Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 456

Hearing what Arden asked, Belem was silent for a while, then calmly said, "You know my teacher."

At that moment, he heard what Arden said.

"It turned out to be so."

After receiving this response, Arden realized that it was because he knew Antrina that he saved his life, and he grinned.

"I recognized you when I saw you using Elf Sword Dance. Except for that guy, her students are definitely the only ones who can."

Belen was silent. He really wanted to kill Arden. After all, it was his last sword, but he couldn't tell whether Arden was Antrina's friend, so he kept his hands. Fortunately The opponent has no more power to fight.

Immediately afterwards, Arden asked again: "Can you tell me why are you here?"

Regarding his question, Belen looked at the man who was sitting sluggishly in the ruins. He calmly said: "I'm here to pick up a friend. This man is your son. He has done wicked things to my friend. Thing."

"It turned out to be so."

Only now did Arden understand the cause of the young man's uproar, but even if he knew it before, it wouldn't help. After all, the latter had torn down his turf.

Immediately afterwards, Belen walked towards Burton, whose eyes were dull. He staggered. Obviously, he was also holding on to himself not to fall, because he had to find Lumia.

Father, lost?

At this moment, Burton’s mind was blank. He could not imagine the fact that his father, Arden Miesnison, was the strongest person in his mind, and he did not hesitate to use Lumia for human experiments. In order to surpass this ultimate goal.

However, the strongest person in his heart actually lost?Lost to this young man who hated him so much?

At this moment, Belen had also walked in front of Burton. He looked at the dull-eyed middle-aged man and grasped the sword in his hand. He wished to behead this man immediately.

But in the end Belen still did not start. He looked at Burton and said coldly: "Lumia wants me to say a word to you. She thanked you for your care and teaching over the years, but from now on, she will no longer It’s your student."

Speaking of this, Belen turned around and walked away, and Burton also recovered. He began to whisper "No" in his mouth, but in the end another voice came into his ears, his voice Suddenly, his eyes became bleak.

"Not your daughter anymore."

Belen didn't look at the expression of the man behind him anymore, he just obeyed the agreement with Rumia, so he took a step toward Rumia's direction.

That's right, the girl's name is Lumia Misnaisen, the daughter of the third son of the Misnaisen family, and Burton is her biological father.

Burton fell to the ground, and his bloody face seemed to have a drop of tears falling to the ground with bright red, his eyes gradually disappeared, as if he had fallen into the abyss of hell.

In the middle of summer before autumn, there was a small wooden house on the edge of the golden wheat field. The young man took the beautiful woman and snuggled on the swing. The eyes of the two were locked on the girl who was chasing the dragonfly in the wheat field. The two are smiling. It would be nice if this picture can be frozen.

Compared with the lofty status and powerful strength, perhaps all that man wants is to be with his mother and daughter to live and work in peace and contentment, but despite the impermanence of the world, he has become a lunatic who is neither human nor ghost.

He fell into a dream that he would never want to wake up.

On the other side, Arden was lying on the ground. He turned his head and glanced at his third son who was lost in the distance. Then he turned his eyes back to the bright moon in the sky.

Maybe it's time to deal with things in the organization.

When the barrier was broken, everyone was taken aback. Unexpectedly, the battle that took place there would destroy even this huge barrier.

So, what is the ending?

Some people are more courageous and repent of the ruins of Misnaisen, and they also know the answer. People who don't want to intervene in this right and wrong will leave this place quickly. The world is so big that there is always a place to be. Need a killer.

At this moment, Lumia, Gary, and Cheryl are sitting on a branch, the latter two are still vigilant around, while Lumia is looking into the distance very worried.

She didn't know what happened to Belen, but she saw the light that broke the barrier before, and there was no doubt that there was a fierce battle there.


The girl crossed her fingers and clenched fists in front of her. She closed her eyes, calling the person's name in her heart. She didn't want that person to die, but she chose to believe him, so she kept waiting here.

Maybe the gloom in her heart has not been completely dispelled, but there is no doubt that she already has the courage to face the darkness, and that courage is given to her by that person.

You must return safely.

With such thoughts, Lumia slowly opened her eyes, and when she opened her eyes, she seemed to feel that a miracle had come, and a figure of a man in white was reflected in her eyes. .

"Bei, Belen!"

Lu Mia couldn't help shouting, her eye sockets were instantly moist, and she didn't know why she was so excited, probably because he came back safely.

When Garion and Cheryl heard Lumia's shout, they immediately swept their eyes. They were shocked when they saw Belen's bloodstain, but then they were relieved and actually killed them.

Lumia jumped out of the big tree, and when she ran a step, she staggered and almost fell. She cried and threw herself into Belen’s arms, but the latter was so weak that she was thrown down all at once. After seeing the girl’s crying face, he also showed a faint smile. He placed his hand on the girl’s head and gently stroked it, looking at the bright moon. For some reason, he always felt that the moon tonight was particularly round. He smiled and said softly.

"Let's go home together."

Chapter 452: Changes on the Body

The first light in the morning passed through the thin curtains, and then fell on the face of the man on the bed. The closed eyes trembled slightly at this moment, and then slowly opened.

Where is this?

The man who had just awakened in the bed was Belen. He looked around in confusion, then slowly sat up, still experiencing some muscle aches.

Belen lowered his head and began to think, and then gradually remembered that after meeting Lumia and the others, he walked out of the territory of Miesnison and fell down shortly afterwards, and then became unconscious, probably who brought it out. Right.

Immediately afterwards, Belem got out of bed. When he stood up, his eyes were suddenly in a trance. He almost fell, and fortunately, he held the corner of the bed. The door and the structure of the wall were organized. The son appeared in front of him, he was slightly startled, then he shook his head and looked again before returning to normal.

this is?

Belen sat on the side of the bed, he looked at his hands a little sluggishly, and he was in a trance before him. He could clearly see the bones and muscles in his hands, as well as the circuits of magic.

This phenomenon is not the first time I have seen this, because he can see these when his consciousness jumps into the magical dimension, but at this moment, he has not integrated himself into the magical power of heaven and earth?

Although I don’t know why there is such a change, this situation is undoubtedly very troublesome for Belen. The sudden change of his vision will make him suddenly lose his balance. After all, he is no different from ordinary people. .

After a long silence, Belen stood up again. He went to the toilet and washed his face with water. Then he raised his head and looked in the mirror. He found that his eyes had turned blue in both whites and pupils, but The pupils are still black, otherwise the entire eyes will turn blue.

Although they were beautiful eyes, they worried him a little.

If this abnormal state was left because of stepping into that field, why didn't it the first time?Obviously this is the second time I have entered that field.

Thinking of this, Belen suddenly noticed something. He found that his body was not that weak. Compared to the first time, his current state was no different from usual.

Could it be that you are getting used to the power of that field?

Belen noticed his hair again, which had all turned into snow white at the moment. He thought, probably his vitality has lost a lot.

However, it seems that he has indeed begun to get used to that power. If it is equivalent to the first side effect, he is probably dead or about to die, but now he does not feel strange.

How much time is left?

Belen began to think about this. Perhaps the burden he had to bear for the second entry into that field was not as great as the first time, but this did not mean that there were no side effects.

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