Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 436

Upon seeing this, Belen looked at Lattes again, the kitten was also nodding his head, and Illia looked normal, he looked at Laya again, and the girl was looking at him.

At this moment, Latier suddenly raised a smile. She looked at Belen and said with a smile: "It's okay! Anyway, you can come and play with her if you don't live in Hill's house?"

Belen's face froze slightly, and then he whispered: "Probably, I can't play with her in a short time."

"Why?" Latier was startled when he heard the words.


Seeing that Belém couldn't say it, Laya couldn't stand it anymore. She suddenly said: "Mr. Belém, you can just say it directly, you don't need to make a roundabout."

So, Belen took a deep breath, and then slowly exhaled. He also knew that he couldn't hesitate anymore, so he looked sure and decided to tell everyone his choice.

"Because of recent events, I decided to take everyone away."

It's short, but it's enough for everyone to understand.

Latier opened her eyes wide. She looked at Belem in disbelief. She said, "Mr. Belem, are you serious? Are you asking us to leave Hill at this time?"

"Yes, if you continue to stay here, everyone will be very dangerous. The next thing you have to face is not just the assassins of Miesnison."

Belen, who had made up his mind, didn't hesitate anymore, and when Latil asked these words, he did not hesitate to say his thoughts.

Latier was silent. She understood Belen's meaning, but she couldn't accept it. To let them leave Hill and bear the dangers alone at this time, she couldn't accept this kind of thing anyway!

So La Tier also clenched her hands, and she couldn't bear to shout: "As long as everyone works together, we will be able to overcome the difficulties!"

"Latier, you are thinking too simple."

Belen shook his head. The child has experienced too little, so he still doesn't understand the darkness behind this party-state dispute.

Indeed, she didn't understand, but she couldn't make Hill alone.

So, Latier couldn’t help saying again: "Mr. Belen, can’t you let Hill go? Didn’t you make up? You know that Hill is actually a very good child, if you just Leave her alone like this, don't you have the heart?"

Hearing Latier's words, Belen also clenched his teeth, how could he let it go, but he didn't want Latier and the others to be hurt!

Latier was a little agitated. She took a step forward and put her palm in front of her. She shouted: "I have learned magic well! I can also fight those killers! Mr. Belém must be very powerful, and also With Ilia, everyone's strength is gathered together, and there is definitely no difficulty that cannot be broken!"


Belen looked at La Tier, there were already two lines of tears falling on the girl's cheeks, and his heart was shaking at this moment, he knew that the girl couldn't let it go.

Chapter 430: A Tough Attitude

Seeing the girl crying in front of him, Belen clasped his hands tightly. He wanted to say something like "Then stay," but reason told him that he must be cruel.

"Illiya's identity is very sensitive. If found, she will be arrested."

Although he didn't want to mention this matter, Belen said at this moment that Latier must be made aware of the crisis, even though this approach seemed to force Latier to make the choice he wanted.

"how come..."

La Tier opened her eyes wide, and she looked at Ilia, who had not spoken until she remembered that the identity of the latter was actually very sensitive, and she had forgotten about it.

Illiya looked at Latier, she didn't seem to care about her situation, so she said calmly: "Sister just do what she thinks is right, don't care about me."


La Tier bit her lower lip lightly, and she became confused. Whether it was Hill or Ilia, she didn't want them to be hurt. She lowered her head and fell into silence.

Just when La Tier was confused, Laya on the side looked directly at Belem, and said his own answer very flatly: "Mr. Belem, I will stay."

When he heard Laiya’s answer, Belen also widened his eyes. He looked at the blonde girl in disbelief. Mingming Laiya understood his intentions best, but why...

"Perhaps this way, I have already caught some of Mr. Belém's bad habits." Laiya took a deep breath, as if she was struggling to make her own choice. She smiled and said: "Please allow me to do this. Once, as nosy as Mr. Belém used to."

Hearing these words of Laya, Belen trembled in his heart. He didn't expect Laya to make such a firm choice. He gritted his teeth, but could not make any rebuttal.

He hates trouble, but he is nosy every time, but this is because he used to be unrestrained, but when the family matures, he has the responsibilities he has to bear. Now he must treat girls as The prerequisite is to act, and it is no longer possible to ignore everything.

What's more, he doesn't have much time now. If he can't protect even that little warmth, he really has nothing left in the remaining time.

"Mr. Belen, I want to stay too!" Latier finally raised her head. She looked at Belen firmly, and said: "I can't leave my friends behind."

"So, Latis and Ilia will ask Mr. Belen, and let me and Laiya leave the rest of the matter."

The two girls made the same decision. Their conviction was so firm that they couldn't give up their friends in trouble anyway. This is something to be proud of, even Belém.

"I want to be with my sister!"

Latis screamed at this moment too, her big eyes were pure and immaculate, and the kitten just made a decision following her own heart.

Ilia did not speak, but looked at Belem, while Wendy looked at everyone nervously. She also looked at Belem when she understood what had happened.

"Big brother...I don't think this should be done."

Hearing Wendy's words, Belem was also taken aback for a moment. Does Wendy even think he is doing something wrong?However, he felt that there was nothing wrong with this approach.

Seeing everyone's resolute attitude, Belen was already mentally prepared. He had anticipated the current situation, and he couldn't bear to see it in his heart, but he was helpless.

Although Belen was disappointed by everyone's decision, he was also gratified that they had grown up, after all, they stood up for their friends.

But at this moment, there is still anger that is above these two emotions. Obviously he is doing it for everyone's good. Obviously he also made a decision that disgusted him, but ultimately failed.

Belen let go of his hands, he exhaled, and then shook his head. He looked at the girls in front of him and said, "Did you all choose this way?"

The girls did not respond, but they did not avoid Belen's gaze, and Belen could also tell from their eyes that they were serious.

At this time, a figure suddenly walked out from the side, and at the same time came a sentence: "I'm sorry, it is indeed because of my family that put everyone in danger."


When everyone looked at, the brunette girl came to them. This girl was Hill. She had already taken everyone's clothes and heard the conversation.

Seeing Hill, Belen's loose hand clenched again, and now he can't keep calm in front of this girl.

Hill glanced at Belen, and she said calmly: "You are alienating me these days because of this."

It wasn't until she had just heard those words that she realized that Belen didn't hate her because of what she had done in the past, so she kept avoiding her, but because of his own sake he kept alienating her.

Belen was silent, he didn't know what to say.

Hill retracted his gaze from him, and then looked at Latier and the others. The girl smiled and said, "I know that the things I've fallen into recently are very dangerous. Don't worry about me, just leave with confidence.

"No! I have decided to be by your side, so I will never leave!" Latier saw the sorrow in the girl's eyes, and she held Hill's hands with firm will.

Laya on the side also smiled and said, "Since we are already friends, we won't let you be alone."

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