or later, you will have an accident."

Lumia, who had finished drinking the water, heard Cheryl's words, she held the water glass in both hands and was silent. She couldn't give Cheryl any answer.

Seeing her silence, Cheryl sighed. She stopped mentioning the person's affairs, but smiled and said, "If one day Lumia is willing to tell me the past, I will be very happy. ."


Lumia lowered her head and apologized again. She felt guilty for never telling Cheryl about her heart. She also regarded Cheryl as a friend from the bottom of her heart, just like those people.

"So, I don't want to hear this sentence."

For Lumia, Cheryl was really tired. She had a lot of concerns but she had been buried in her heart. She had suffered so many wrongs, but she never showed it.

"I'm sorry..." Lumia didn't seem to find the right words, so she repeated the sentence.

"Please don't apologize."

Cheryl was a little helpless, and then she stood up, and when she was thinking about what to do, she noticed the door and didn't know when it was opened.

"You have a good rest."

So Cheryl left the room, and when she came to the hall, she saw a thin man sitting on the sofa.


The thin man turned his head. The face with a scar was not ugly. He smiled and said, "Hey, Cheryl, how did you bring that little guy back? Is it possible, you Are there any special hobbies? Don't worry, the teacher never discriminates against these!"

"Teacher you, always think of something inexplicable."

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