Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 434

Belen, who was standing at the entrance of the hall, turned around after hearing the sound. When he saw the girls in their dresses, his eyes also glowed.

Too, too dazzling.

Walking in the middle is Hill. She is wearing a pure brown off-shoulder long dress. Her long brown hair is slightly curled and scattered behind. The clear and beautiful collarbone is exposed. The floral skirt lined up the flawless whiteness of her thighs. There is a shining crystal necklace hanging in front of him, and a pair of white jade bracelets on his hands, showing his noble temperament.

Laya itself is an extremely rare elven race. The beautiful blonde hair is hung down by the white pleated hair ring. The pleated skirt like turquoise flowers brings out the lightness that belongs to the elves. You don't need any modification to be called a beautiful girl. The exquisite costumes at this moment perfectly outline her exquisite and seductive figure, which is probably enough to make many men fall for it.

La Tier's figure is slender and slender, and her brownish-yellow color system corresponds to her eyes and hair. The brown-yellow dress is exquisitely crafted, the skirt is decorated with handmade flowers, and the skirt is covered with tulle. , Those extremely slender long legs are looming, wearing a small hat on his head, and a pair of flower ribbons under his ears, this kind of decoration highlights that pure temperament.

Because Wendy has not yet returned, and Hill has also prepared a princess dress for her. Because she is not tall, she looks like a porcelain doll in a dress like Lattes. Maybe anyone will bear it. Can't help but want to pity them.

But the only thing that surprised Belen was Ilia, because the latter was not wearing a lady's dress, but a men's dress like herself.

Ilia is now wearing a silver-white suit, her long silver hair is tied into a ponytail and hung behind her. It is better to say she is like a princess like the prince charming of all girls. I think this is a woman, but it can also be said to be a beautiful boy in the legend.

If Ilia were a boy, probably those who call themselves beautiful men would be ashamed to death.

"Ilia, you..." Belen found that the suit on Ilia was somewhat similar to his own.

Elia said calmly: "I want to be like my brother."

Hill on the side sighed and said with great regret: "It's a pity, it's a pity, I have already thought about what kind of dress I will design for Illia, but this kid just wants to be like you. ."

Hearing that, Belen was also a little helpless looking at Ilia. This is really hurting. If it is a women's clothing, it is fine. Illia, who is dressed in men's clothing, stands beside him, and he is always shocked. feel.

"Forget it, Illya likes it."

After Ilia approached, Belen also smiled and rubbed the girl's head. I don't know how many girls will be captured by Ilia tonight.

After getting on the carriage, it was the starting place for the banquet. It was the best banquet place in Aloranya, and it was said that it was built by a grand duke.

When Belen and others got out of the carriage, he discovered that the people who came and went were all wearing extremely luxurious costumes, and they were all aristocrats.

But this number is really large.

Followed Hill into the huge palace. This was the place for the banquet. After the golden light shrouded everyone, the dresses on Latir and the others seemed to show real beauty at this moment.

The five girls all seem to be real princesses. Even the men's Yi Liya also has extraordinary charm. The six people walk side by side and are dazzling.

Belen walked behind them and couldn't even walk side by side with them. Compared with the brilliance on them, he looked very bleak.

Countless people’s eyes were attracted by the scenery created by the six girls at this moment. Everyone knew only the eldest lady Hill of the Poggiacorti family, but they had never seen the other five girls. .

"Is that an elven girl?"

"Is that a girl or a boy? Okay, so handsome!"

"Probably all of that lady's friends."

Many people started to talk about it. Most of the men in this banquet were very young. After seeing the five very temperamental and outstanding girls, they all brightened. Unsurprisingly, the existence of Ilia is even more so. Attracted the eyes of all women.

Princesses and princes.

The people present were all active, looking for opportunities to get close to the six people. The dazzling light was the most attractive, and the brilliance of the girls had undoubtedly attracted everyone present.

