Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 437

"Sister Hill, I will stay with you!" The little cat also grabbed Hill's skirt and looked at her with a smile.

Despite this situation, Belen decided to give it a try. After a while of silence, he said: "Then I will say it."

Everyone looked at Belem again.

Belen looked at the girls calmly, and he said coldly: "If you don't leave, then I will leave. I won't care about the rest."

"Mr. Belen?"

Hearing Belen's words, Latil looked at him blankly. She couldn't seem to believe Belen would say such a thing, so she said: "Mr. Belen, are you serious?"

"I'm serious." Belen nodded, his eyes were flat, and he continued: "I don't want to cause trouble anymore. I want to take you away. So, do you go or not."

Keep pressing.

No one thought that Belen's attitude would be so determined, even so determined to persecute them with such a strong attitude, even Laiya stared at this familiar but strange man in a daze.

La Tier came back to her senses, her tears were streaming, she was not reconciled anyway, she had never seen Mr. Belém treating them with such an attitude.

"I understand."

Seeing that everyone did not answer, Belem also understood what they meant, so he stopped saying anything. He respected everyone's decision, so he turned around and left.

"Then you are careful."

Chapter 431: I will carry it by myself

That night, Belen left the castle in a commercial vehicle, but he still stayed in the woods outside the mansion, and he needed to pick Wendy back to the army.

After all this happened, Belém would naturally not be able to stay in that castle anymore, so the night could only be spent in a commercial car. He fell on the bed and thought deeply, even he himself did not think of it. , Despite using the last method, Latier and the others chose to stay with Hill.


At this time, a voice came from outside the commercial car, which also made Belen regain his senses. He stood up, then went to open the door, and was slightly startled when he saw the silver-haired girl.


I saw the silver-haired girl floating up and entering the room. She looked at Belem and said calmly: "Brother, you will be lonely alone."

"No way." Belen shook his head, and then sighed. He said, "Ilia, although I'm not very good at saying this, I hope you can stay with them."

"I know."

Ilia nodded.

Seeing this, Belen was also very moved. This child is really mature. He rubbed the girl's head, and then exhorted: "Then please, but you must remember to be more careful not to expose yourself."


Iliya nodded again.

"That's fine, Illya go back." Belen smiled and looked at the girl. As long as Illya is still with them, there should be no problem with security.

Yilia did not turn around and leave directly, but asked, "Brother, where are you going?"

Seeing the girl asked, Belen let out a long sigh of relief. He smiled and said, "Brother, I am a busy man. There are so many things to do now."

After Ilia left, Belen fell on the bed again. He opened his arms and looked at the small light bulb. His eyes began to ripple, and the helpless ending made him busy again.

That night the girls did not go to the hot springs, but simply returned to the room after freshening up. When this happened, how could they still be in the mood to go to the hot springs.

La Tier, who was lying on the big bed, felt a bit complicated at the moment. For the first time she violated Belen's wishes, which made her feel guilty, but although she felt sorry for Belen, she still had no regrets.

Ask her to give up Hill, she can't do it.

Where is Mr. Belen?Where will he go?Is it because you plan to leave alone?

Thinking of this, Ratil was suddenly a little frightened. If Mr. Belém was so angry that he planned to leave by herself, what would she do?

Hill lying on the side suddenly said: "He is right. It is too dangerous to stay with me at this time."

Hearing what she said, Latier also recovered. She calmly said: "It doesn't matter, let us bear the danger together. If we leave like this, I will always feel guilty even if there is nothing wrong with me afterwards."

"What about him?" Hill couldn't help asking.

Regarding Belen’s decision to leave, although Hill did not reveal anything, she felt disappointed and a little self-blame. It was probably because of what she had done before, that person had been from the beginning. Hate yourself.

Obviously she has changed her opinion on him, and she also made the suit very carefully. It turned out to be useless. Perhaps, she did it by herself.

Laiya said in a mixed mood, "Mr. Belém, he is probably very sad and angry."

The girls were silent. There is no doubt that Mr. Belen at the time must be very sad, because at the time, apart from Iliya's refusal to express his position, no one chose to stand by him.

"Although, although I got along with my elder brother not long ago, I know he is a gentle person." Wendy couldn't help but said, she blinked her eyes and said, "If I can, I hope I can apologize to him. "

Even Ilya, who had not said anything, gave a soft "um" at this moment. She didn't want to leave her sister, but she also didn't want to leave Belem.

the next day.

Belen was waiting outside the castle early. He saw the girls going out to exercise, and the girls also saw him, but the two sides are not able to communicate now, but Ilia has no scruples.

Seeing Ilia coming, Belem whispered softly: "Ilia, can you help brother call Wendy?"

"Yeah." Ilia responded, and then went to find Wendy.

When Wendy came to Belem, the latter said: "Wendy, I am going to the Royal City today, do you want to drop in with me?"

"it is good."

Wendy nodded, she had been playing here for a long time, and it was time to go back, so after agreeing, she went to say goodbye to Latier and the others.

Belen did not drive a commercial car, because there was no place to park a commercial car near the city, so he planned to walk to the city with Wendy.

Walking on the street, Wendy looked at Belem from time to time, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Big brother, were you very angry yesterday?"

Hearing Wendy's words, Belem thought about it seriously, and then said, "It should be."

"I'm sorry, big brother."

Belen smiled when Wendy apologized. He said, "Why do you apologize to me? Wendy did nothing wrong."

"But, I didn't stand by my brother's side yesterday." Wendy felt that she should apologize, and she said somewhat disappointed: "Big Brother Mingming didn't do anything wrong, but I think their choice is right."

Hearing the girl’s answer, Belen also smiled. He stretched out his hand and rubbed Wendy’s head, and said in a soft voice, “Because of this, Wendy is also a good boy, because everyone has no choice. wrong."

Wendy was puzzled about this. She looked at Belem, her eyes full of puzzlement. It was obvious that even the latter felt that everyone's choice was right, so why...

Walking on the street, Belen glanced at Wendy who was puzzled. He calmly said: "Because my brother is very selfish. Wendy also knows my physical condition. I don't know how long I can stay with them, but now I am still Living, I want to continue to maintain this kind of life."

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