Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 445

"Stop it for me!"

Chapter 439: The Grand Duke Charles

Because of the abrupt sound, everyone stopped their hands and looked back, while Belén blinked his eyes. Why are everyone so obedient?

The owner of that voice was a middle-aged man in formal clothes. When he saw this man, Lucy's pupils suddenly shrank.

"you are..."

The middle-aged man looked at everyone present, and then cleared his throat. He calmly said: "This is not the place for your private fights. In Eloranya, we will never allow this to happen. Please remove the enchantment quickly. Leave, otherwise I will call the Imperial Army."

"Who are you!?"

The members of the adventure group who were about to start were all looking at the middle-aged man inexplicably at this moment, suddenly ran out, and then let them stop?

The middle-aged man said calmly: "Charles Jebini."

Grand Duke Charles!?

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard this. This middle-aged man was actually the man behind "Dark Moon", the very lofty Grand Duke Charles!

Charles' gaze swept across everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group, and said indifferently: "Now, I can't see anything, you immediately withdraw from the barrier."

"What a joke!?" Jardin was glaring at Charles at the moment, and roared: "Don't think we don't know that you are behind the "Dark Moon"!"

Hearing what Jardin said, Charles was still unmoved. He smiled and said, "What "Dark Moon"? I don't know what you are talking about."

Actually install garlic!?

Everyone was stunned when they heard Charles's words, this high-powered Grand Duke actually pretended to be stupid?Make yourself clean!

Lucy's expression sank. She did not have any evidence to prove the relationship between Charles and Darkmoon. However, she had spent countless efforts to get Charles and Darkmoon to be extremely close, and even lost it. A lot of lives!

At this time, the middle-aged man named Tonyard, the second in command of the Silver Bird Adventure Group, suddenly asked: "Then can you explain, why did you appear here?"

In response, Charles replied indifferently: "I have been supervising the Imperial Patrol Department recently, and there are relatively few people in the patrol department nearby. Before I dispatched, there were citizens who provided me with information about the disturbances here. Come here."

"Does the grand duke do such a small thing?"

"There are some things that can improve your image by doing it yourself."

As soon as I heard this, I knew it was made up casually, but everyone couldn't refute the other party. After all, the status of the Grand Duke was placed there, and it was really difficult for them to handle it.

Seeing that everyone was speechless, Charles continued: "Well, now that you understand everything, quickly remove the barrier. Seeing that you are not messing around on the market avenue, I will not arrest you and go back. Interrogation."

Seeing that this guy is still showing such a generous appearance, everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group hates their teeth. This guy is really asshole!

But everyone has no choice. Although they really want to kill this guy, as long as there is a trace of reason, they know that they must not attack the Grand Duke, otherwise the empire will be shaken, and their Silver Bird Adventure Group may be disbanded. Up.

When everyone gritted their teeth, Belen suddenly said: "But, why should we listen to you?"

Hearing what he said, Charles just replied calmly: "Do you want to be caught by me for interrogation? If that's the case, I don't mind."

"Will anyone who dare to gather here to make trouble be afraid of you being a small guard?" Belen didn't even put Charles in his eyes, completely disapproving.

"Oh? Didn't you hear what your partner just said?" Charles looked at Belen with a sarcastically smile, and he said: "Then let me introduce myself again, my name is Charles Gebini, Grand Duke of the Empire."

Belen smiled and said, "Grand Duke? Are you bluffing me? Will a high-ranking figure like the Grand Duke appear here?"

Hearing this, Charles's eyes were also slightly narrowed, and he said: "Are you trying to play a rogue to the end?"

"It's just imitating you." Belen also put away his smile and looked at each other calmly. There is an 80% chance that the person in front of him is the one who commissioned Miesnesen's killer to attack Hill.

For this guy, I can't wait to kill and then quickly.

Charles shook his head, and he said again: "Since you don't believe me, well, after you kill those people, I will send the Imperial Army to encircle you. Of course, if you kill me, there will be nothing after that. Up."

Really brave.

Lucy and the others all stared at him. The Grand Duke really had the courage to threaten them with this. It was expected that they would not dare to do anything to themselves.

"What you said makes sense."

Belen nodded and held the snow lion that had been put away again in his hand. The aura on his body suddenly increased, spewing out like a volcanic eruption, and the aura from his body was like a steam engine.

Seeing this scene, not only was Lucy and the others stunned, but even the Grand Duke Charles also squinted his eyes. Could this guy really dare to kill him?

Belen controlled his qi, and deliberately surrounded Charles in the qi. The latter found that he was unable to move anymore, and that huge pressure enveloped him from all directions.

But despite this, Charles still looked indifferent, he did not resist the slightest, and he calmly looked at the man in white who was walking towards him, with a deep cold light in his eyes.

Belen came to Charles. He raised the sword in his hand, and then put the blade of the sword against the latter’s neck. The sharp sword aura caused the skin to be scratched and overflowed with blood. Looking at the grand duke with an indifferent expression.

"I and them are not in the same group for the time being, so it depends on my mood to kill or not to kill."

"Then you just do it."

In the eyes of Lucy and the others, the Grand Duke Charles was really courageous, and he was still so stiff in the face of such a terrifying enemy.

Will it kill?

Everyone's eyes focused on Belem. They hoped that the sword would directly separate the head from the body, but they also knew very well that if they did that, the consequences would be extremely bad.

Belen didn't dare to kill this person, but he still had everyone from the Silver Bird Adventure Group. If he came alone, he wouldn't mind killing the Grand Duke and Dark Moon.

But in spite of this, Belem became extremely awe-inspiring and murderous when he thought that the killers of Miesnison might have been commissioned by this guy, and this made Charles sweat all over his body, but he was suffering from Bei. All the murderousness of Lun.

"Let's stop, and then I will kill you."

Finally left this sentence, Belen retracted the sword, he dissipated all his qi, and then slightly nodded to Lucy, who was silent for a moment and nodded in response, and then watched "Dark Moon" with his fellow adventurers. Everyone left angrily after one glance.

With Charles here, they can't do anything.

Chapter Four Hundred and Fortieth: People Must See


In that tavern, a big man slammed his fist on the table very frustratedly. He gritted his teeth and looked angry, wishing to find something to vent his anger with his fist.

"damn it!"

At the moment in the tavern, everyone in the Silverbird Adventure Group was very angry. Seeing that they were about to wipe out the "Dark Moon" people, they did not expect to kill the Grand Duke Charles halfway, which made them have to stop.

Not only the members of the Silver Bird Adventure Group, but even Belem is a little depressed at the moment. He felt that there were still people there when he was fighting against the people of "Dark Moon", but he thought he was also a person of "Dark Moon", so I was too lazy to find each other, but I didn't expect it would be the Grand Duke Charles.

At this time, Lucy sighed, and she said: "Forget it, this time with Belen's help, these guys have suffered heavy losses. They will not be able to come out and make trouble in a short time."

Now Lucy's face is very ruddy. She has already drunk and don't know how many glasses of wine she has. Sometimes it's useful to use wine to ease her worries, such as this time.

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