Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 446

"Although I didn't catch them all at once this time, I have to say, Belém, you are so handsome!"

The girl who had been investigating the fighting situation suddenly laughed, her eyes gleaming when she looked at Belen, and she was a little excited when she thought of the scene she saw at the time.

There is no doubt that Belém is not the very handsome type, but the posture in the fight makes the girl's heart beat, and even ordinary people with that style are extremely dazzling.

"Yeah! I didn't expect you to be so good!"

Some people also gradually changed their moods because of the girl's words. They have been adventurers for so many years, and they have seen many strong people, but this is the first time that they are so strong!

Everyone was not discouraged by the fact that Belen alone suppressed everyone in "Dark Moon". They knew very well that it was not that they were too weak, but that this young man was too strong.

The two sides are not comparable levels.

Seeing everyone's interest suddenly raised, Lucy also smiled and began to break the news: "This guy graduated from Flozarno Academy."

Flozarno Academy!?


The people in the 30s all looked at Belen with surprised eyes. It can be said that no one knows the top magic school in Florence, and the number of high-achieving students graduated from there is even rarer.

"Belen, isn't Flozarno Academy a Magic Academy? Why are you..."

Someone asked everyone the doubts in their hearts, yes, from the beginning to the end, they didn't see what magic Belen had used. Did they miss it?

Hearing this question, Belen was not very surprised. He scratched his cheek and said with a smile: "My magic doesn't have any attributes, so I can use very few magic."

"Magic has no attributes?"

Everyone was startled when they heard the words, how did people without magic power enter the magic school?

Seems to see the doubts in everyone’s hearts, Belen didn’t mean to conceal it. It doesn’t matter if it is not concealed, so he explained: "Although I don’t have the talent for magic, I created a kind of magic myself, so To enter that school."


Hearing Belen's explanation, everyone took a breath. It was a statement that only exists in textbooks. In this era of extremely mature magic, how powerful it is to be able to own magic.

Belen shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I'm just changing the way the magic works are based on a certain magic. It's probably a little different from self-made magic."

Having said that, it is also an area that they can't reach. Therefore, everyone's eyes on Belen are extremely longing, which is a respect for the strong.

At this time, Lucy suddenly smiled and said: "By the way, Belen had plans to join us before."



"Please join us!"

When I heard Lucy's words, everyone's eyes became hot. With such a strong and excessively strong person joining, how to think is extremely exciting!

Hearing this, Belen also chuckled and nodded. He said: "If nothing happens, I will travel with you."

This was his plan. Now that Latier and the others have belonged, after all their troubles are relieved, it seems to be a very romantic thing to travel around the world with the Silver Bird Adventure Group.


Everyone cheered and swept away the previous gloomy mood. This young man is not only strong, but also has a very good temper. As adventurers, they also have the desire to become stronger. If such a strong person can learn one or two, he can also become strong!

"Wine is wine!"

"I'm coming!"

Seeing everyone regained their mood, Belen also smiled. His words were indeed not joking, he was serious and really replying.

Lucy asked from the side: "Belem, where are you going from now?"

"I have another place to go."

"Where to go?"

"Miss Nathan."

When Lucy heard the name, she also widened her eyes. She exclaimed in disbelief: "The killer family? Are you going to the Miesnison!?"

Everyone was attracted by Lucy’s exclamation. When they heard the name Misnaisen, everyone was stunned. They had also fought against the killers of this killer family, so of course they knew .

"Belen, what are you going to do?"

"Belen, although you are very strong, there is no such thing as a soft persimmon in Miesnison!"

"Yes! There are guys who are countless times stronger than the people of "Dark Moon"! And there is more than one!"

After knowing that Belém was going to Miesnaisen, everyone discouraged Belém out of goodwill. Although the latter was very strong, there were many strong people in that killer family, even Belém was not. It will be easy!

Seeing everyone’s worry, Belen also warmed his heart. He also had a more favorable impression of the Silver Bird Adventure Group. He also knew that Misnaisen was dangerous. After all, it was a family of killers with deep roots, but even so. There is no way to reverse his determination.

Belen understood everyone's kindness, he smiled and said, "Thank you, but I have to go this time."

Hearing this, Lucy asked in confusion: "What are you going to do, Belem?"

Hearing Lucy's question, the black girl appeared in Belen's mind, and the gentle smile seemed to be in front of him, and he smiled slightly.

"I have someone I must meet."

Chapter 441: Outside the Enchantment

In the mountains and rivers outside the empire, a figure walked out of the woods. It was a man in a white shirt, his eyes looking down.

"This is it."

This white-clothed man was Belen. After a few days of recuperation, he left Eloranya alone, and the purpose of his trip was Mies Nathan.

Belen has the specific position given by Flori in his hands, and the dense forest he is looking at at the moment is probably where Misnaisen is, even though it is full of dense forest at a glance.

I think it should be a barrier.

At this moment, Belen's body has increased to the level of fifteen, which is convenient for his actions, but in this state, he can't perceive the magic power of the enchantment. He thinks it should be a kind of enchantment with the characteristics of concealment.

In a tree, a man was lying on a branch with his eyes closed, chewing on the roots of the grass, and there was an obvious scar on his face. This man was Cheryl's teacher, Gary En.

It's still easy to patrol, no one knows about being lazy here.

At this moment, Gary opened his eyes suddenly, he stopped chewing on the grass roots, then sat up, his gaze turned to the dense forest in the distance, his eyes narrowed slightly.

In the dense forest, a figure in white clothes slowly walked out and then caught Garion's eyes. He frowned slightly. How could it happen that someone came when he took the patrol mission.

Forget it, let's see what he is going to do first.

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