Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 435

Sure enough, they are still suitable for such a life.

Unfortunately, he must take everyone away from Poggiacorti, otherwise everyone will be in danger. If Hill really accepts them, he certainly doesn't want everyone to be hurt because of him.

Belen's eyes were a bit hollow, the music echoing in the palace could not be passed into his mind, and he just bowed his head blankly.

"Mr. Belen?"

Hearing several consecutive calls from his ear, Belen also gradually recovered. He raised his head and found that La Tier was standing in front of him with an anxious expression.


After responding, La Tier breathed a sigh of relief. She asked very worried: "Mr. Belém, are you uncomfortable? Why are you sitting here?"

Hearing that, Belen wanted to smile, but found that he couldn't do it, so he could only calmly answer: "I just remembered some past events, it's okay."

"That's good."

La Tier nodded, then blinked, there seemed to be a blush on her cheeks, and she said with a slight twist, "Mr. Belém, I want to be with you..."

"Miss Latier, why are you here?"

"We found a lot of delicious food over there, let's go together!"

Just when Latier was about to say something, suddenly some noble girls came over, and they looked at Belem curiously, and then at Latier.

"Ah I..."

"Go play, don't worry about me here."

Belém's words came in her ear, Latil was taken aback, she glanced at Belém, she actually wanted to dance with Belém, she pursed her lips, nodded in disappointment, and followed the girl They left.

Seeing that everyone was so easy to do among the nobles, Belen was also a little bit emotional. Sure enough, everyone was still suitable for such an upper class. He shook his head and stood up.

I always feel that being here will affect everyone's interest in playing, so Belen decided to leave. He didn't have any appetite, and I didn't know why he was a little tired. As expected, he was not suitable for such an occasion, and he stayed long enough anyway.

Belen walked to the entrance of the main hall, he looked back at the smiling girls, and then he also smiled slightly, turning around and walking out of the palace.

Chapter 429: Can't Give Up

The lights were shining, and beams of light set off those elegant figures. The nobles did have a noble temperament that ordinary people did not possess. At this moment, those girls were also infected with that noble breath.

Laya and Latir both received invitations from several nobles to dance, but both declined. As for some of the more troublesome nobles, Hill helped to refuse them.

Dancing with strangers is really unacceptable. This is true even for the lively Laya, and because of her special race and more outstanding appearance, there are even more people inviting her than Latier.

"So tired."

Laya also found a chair to sit down. She let out a long sigh of relief and looked around while eating the food. Although she likes lively, she is a bit uncomfortable with such a scene.

"Where is Mr. Belém?"

At this time, La Tier, who was also resting on the side, suddenly noticed this. She looked at the place where Belen was before, but there was no one at this moment.

Hearing Latier's question, Laiya was also startled. She looked around but did not find the familiar figure. She frowned slightly, a little confused.

"Isn't it going to go first?"

Latier said thoughtfully: "Mr. Belén doesn't seem to like this scene."

Three hours have passed since the beginning of the banquet, and indeed some nobles have left the venue one after another, Latis and Wendy have long been unable to eat, Laiya and Latil are also somewhat lacking.

"When shall we go?" Latil sat in the chair, feeling a little sleepy.

Iliya was also back now, her little face seemed a little tired, she really couldn't bear the toss of those girls, so she sat on the chair tired too.

At this time, Hill came over and laughed at the tired look of the girls. She said, "Everyone is tired? Or, shall we go back?"

"Mr. Belén doesn't know where he is."

Hearing Ratil's words, Illya on the side said: "Brother he went out before, but he hasn't returned yet."

No, no, maybe I went back.

Seeing how innocent Illiya looked, Liya couldn't help but spit in her heart, and then she shook her head and said, "I must have gone back, let's go back too."

Laya couldn't help thinking, is Mr. Belém planning to talk about it tonight?

As a result, the girls left the palace, got on the carriage and left in the direction of the mansion. Although the banquet was very happy, it was too tired.

At night, the group finally returned to the mansion. They couldn't wait to soak in a hot spring to sleep, and they returned to the castle laughing all the way.

"I'm going to get a change of clothes, you go first." Knowing that everyone is tired, Hill said very thoughtfully.

"Thank you."

Hill smiled and waved his hand, then walked towards the direction of the room.

The girls were walking on the corridor, and the kitten Latisi was a little sleepy and yawning, but she touched her belly again, and had a little bit more food tonight.

"It turns out that the noble banquet is like this."

"It's a really good experience."

Laiya smiled slightly, but then she noticed that a person was walking towards this side at the other end of the corridor, and when she saw Belem, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Mr. Belen!"

La Tier called out and greeted her, and when the two parties came in front of her, she complained, "Why did Mr. Belén leave without saying hello?"

Belen scratched his cheek when he heard the words. He smiled and said, "I don't like that atmosphere very much. I just came back alone after seeing you guys having such a good time."

"That's it."


The atmosphere was silent for a while, because Belen didn't ask them what they were going to do, so Latier also answered, but then she found Belen's smile disappeared.

"Mr. Belen, what's the matter with you?"

Hearing Ratil's question, Belen's hands were also clenched tightly. He exhaled and suppressed the complex emotions, and then said: "We have been in Hill's house for long enough, and it's time to leave. ."

When Latier heard Belen's words, she was startled. She hesitated for a while, and then said, "Mr. Belen has done everything, so are you leaving?"

"It's almost done. Take Wendy back to the city in the past two days. My business should be finished." Belen nodded, and then he noticed the hesitant color on Latier's face. He was silent for a moment. Asked: "Is it reluctant?"


Latier nodded.

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