Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 452


Immediately afterwards, Lumia leaned into Belen's ear again, and she seemed to say something, which also made Belen's brows slightly raised, and then nodded.

After Belen agreed, Lumia didn't go to see the killers of Miesnison, turned around and flew in the direction Belen pointed out.

Seeing Lumia took a few breaths and ran out of the square, Belen also smiled. The child probably didn't realize how fast he was now.

From the moment he touched Lumia, he used his aura to check whether the girl’s body was in a serious condition, although there was still a lot of obscure information that was not fully understood, and he needed someone to check it later. , But what he can be sure of is that Lumia's physical function is very strong now, and it is not worse than Superhuman.

Then, it's time to resolve the matter here.

The assassins stood up again, their gazes at the white-clothed man were not only full of killing intent, but also with a trace of fear. The strength of this man was far beyond their imagination!

This is a powerful and heinous "swordsman"!

Zate and Figo, as the two strongest killers on the Miesnison's killer list, naturally cannot tolerate an outsider presumptuous in their own territory, even though this person is very strong.

"You can never get out of here today!"

Hearing what the other party said, Belem was disapproving. He held the sword in his hand and walked towards the assassins. He twisted his neck, as if moving his muscles and bones.

"If you don't demolish this place today, I will feel uncomfortable."


The breath on Belen's body gradually began to rise, the majestic breath made his hair stand upright, and his eyes were full of anger. He didn't plan to leave like this today.

"I have killed one person today, I don't mind killing more of them."

After many years, Belem was stained with blood again. The first person he killed was the crazy experimenter in the small black room.

Next, maybe these people in front of you.

Chapter 447: Wizard Sword Dance·Sixth Tone

It was dusk now, and in that square, a group of assassins were waiting, and in the middle of the square, there was a man in white. His breath was like ripples in the water, his white clothes were floating, and his hair that was not too long was also floating. .

An increase of 70%.

The magical power in Belém's body is perfectly fused with the flesh and blood nerves, and the magical power even overflows outside the body, turning into a light blue liquidized magical flame, and the breath radiating from his body seems to be able to touch the surrounding space.

Can they really defeat this monster?

All the killers were dumbfounded when they saw the liquidized magical flame on Belen. How could they not know what it symbolized, but they couldn't understand, isn't this person a "swordsman"?How come the attainments in magic are so high?

Belen didn't want to talk to these killers either. He took the sword in his hand and launched the attack first. The moment he took the step, the ground cracked at the moment his footprints were branded.


The blue sword light swept across, and the ground of the square cracked into a huge gully. There was no time to react, and a lot of killers all fell into the gully.

"Go together!"

After seeing that scene, Zate and Figo also realized that this mysterious man is not personally comparable, and must gather everyone's strength!

Huh huh!

Countless figures flew out. They didn't know if the other party really decided to kill them all, but they had to attack each other to survive at this moment. Compared to running away, perhaps killing the other party was the most correct choice.

At this moment, Belém has a keen perception that he can even know the bottom of his heart. Facing the sneak attacks that the killers are good at, he doesn't care at all. The speed is so fast that even most of the killers can't catch him. .

Only a touch of blue light and shadow can be seen passing around the people. Every time a person passes by, a person falls down, knowing that the other person is working but can't do anything.

"Do not!"

Zate roared and watched the killers fall down. He also realized the sense of crisis. He gritted his teeth and took out an item from nowhere.

It was an illusory magic pattern, only a little bigger than his hand, and as soon as it appeared, the magical power filled with the entire Miesnison organization began to resonate.

This is the key to the magic circle passed down from generation to generation by the Misnaessen family, and that magic circle is the last line of defense of the family. Even the eldest son of its power is not clear to him, only known in family history. That magic circle has the power to destroy thousands of soldiers riding the Empire.

This is why they dare to take root in the mountains and rivers outside the empire. Even if the empire knows where they are hiding, they will have such a trump card to frighten the empire.

After a while, two-thirds of the killers had all fallen down, and Figo was shocked when he saw what Zat took out, but he calmed down quickly, maybe it is indeed time to use that Time for something.

At this moment, after Belen knocked out the nearest assassin, he also felt a huge wave of magical power. His eyes swept across the twisted magic lines in Zat's hand, and then looked up at the sky.


There is a huge black magic circle directly above the square. The complex curse imprints on it are very mysterious. Several roulettes rotate clockwise and counterclockwise. The center is slowly opened, like A door.

"Half opened, probably enough!"

Zat stopped reversing the key. He didn't think that this man in white had the ability to match thousands of imperial soldiers. He coldly swept through the killers who were still in the field, and then turned around with Figo and fled outside. When the power falls, the castle must no longer exist.

As for those killers, it's time to finally contribute, stop that person.

Say yes!

The black magic circle suddenly revolved at an extremely fast speed, and the terrifying magic power began to rippling. The huge opening seemed to be accumulating some power, and it directed towards the square below.

"No! That fellow Zart wants us to hold this person!"

"If this thing falls, we will all die!"

Countless assassins felt the vigorous wave of magical power. They didn't think they had the ability to survive that magic circle. They never expected that the two guys would treat them as abandoned children!

Belen looked at the black magic circle above. He also felt a strong threat from it, but he still looked indifferent. Since he promised Lumia to go back, he couldn't fall here.

As a result, Belen was holding the sword in his hand tightly, and he took a deep breath. It was the first time that he had made such a difficult increase after he recovered from pain.

An increase of 75%.

As long as he has reached such a level, it is no longer difficult for Belém, and this is not the first or second time, so there is no doubt that he has surpassed himself during the school period.


Seeing the black magic circle that burst out suddenly, a terrifying force rippled out from it, and saw a black light beam descending from the sky like a meteor, bombarding it in the direction of Belen.


Those assassins saw the terrifying beam of magic falling in the sky, and now they don’t have time to escape, but even so, in order to survive, they still desperately fled outside. While escaping, some people looked back. Go, these people opened their eyes wide in unison.

The man in white is still standing there!It seems that there is no plan to escape!

What does he want to do!?

I saw the blade of the snow lion burst out with a light blue brilliance, and then Belen held the sword in front of him and turned around, like a beautiful sword dance. With his swing, the tip of the sword painted delicate magic lines. The magic around him was rippling, and the magic lines bloomed with colorful brilliance.

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