Behind them, Belen also noticed the gazes of the nobles. This scene is very similar to the scene where passers-by see Iliya and the others, but it is different. Although he now has that uncomfortable feeling, it is more Duo sighed. He looked at the six figures, and a faint ripple appeared in his eyes, as if he and there were already two worlds.

Chapter Four Hundred and Twenty-eight: Really Can't Adapt

It has been a long time since the banquet began, and many aristocrats came to Hill to greet them consciously or unconsciously, although most of their eyes were on the other girls.

"Miss Hill, who are these here?"

Several aristocratic men with a goblet came to Hill, and their eyes were constantly looking at the girls, and they were also very concerned about these few clear streams, who were often in contact with the noble daughters.

Hill glanced at them, then smiled and said, "These are my friends, you can also treat them as members of my Poggiacorti family."

Hearing that, the noble men were shocked. Although they wanted to know the identities of these girls, what Hill said at the moment made them have to be cautious. After all, there is a behemoth Porgia Corti supporting behind him. It must be taken seriously.

There was music in the banquet, which was very pleasing and elegant. Some nobles even began to dance, and the atmosphere became more enthusiastic for a while.

After the noble men left, Hill turned and looked at the girls. She smiled and said, "If you don’t want to dance with them, just refuse. Also, if anyone asks about your identities, just say yes. My relatives and friends are just fine."

Immediately afterwards, some noble daughters gathered around, not only men are interested in the outstanding temperament and appearance of Laiya and others.

A young girl noticed Ilia. She walked over with a smile, and then asked with a smile, "Is this a little brother or a little sister? She looks very young."

Eliya looked at the girl, and she calmly said, "I don't want to dance."

Hearing Illiya's voice, the girl realized that the man dressed as a man was a girl, and she started to laugh again after a slight start.

"It's okay, then don't dance, then do you want to play with me?"

After hearing the words, Illiya hesitated for a moment, and then after noticing Ratil's encouraging gaze, she nodded and responded with one word: "Okay."

"Little sister, you dress up like this, or you just pretend to be a boy?" The girl seemed to have a good idea, and she smiled and said to Ilia.

Illiya looked at the girl in confusion, and then asked, "Isn't I like this?"

"It's very similar, but the voice is more alike if it's a little boy." The girl said with a smile.

"Is that so?"

With the help of magic power, Illiya distorted the voice of her throat a bit. Her voice now looks more neutral, like a boy or a girl.

"Yes, yes, that's it, shall we go and play together?"

"And me, let's play together!"

A few more girls approached, and Illya was immediately buried among the girls. She blinked her eyes, she didn't know the situation, but she couldn't resist.

For the girl, she didn't really care whether Illia was a boy or a girl, but she thought, probably other girls would be more willing to believe that she was a boy.

Having said that, the little sisters who are dressed as men are so beautiful, what if they are women?

The food in the banquet is undoubtedly very tall, and the foodie cat Latis attracted Wendy’s companion. The two began to search for the food in the banquet. The nobles saw two lovely girls Eating food everywhere is also fun, just like looking at two dolls.

Except for the girls, Belen was sitting in a corner at this moment. He calmly looked at the location of the girls. Although there were many people, his eyes seemed to be locked on them.

Although Belém is considered handsome in a dress, there are not many young men with temperament and looks in this banquet, and he has less of the temperament that can move people compared with those nobles.

But Belen didn't care. He didn't want to socialize with these nobles. It would be nice to sit here quietly. Sometimes he can eat something when he is hungry.It's just that he is now looking at those figures wholeheartedly, feeling a little sigh and melancholy in his heart.

It would be great if there were no troubles, but now he thought it might be really good to let them live with Hill.

Although he didn't want to leave everyone, the scene he saw at the moment made him feel as if they should be on the other side.

Wendy has her big family, and Laya will eventually return to the Fairy Forest, and he will not be able to stay with Ilia and the others for long, when they will have no one to rely on.

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