Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 441

When Lucy and the young man saw this man, their eyes were slightly squinted, and the magic in their bodies began to gather. Their current situation is not so good.

The black-clothed man looked at Lucy with a weird smile, and said, "Lucy Rafael, the leader of the Silverbird Adventure Group, you have been fighting with us for so long, but I didn't expect to be planted like this. Are we in our hands?"

Hearing this, Lucy said indifferently: "Will it be planted?"

Seeing the blue-haired woman so determined, the black-clothed man sneered and shook his head: "Do you think you can run away now? Could it be that you want to wait for your partner to rescue you?"

Lucy frowned slightly. She was indeed expecting her friends to come in time, but now it seemed that the other party did not intend to let her delay time.


At this time, a voice came into Lucy’s ears, she was startled slightly, then raised her head and looked up, she saw a white figure falling in front of him. When she saw the face of this person, her eyes Suddenly it opened.


Four hundred and thirty-fifth chapter: powerful beyond imagination

At this moment, everyone's eyes were focused on the white-clothed man who suddenly appeared, and the black-clothed man's eyes were also slightly narrowed. He didn't know that there was such a person in the Silver Bird Adventure Group.

Lucy looked at the man in front of her, and couldn't react for a while. She asked, "Belen, why are you here?"

"I felt there was movement, so I came to have a look, but it seems to be the right one." Belem casually explained.

Then he looked at the young man aside, he was also startled when he realized that the latter was a leopard sub-race, but at a glance he could see that it was Lucy's partner, so he smiled and nodded.

The young man looked at the man in front of him carefully, always feeling like he had seen him somewhere. The next moment, he suddenly stared, and couldn't help saying: "Are you the friend of the old... old man Roger?"


Belen nodded. Although he had no impression of this young man, since he remembered himself, he was probably there when he first met the Silver Bird Adventure Group.

At this time, the man in black over there also asked aloud: "Who are you?"

Hearing his questioning, Belen also turned around. He looked at the black-clothed man and said calmly, "Isn't it obvious? Of course it's from here."

"Then you die with those two people."

The man in black didn't bother to talk nonsense with this guy who appeared suddenly, his expression was indifferent, his eyes were cold, and the long sword in his hand slashed in front of him, and a crimson flame cut like a crescent.


Seeing the opponent suddenly attacked, Lucy was also startled. She subconsciously wanted to pull Belen behind her, but as soon as she stretched out her hand, she stopped in the air, her eyes gradually widening.

When the flame crescent came, Belem also saw a silver-white long sword in his hand, and then swiped it from left to right in front of him.

A ray of sword energy left silently, and under the eyes of everyone gradually turning into dullness, the flame crescent seemed to be cut off by something, and finally turned into a flame and gradually drifted away.

"You, are you a swordsman?"

The man in black also had a heartbeat after seeing the sword in Belen's hand. He himself was a magic swordsman, so he knew very well how the magic swordsman exerted his power, but the opponent was obviously different from him.

"kill him!"

Under the order of the man in black, the dozens of people rushed forward without hesitation. In their opinion, no matter how the opponent was, there were only three people!

"There are a lot of people." Belem whispered to himself.


Increase your strength again, up to 65 percent!

Then, under the eyes of the two behind him, he walked two steps forward, then raised his right foot, swiveled under his feet with a force, and then stepped down.


That foot directly caused the earth to tremble for a moment, everyone in the alley was jumped by the shock, and some people outside the alley were even directly shaken to the ground by the shock.

At the moment this foot fell on the ground, a huge gully cracked in front of the foot. Even half of the dozens of people could not stand firmly, and then fell to the ground.


Everyone was shocked by this scene. The white-clothed man in front of him had so much strength, it was just stepping on to crack the ground!

"Bei, Belen?"

Lucy's eyes widened when she saw this scene. She stared at the white figure in front of her with a stunned look. She suddenly remembered what she had heard when she knew that Belen was a graduate of Flozarno Academy.

He is really not good at magic...


The black-clothed man also opened his eyes wide and lost his voice: "Are you a superhuman?!"

"Sorry, I'm not a superhuman." Belen shook his head. He raised the sword in his hand. A ray of sword light loomed from the edge of the sword, looking like a torch. Then, he swung his sword across the ground. At the same time, he answered the other side calmly.

"I am a "swordsman"."


At the end of the walls on both sides of the hutong, when the sword was swung across, the sword energy spread vertically and directly divided the ground and set off a huge storm, directly overturning those who had not fallen.

"Elves Sword Dance·Second Sound."

Immediately afterwards, Belen's gaze fell on the person who was about to swing the sword in the distance. He also lifted the sword in his hand, and then danced in front of him. The blue magic power appeared out of thin air, like a flood of fireflies lingering around him. Immediately, the sword was put into the sheath of nothingness on the left side of the waist, and the next moment he yanked forward.



The light blue magic power merges with the sword aura, in this dim trail, like a meteor from the sky, the beautiful brilliance carries an extremely dangerous sharp edge.


The sharp aura hit the black-clothed man’s sword, causing it to split instantly and covered with spider-web-like cracks, and then quietly shattered, and even he himself was shaken back. Got out.


Belén patted Lucy and the young man on the shoulders, and then jumped away first. The latter two looked at each other and then recovered, and then hurriedly followed and left.

"damn it!"

A roar came from below, and a red flame suddenly covered the darkness, and the walls of the dead end were all blasted down. I saw the man in black with an extremely ugly expression looking up at the three leaving. Figure.


This is not a nasty character, who is that guy?

The three people who left smoothly are now led by Lucy, and she needs to return to her base as soon as possible, otherwise it will still be too dangerous outside.

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