Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 443

"Ready to evacuate."

Hearing the order of the man in the tuxedo, everyone in the courtyard stood up and spread out around them. They could not move together on a large scale.

Beside the man in the tuxedo, there was a petite girl. When she was walking down the steps with everyone, she suddenly stopped, looked into the distance, and spoke softly.

"Big Brother Willis."

The man in the tuxedo also stopped and looked at the girl next to him curiously. He asked, "What's wrong?"

"Over there." The girl stretched out her finger to the avenue outside the courtyard. A look of doubt appeared in her big black eyes. She said, "Someone is coming."

Hearing these words, everyone's gaze stopped, and then they looked at the direction the girl was pointing to. In the misty fog, it seemed that a figure could be seen gradually coming.

A tall girl frowned and asked, "Aizawa, his magic?"

"I can't feel the magic power on his body, but the breath has been recorded in my magic power. I think about it." Aizawa slowly closed his eyes as he looked at the figure about to walk out of the mist.

"Everyone, I have something I want to bother you."

A voice came out from the fog. Although it was not loud, it was especially clear in this extremely quiet atmosphere. Then a figure in white clothes slowly walked out. It was a handsome young man. He looked calm at the moment, and The next sentence made everyone vigilant.

"Can I invite you to catch it with your hands?"

Countless people have been working on magic power, and weapons have been taken out. No matter how harmless the person in front of him looks, his words have already surfaced the fact that he is an enemy.

"he is..."

At this moment, Aizawa suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes filled with solemnity, and she said, "Brother Willis, he is the one who robbed the "witch"."

At first, Aizawa, who had discovered that breath, relied on the stored information of her own magical power, and immediately judged that the breath of the white man over there was exactly the same as the information she had stored!


Upon hearing Aizawa's words, everyone who was looking for the "witch" opened their eyes wide. They all knew how reliable Aizawa's magic power was, so there was no doubt.

And that man in white is Belém.

Willis also locked his eyes on the white-clothed man who was walking towards them and getting closer. He suddenly raised his brows and realized that it was not the first time he saw this man.

Wasn't it this person who fought against himself in the deep alley?

"It's him! The guy who rescued the two people from Silver Bird yesterday!"

The black-clothed man on the side also suddenly shouted, a new long sword appeared in his hand, and crimson flames began to burn on it. He gritted his teeth and stared fiercely at the figure.

Belen's gaze fell on Willis, his gaze flickered, and it turned out that the guy he met at the time was really from Dark Moon.

At this time, Willis said indifferently: "You are not from the Silver Bird, where did you hide the "witch"?"

When Belen heard what the man in the tuxedo said, his heart was shocked, and his expression gradually became gloomy. The other party actually knew Ilia was with him?

Wait, the other party doesn't know his identity.

Thinking of this, Belen secretly breathed a sigh of relief. So far, the "Dark Moon" organization has not attacked Latir and the others, so I should have never seen Ilia.

Belen did not answer the other party's words, but continued to walk towards them. The purpose of his coming today is very simple, which is to suppress all these guys in front of him.

"Don't talk nonsense with him! Catch him, you can know everything!"

The black-clothed man yelled, and then rushed out first. The long sword in his hand had already been swung away, and the scarlet flame drew a dazzling spark in the air.

An increase of 65 percent.

An astonishing aura suddenly erupted from Belen's body. He did not deliberately hide it. When the black-clothed man's long sword fell, a silver-white long sword appeared in his hand, and the snow lion was sharp at this moment.


The two swords faced each other and knocked the black man out with an overwhelming force. The flames on his sword retreated, and the blade began to crack. After landing, he stepped back dozens of steps, his expression extremely Ugly.

"Bruto! Don't be careless!"

After seeing this, Willis also drank in a deep voice, his eyes tightly staring at the white man, who felt a sense of oppression on his body.

This man is very strong!

Repulsing the opponent, Belen still looked as usual. He raised his hand and pointed the tip of his sword at the "Dark Moon" people. His expression was indifferent, but he gave a sense of arrogance.

"I have no time to waste time with you, let's go together."

There were more than forty members of the "Dark Moon" present. When they heard Belem's words, they couldn't help but arouse anger. This man was too arrogant!

"Funny, do you think you can beat all of us on your own?"

A girl in a black battle suit suddenly walked out, her hands began to change, and finally turned into two cute-looking bear paws, she looked at Belem with a sneer.

"I don't know how high the sky is."

There was also a masked woman beside her, her body shrouded in a turquoise magic power, and the surrounding flowers and trees seemed to be attracted by this magic power and had some movement.

When he saw these two women facing the enemy, a man with his arms around his chest, looking like watching a play, he smiled: "Evanly and Emisha are teaming up. That man is definitely not an opponent."

"Sorry, even if it's a girl, I won't keep my hands." Belen shook his head and continued to walk forward. His eyes were very calm, obviously he was serious.

"Who wants you to keep your hands!"

Evanli drank in a deep voice, and then suddenly rushed away. Suddenly she put on a pair of leopard shoes under her feet, and she accelerated so that she had an afterimage, and most people couldn't catch her with naked eyes.

However, under Belen's keen perception and reaction speed at this moment, this speed is completely meaningless. When the bear paw came towards him, he raised the snow lion in his hand and stabbed it with a sword.


The sword aura was so sharp, but as if being blocked by something, Evanli's bear palm seemed to contain a huge force, forcibly resisting the sword aura at the tip of the sword.

Seeing this scene, Belen didn't have many surprises. He held the sword in his right hand and suddenly twirled, the sharp strength suddenly increased, and the vigor was penetrated all at once.

Ewanli was shocked when she noticed that her defense had been broken. After seeing the opponent stabbed with another sword, her pupils suddenly shrank.

The opponent is not a magic swordsman like Brutus!

Just when that sword stabs Evanli, countless vines suddenly spread, entwining Belen's arm, making him unable to make any further progress.

The magic of wood properties.

Belen glanced at the masked woman, and then slammed on her feet. The huge force caused the ground to crack open. An extremely powerful breath suddenly swept away and directly tore the vines away, and then fisted with her left hand. Evanly.

not good!

Evanli was shocked. She folded her hands in front of her and tried to resist this punch. The next moment the space around her was suddenly distorted. The whole person was pulled back by the vine, and then she disappeared. The fist failed, the fist wind swept away, and the ground was blasted out of a gully.

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