Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 451

Lumia suddenly raised her head to look at Burton, and shook her head subconsciously. She trembled and said: "No, you can't kill him."

"Are you going to defy the teacher's order again?"

Burton's smile gradually disappeared. He suddenly remembered the rainy night. This girl also rebelled against herself. Isn't the shadow he planted enough to make her despair?


Just when Burton had something to say, Zat’s shout suddenly sounded in his ear, and his heart was shaken. When he turned his head, he found a man suddenly came in front of him with a fist. The pupils are getting bigger and bigger, and they hit his face directly!


Under this punch, the ground layers shattered, and a burst of air resounded like a nine-day thunder. Burton’s figure flew out like a cannonball, and was directly bombarded into the castle. This huge impact burst directly, and the right half collapsed directly.

"Don't force the girl to do anything."

Belen retracted his fist, took a look at the figure that had been blasted into the ruins of the corridor inside the castle, and then looked to the side of Lumia. After he found that the latter had also fallen into the pit, he suddenly showed a look of panic.

"Yes, sorry!"

While apologizing, Belen hurriedly pulled Rumia up, and the girl was looking at Belen with a dull expression, and then at the half-collapsed castle.

At the moment when she plunged into darkness, the fist that appeared suddenly seemed to break the gloom in her heart, unconsciously, the fear and helplessness in her heart disappeared.

"Bei, Belen..."

The girl whispered softly, and then tears overflowed from the corner of her eyes. She raised her hand to wipe the tears, but the tears couldn't stop falling from her eyes. She choked her throat and stood there and started crying.

Seeing the girl crying, Belen was also a little distressed. He stretched out his arm and hugged the girl into his arms. They hadn't seen each other for a year and a half. It was not long or short, but at this moment the girl was already crying. , Those hands tightly grasped the clothes in front of him.

During this period of time, how painful has she been?

Thinking of the tools and potions in the dark room, Belen's chest burst into an angry flame again. He took a deep breath, and he was undoubtedly very angry, but it was slightly different from the rainy night.

Belen looked at the group of assassins, and there was a strong killing intent hidden in the deep black eyes, and he glanced at the huge castle again.

If the anger on the rainy night that day was the fire that wanted to burn everything, then the anger now wanted to swallow all the deep ocean.

Chapter 446: After so many years, and then stained with blood

When Burton was smashed and flew out, the castle actually collapsed in half. Everyone's eyes widened. Just a punch has such power?

"You are antagonizing our entire Miesnison!"

After Zart recovered, he yelled at Belem. He didn't expect this man to be so bold that he dared to make a sudden move in front of them!


Everyone exudes magic power at this moment, and a weapon appeared in their hands. There is no doubt that this mysterious man in white has already become their enemy the moment he shoots.

However, Belen didn't seem to feel anything about their movements. He patted the girl's back with his hand and said softly: "Okay, don't cry, if you let it go, just follow me."

Lu Mia's body was still trembling slightly, and only sobbing was left. She let go of her hand holding Belen's clothes, and then took a step back so that she could see the latter's face clearly.


"What's to apologize for?" Belen smiled, and then said: "Although I didn't have your assassination these days to make me move, I am not weak."

"When we don't exist!?"

Zate and Figo were furious when they saw each other ignoring themselves and others, and they dared to look down upon their Miesnison's killer so much!


The two magic lines appeared in front of the two following the magic chant, the thunder and the ice combined together, and rushed towards Belen and Lumia.


A piercing sound of swords suddenly resounded through the square, and the blue sword light flashed across the sky like lightning. The shoulder of the moment annihilated the thunder and ice, and then it was on the square. A sword mark of the size visible to the naked eye appeared, and countless assassins were overturned by the air waves!

At this moment, Belen was already holding Lumia in his left hand and the silver-white long sword in his right hand. His expression was cold, and the killing intent in his eyes began to spread. The anger in his heart was like a calm sea beginning to surge with huge waves and tsunami.

"Lumia, before I make a decision, I want to ask you a question."

When she heard Belen's words, Lumia looked at Belen with a dazed expression, her crying had stopped, and only confusion was left in her heart, and she didn't know where to go.

"Do you hate this place?"

This sentence fell into Lumia's ears, her dark black eyes gradually widened, and the answer was almost instantly available in her heart, and various images of these years appeared in her mind.

What she likes is the field where the breeze can make the sea of ​​wheat fields rippling. What she misses is the gentlest mother in the world in that wooden house. What she wants is a life where the family can be in harmony.

And here, there is only darkness.

"I hate this place! The life I want is not like this!"

The girl lowered her head, her hands clasped tightly on the waist, she pressed her lips tightly to hold back her crying, what she had been pursuing these years was something she knew was impossible to achieve again.

The dream bubble burst long ago.

"I understand."

Belen reached out and put her hand on the girl’s head. That big hand gave the girl an incomparable sense of warmth and security. When the girl raised her head, what she saw was the gentlest smiling face in the depths of her memory. He is not the same person, but this smile makes people feel extremely warm.

If you show sadness, then I will always show you a smile.

Belen pointed his finger in a direction, smiled and said: "Go there, there is a friend of yours there, leave here with them, and wait for me outside."


Hearing what Belen said, Lumia also thought of Cheryl in an instant. She had already regarded Cheryl as her only friend here.

"Then, what about you?"

Lumia was worried when she heard that Belem didn't plan to leave with her. Does he really plan to do something here alone?

Seeing the girl asked, Belen also smiled and replied: "I, I'm going to demolish this place that Lumia hates. I'll go to you soon."


Just about to say something dangerous like this, Lumia suddenly remembered the sword Belen had just swung, so her words came to an abrupt end, but even if Belen was very powerful, she was equally worried. Because it was all because of her that created the current situation.

"Don't worry, I'm very good." Belen patted Lumia on the shoulder, then looked in the direction of Cheryl, and said with a smile: "Your friend is in a bad situation. , Go and help."


Lumia, who received this information, couldn't help but become worried, and then under Belen's encouragement, she also made up her mind, and she nodded to Belen.

"You must come!"

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