Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 453

"Elves Sword Dance·Sixth Sound·Bright Light!"

Belen leaped forward and thrust a sword straight up. The magic lines on the tip of the sword suddenly shattered, the colorful streamer swirled, and the sharp sword energy surged out, and the sword carried colorful brilliance. Rushed to the sky.


The moving buzzing sound resounded softly, and saw that ray of brilliance split the black beam away, hitting the huge black magic circle directly, and the next moment it was like glass being severely shattered. Splitting away, turning into countless black magical brilliance scattered between heaven and earth.

The huge movement caused countless people who fled to look back. When they saw the black magic circle shattered, they all stopped and stared at the sky dumbfounded.

How is this possible?

Chapter 448: "King of Killers"

After Belem fell back to the ground, his mouth was breathing, even if he wants to maintain this strength for a long time, he will be very tired.

He raised his head and glanced at the empty square around him, then shook his head. It was all gone, so he looked at the castle again.

So, take it apart.

So Belen raised the sword in his hand, and after destroying the castle, he could leave. The badly injured Miesnesen couldn't accept any more commissions.

But just after Belen raised his sword, his heart jumped suddenly, and he looked back suddenly. In his sight, he saw an old man who had already reached his age walking slowly, and he was still wearing some tattered black. Cloak, but this old man is walking fast, obviously his body is still very healthy.

However, at the moment when he saw this old man, Belém had a strange sense of anxiety, and this feeling originated from the old man who seemed to be in an ancient age.

Although the old man had reached his age, his eyes were like bright mirrors. He stopped, his gaze scanned the half-collapsed castle, looked at the huge ravine in the square, and then slowly spoke.

"It was really unpleasant to see my home being demolished when I came back."

Hearing these words, Belen also squinted his eyes. Is this old man also the killer of Miesnison?It sounds like I just came back from the task.

Immediately afterwards, the old man's gaze fell on Belen. After staring for a while, he said: "I think you did all this."

Belen nodded, and then asked, "Are you the killer here?"


The old man took his steps again, and then walked towards Belem. His hands were behind him. The moment he opened his mouth, his figure was suddenly slightly distorted and turned into a black shadow.

"It's the master here."

When the old man disappeared in place, Belen also shrank his pupils, and without hesitation he raised his sword to cut forward. As expected, the old man came to him with a dagger across his sword.


The two qi bombarded together, and finally went upside down in all directions. The ground centered on the two people also sank in a circular trend, and the next moment, another sound came into Belen’s ears. At the same time, one foot kicked the latter's arms that crossed in front of him instantly.

"Quick response."


Belén's figure was kicked out and then smashed into the castle. The pillars smashed into several pieces, and the hall collapsed and fell to the first floor.

The old man stood on the square and continued to walk towards the collapsed castle. He knew that the white-clothed young man was not dead yet, and the latter had already made a defensive move when he kicked that kick.

Besides, he could feel the breath.


A sword light suddenly flashed from the ruins of the collapsed castle, and the ruins of the entire castle were suddenly opened up by a huge gully. Among the slits that were divided into two were a man covered in liquid magic flame. Walking out slowly, his eyes fixed on the old man.

"Master of Miesnison?"

The old man replied calmly: "My name is Arden Miesnison."

Arden Miesnison?

Hearing this unfamiliar name, Belen also frowned slightly. He was not shocked by the name, but he thought of a rumor about the killer family of Miesnison.

In this killer family, there is a strong man who is called the "King of Killers".

Is it the old man in front of you?

Anyone who saw this old man would not associate him with the title of "King of Killers" at first sight, but after a rough confrontation just now, Belen realized that this old man is a super strong man. fact.

The first legend about the "King of Killers" was when Antelina talked to him. Although I haven't heard that the two have fought against each other, there is no doubt that the strong one mentioned by the "Sword Saint" must be Very amazing guy.

Although he thought of this strong man at the beginning, he got the news that this "King of Killers" hasn't appeared for many years. He may travel the world outside, or he may have passed away. Up.

Thinking of what the old man said just now, Belen felt a little helpless. Could it be that this "King of Killers" really just returned from a trip?It just happened to run into him.

"Are you the legendary "King of Killers"?"Belen still wants to confirm just in case.

"It's me." Arden nodded, and then the old man who was dubbed the "King of Killers" said: "Young man, you are very strong, can you tell me your name."

"Belen Grean."

Although it is now a hostile relationship, Belen still reported his name, which was a respect for the strong, after all, the latter had already told his name.

But Arden obviously hadn't heard of the name, so he frowned slightly. He didn't even know that there was such a young "swordsman" based on his qualifications. Then, he shook his head again. Now these are not important.

"Although I am a person who never cares about this, what I hate the most is that someone has come to tear down my turf, so boy, are you ready to bear my anger?"

Belen glanced at the direction where Lumia had left before. It is now impossible for him to get out of his body. He took a deep breath, but he didn't want to just plant here, his business has not been finished yet.

Belen didn't respond to Arden's words. He squeezed the snow lion in his hand, and the blade trembled slightly, making a pleasant sword sound. He wanted to do it with all his strength.

From the rough confrontation with the opponent just now, you can feel that the opponent's strength is extremely strong. Although it is impossible to judge what kind of magic power, the opponent's physical fitness is extremely powerful. Moreover, the most important point is that the opponent also uses "qi." Master!

"It seems you are ready."

Arden felt the qi gathered in the young man opposite, and he was very surprised at such a young man who could master the qi to this level.

"Now that I'm ready, then I'm here."

When the voice fell, Arden took the lead in attacking. His steps were strange. Every step he took made the ground strangely shortened. Belen, who observed this scene carefully, also opened his eyes wide.

This magic is familiar!

He suddenly thought of the younger generations of the Sword House of Flozarno Academy, one of whom was named Casey, whose magic power is so similar to that of the "King of Killers", no, It's exactly the same!

Restrictive magic, square inch!

When the opponent approached, Belen gathered his mind and began to concentrate on dealing with this super strong, concentrated, and the silver-white long sword slashed away.

With a "square inch ground" that is more used than space magic, Arden suddenly narrowed the distance with Belen. His dagger pierced towards the center of the latter, while Belen raised it. The sword in his hand bounced it away, and Arden's next action is really unimaginable. This is an old man who has been in the past. He even released the short sword with the force of being bounced and whirled in place. One week, the left hand took the short sword and stabbed it again.

Seeing the sudden change of the opponent's movements, Belen was also shocked. He stuck out his left hand, then slapped the back of the dagger, and then kicked the opponent to retreat.

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