Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 454

The two opened the distance again, but Belem felt pressured at this moment. This "King of Killers" had reached the point of proficiency in both his combat skills and the use of magical powers. Although it was true, he was not. No advantage at all.

In terms of physical fitness, he is stronger than the opponent!

But what Belen cares most about is his time. He has forcibly maintained it between 70% and 75%, dozens of minutes have passed, and now he has begun to gasp.

time is limited.

Four hundred and fortieth chapters: Because, I don't want to die yet


There was a huge explosion in the square again, and the two figures violently retreated towards both sides, but no matter how they looked at it, Belém had fallen into the wind.

At this moment Belen was gasping for breath, his expression was very tired, half of his face was stained bright red by the blood from his head, he not only suffered multiple traumas at this moment, but also forcibly maintained his strength. , If he does not persist, he will immediately be defeated by Arden.

Perceiving Belém who was physically exhausted, Arden said indifferently: "If you can't hold it, just grab it, I'll give you a good one."

Hearing what the "King of Killers" said, Belen didn't say anything. Instead, he raised his hand and wiped the sweat from his cheeks. He couldn't just fall down here, Lumia was still waiting for him outside. It.


Suddenly an abrupt voice came. Belen and Arden both swept their eyes away. A man whose face was covered with blood and even the bridge of his nose was sunken out of the ruins. This person was hit by Belen before. Burton.

Seeing his ineffective third son, Arden sighed and shook his head. He said, "Burton, you can lie down quietly."

"Father, my father killed him! This damn guy!" Burton yelled frantically, but he felt very strenuous even to stand up at the moment, but he yelled out as best he could.

Belen glanced at Burton, then withdrew his gaze and looked back at Arden in the distance. He took a deep breath and lifted up the fading power again, and the light blue brilliance surrounded him.

"Elves Sword Dance."

At the moment he whispered in his mouth, his figure flew out, and the silver-white long sword was wrapped in blue magic, as if it had become more sacred.

"Six sounds!"

At the moment when he approached Arden, Belen's sword slammed, and he went all out to defeat this "King of Killers". There is no way to go without defeating him!

From the first combo to the sixth, the sword in his hand became more and more awful. Even Arden was caught off guard by this powerful sword skill, and the vicissitudes of life flashed with a faint brilliance.

"Elves Sword Dance?"


The sword aura crisscrossed, and in an instant, a sword aura thunder pool was built, and along with the sword's edge, he began to madly attack Arden. Even the "King of Killers" he was injured one after another, and he had more on his body. The opening after another.

The sudden eruption of the young man made this "King of Killers" feel extremely troublesome. The sword light in front of his eyes flickered, and he couldn't avoid so many attacks with his skill, so he was injured and the corner of his mouth was even more serious. Spilled blood.

Arden snorted coldly. At the moment when the sixth tone sounded, when the colorful brilliance broke away, he raised his left hand, opened his five fingers, and then slammed it forward, suddenly clenching his five fingers.



The void in front of me suddenly shattered, and the colorful brilliance was instantly swallowed, causing the sixth sword to be broken, and then a short sword appeared in Arden’s left hand, which healed instantly. At that moment, his figure resembled a cheetah and flew out and attacked Belen, holding two daggers in both hands and crossed.


Belen was blasted away, and a trace of tens of meters long was formed on the ground. Finally, the whole person crashed into the ruins, a mouthful of blood spewed out from his throat, his eyes opened slightly, and there was shock in his eyes. color.

He didn't expect that the other party actually has a magical power!

Restrictive magic, broken!

Moreover, the opponent has actually mastered this magic power to a very high level, and even the void can break it at will. Is this the strength of the "King of Killers"?

Belen gritted his teeth and stood up, breathing continuously, the blood on his head dripped down his face to the ground, and he stared at the old man holding two daggers.

If it was against the "King of the Killer" at the beginning, he would not be so strenuous. If it was his heyday, he would even have a certainty of winning, but now he has exhausted himself and it is too difficult to win.

If he doesn't move, the power in his body will gradually fade, but he can't find any way to beat the "King of Killers" in front of him under such circumstances.

No, there is another way.

Thinking of that method, Belen's expression became a little uncertain, and finally he shook his head. He couldn't just finish it, maybe there would be a turning point.

"Come again!"

Belen yelled, and then rushed out. Since he dared to come here today, he was already prepared. Although things were a little unexpected, he didn't intend to really fall here!

"The old man doesn't keep his hands anymore."

Seeing that this young man was so determined, Arden no longer planned to keep his hands. He knew very well in his heart that if it weren't for the excessive consumption before, the young man in front of him was a strong man who would fight with all his strength.

Bang bang bang!

The castle and square in Misnaessen had been ruined and the assassins did not dare to approach it anymore, because they saw the return of Arden when they fled, but they did not expect this battle. Actually it will last so long.

That young white-clothed man is a super "swordsman" who can rival the "King of Killers"!

In the face of the "King of Killers", who uses both the "square inch of land" and "broken" magic powers that are extremely pure and pure, Belen has many inconveniences even if he is physically stronger than Arden, but all of these can be done with sword skills. make up!

The strength gradually faded, and Belen's mouth was constantly overflowing with blood, but he was still swinging his sword continuously, and he was struggling to fight, even though he had reached the end of the crossbow.

"Young man, you are strong!"

Arden also had a few more wounds on his body, but compared to Belem, this wound was nothing. He let out a deep cry, which was a compliment to the young man in front of him.

"However, everything is over!"

With the last roar, Arden suddenly slapped Belem with a palm, and the "broken" magic power rushed out of his palm, and he wanted to directly destroy the young man's body.

Seeing that palm was shot, Belen's sword was also pierced at this moment. He did not use the sword to resist the opponent's palm, but directly pierced Arden's shoulder, as if he was about to lose his life. move.

I don't know how long it has been so close to death, but it is only close.

Seeing that palm slapped on his body, Belen's heart subconsciously had such a sigh, and on his quiet face, those black and white eyes turned into the color of sky blue at that moment. The eyes have a sense of detachment, as if they can see through the true meaning of everything.

Because I don't want to die yet.

Four hundred and fiftieth chapters: One of Swordsmanship·Angelica


I saw that in the enchantment of Mishnesen, a blue radiance suddenly soared into the sky, and it immediately attracted the eyes of all those who were still in the enchantment.

what is that?

Doubts and curiosity appeared in everyone's hearts. It was undoubtedly the position in front of Miesnison's castle. How is the battle between the Patriarch and that young man now?

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