Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 442

The base of the Silver Bird Adventure Group is indeed in the alley, and it is the alley where Belen had been, but it was not the tavern he had been to.

When the three of them walked into the tavern, the noisy people inside suddenly looked to this side, and when they saw Lucy and the young man were covered with blood, they all stood up.

"Big sister! Jardine! How did you make it like this!?"

Seeing everyone panicked, Lucy waved his hand, sighed and said, "I almost couldn't come back, but fortunately, Belen was there to help."


Everyone's eyes fell on the white figure, and some people remembered it the moment they saw Belem, and then exclaimed.

"He, he is the one..."

Many people remembered this somewhat familiar man in white one after another. Wasn't this the person who brought things to Old Man Roger?


Belen nodded to everyone.

Immediately afterwards, the two doctor girls in the adventure team treated Lucy and Jardine's wounds. Although the injuries were not serious, they had to be treated early.

When Lucy was dealing with the wound, she was worried that Belen might be a little uncomfortable. After all, she regarded Belen as a member of their adventure group, and she was even more sure after seeing the scene tonight.

After treating the wound, Lucy hurriedly walked out. When she saw the happy scene between the crowd and the man in white clothes, she was taken aback, and then smiled, looking like she didn't need to worry.


Chapter 436: Reasons for having to intervene

"Big sister head!"

When everyone saw Lucy coming out, they also greeted them one after another. Everyone saw that Lucy was not seriously injured. Everyone has suffered such injuries, and their eldest sister would not care about it. A little injury.

Lucy nodded to everyone, and then found a seat to sit down. She looked at the man in the bartender's suit and smiled and said, "You know what I want to drink."

"Get ready."

The bartender smiled and pushed the goblet of light blue wine towards Lucy.

Belen glanced at the bartender. He knew just now when Lucy was still dealing with the wound. This is the base of the Silver Bird Adventure Group, and this bartender is also a member of the Silver Bird Adventure Group.

"Don't you tell me something about you?"

Hearing what Lucy said, Belen also looked at her. Compared with the previous one, the latter had more bandages. He asked in confusion, "What?"

Lucy shook the glass and said with a smile: "It seems that I underestimated you. After I learned that you were a graduate of that school, I thought that what you said afterwards was a joke. I didn't expect you to be the same. The name "Swordsman"."


All the people present have their eyes wide open. In this era of magic, almost few people will study other ways. Even superhumans will be involved in magic, and the warriors who practice swordsmanship are called swords. Scholars, there are very few who can be named "Swordsman", and they have never seen it before. After all, that is a name that only an absolute strong can be honored. I didn't expect that this man would be a man. "swordsman"?

"I don't like lying very much." Belen chuckled, then took a sip of wine. He looked at Lucy again and said, "Who were those before?"

Therefore, Lucy also returned to the topic. He told everyone the reason why he was hunted down, and informed Belen about the identity of the group.

When Belen learned that those people were actually "Dark Moon", he was also startled. It turned out that those people were Dark Moon. He had known that the last sword attacked the opponent directly at that time, and the capture might be of some use.

The reason why Lucy was hunted down was because she had obtained the true identity of the person behind the scenes of "Dark Moon" and the base of "Dark Moon", but she was caught by that person when she and Jardin wanted to leave. The black-clothed man found out, and this is what happened later.

When everyone learned the identity of the person behind the scenes of "Dark Moon", their hearts became dignified. The person behind this scene is really not a good thing.

The organization named "Dark Moon", the name of the person behind the scenes is Charles Jebini, the reason why everyone feels tricky is his identity, he and the employer of the Silver Bird Adventure Group belong to the same level of power man of.

Grand Duke Charles!

Although there are certain speculations, after knowing the identity of the person behind the scenes, everyone in Silverbird is still a little helpless. Even ordinary dukes can face it easily. After all, they are standing behind the Grand Duke Giovanni, but What we are facing now is the Grand Duke of the same level.

This time it was Lucy and Jardin who had committed a personal risk to dig out this vital information. Fortunately, Belem would appear, otherwise everything would eventually become dust.

"Dark Moon?"

Belén leaned his elbow on the table and supported his chin on the back of his hand. He started to think about it. After a while, he asked aloud, "Is the Grand Duke Charles and Mies Nathan related?"

Belem is still very concerned about this. There may be many people secretly targeting Grand Duke Giovanni, but Giovanni is not without supporters. Since I dare to attack Grand Duke Giovanni’s only daughter, That must be someone with confidence, and this Grand Duke Charles is most likely!

Lucy was silent for a while when he heard the words, and then slightly nodded: "I think it is very possible. Although I am not sure if he is the only one, he is very likely to use Mishnesen to cover, so that Dark Moon Not exposed to the eyes of the world."

If the killer of Miesnison was sent by the Grand Duke Charles, that would be sinister. The Grand Duke really intends to remove the powerful Giovanni from power.

Moreover, it threatens Belém here, which is too hateful.

At this time, a big man suddenly stood up with a slap on the table, grinning and said: "Since you know the bases of the clutter, what are you waiting for! Go over and kill them!"

"Yes! Dare to hurt our eldest sister's head, it's terrible!"

"Take the guy!"

Everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group stood up with high morale. They had been fighting with the Dark Moon guys for so long, and it was time to end.

Seeing everyone so excited, Lucy also smiled. She looked at Belén on the side and said with a smile: "Would you like to help us make a big vote?"

Now Dark Moon’s people must have also known that their base areas have been exposed, so they will definitely move away in a short time, and even so, the identity of Dark Moon’s people behind the scenes has already been known to everyone. Obviously this is already A lot of money, but the people of Silver Bird don't just want to complete the task now. After all, they have killed so many brothers since their struggle with Dark Moon, so they now want to uproot Dark Moon even more!

"No problem, I just want to trouble the Grand Duke Charles too."

Regarding Lucy’s invitation, Belen agreed without hesitation. His eyes were dazzling. Since the Dark Moon organization was created by the Grand Duke Charles, it was assumed that he was before dealing with the trouble of Miesnison. It's okay to get back some interest.


Seeing Belen agreed, Lucy was pleasantly surprised. Not only she, but the other members of the Silverbird Adventure Group were also very happy. With such a strong joining, dealing with the "Dark Moon" is simply a multiplier!

Belen asked, "When will we leave?"

He wants to solve these troubles quickly. After all, after a long time, the dark moon will definitely move to the base area, and it will not be so easy to find them. Moreover, he still has more troubles to solve. There is no time to waste time on this little trouble.

Lucy pondered for a while, and then said: "Let's do it tomorrow night. At this time, they must have strengthened their protection, and in the end they will only be head-on."

"Okay, it's so decided."

Belen responded, he drank the wine in his glass in one sip, his eyes gleamed with a faint brilliance, he never used the strength to intervene in such an incident.

But now, he has a reason to have to intervene.

Four hundred and thirty-seventh chapter: can you please, catch it with your hands?

In the ruined land of Ayloran, it is a poor area, and scavengers will pass through here, and in the dark woods of this ruined land, there is an abandoned courtyard, which was probably once a mansion.

At this moment, many people were sitting in the courtyard, and then some people walked out of the dilapidated mansion. When they walked out, everyone’s eyes were on the one in the middle. On the handsome man in the tuxedo.

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