Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 457

Then he sighed and then started to wash, until he came back to the bed, he found that he was a little hungry, and he didn't know how long he had slept.


The door was opened, and only a familiar figure fell into Belen's eyes. It was a black-haired girl in a normal black dress. The latter also widened his eyes after seeing the man wake up.


Seeing Lumia, Belen also smiled slightly, and then asked, "Um, how long did I sleep?"

Lu Mia walked in. She was wearing sportswear, with sweat beads on her snow-white neck. It was obvious that she had experienced a lot of exercise before.

The girl smiled and came to Belem, and then thought for a while and replied: "It's already the third day since I came here."

"That's it." Belen nodded, then looked at the clothes on the girl's body, and asked curiously: "Did you go out to exercise? Where is your friend?"

Lumia nodded, and she smiled and explained: "Because I can't control the power of my body right now, so I asked Cheryl and Senior Gary to help."

Hearing this, Belen couldn't help asking: "Is your body okay?"

"I think, maybe there will be something wrong." Lumia smiled and scratched her cheek with her fingers, then put her hands on the younger generation and blinked playfully, she said: "However, I am also satisfied. "

Seeing Lumia's contented smile, Belen was also relieved from the bottom of his heart, then stood up, he smiled and said, "I'm a little hungry, let's go buy something to eat together?"


Just after Belen stood up, the dimension in front of him jumped again, and his body suddenly became unbalanced and almost fell down. Luckily, Lumia suddenly reacted to him and supported him.

"You, how are you? Is the injury still not healed?"

"No, it's okay, it's just that I just didn't stand firm."

Belen didn't lie, he did not stand firmly, probably because of the jump in his brain that made him unbalanced. He shook his head and returned to normal.

"Okay, let's go down."


Lumia on the side was still a little worried about Belen's body, and she looked at him from time to time, and she was relieved after the latter had no more accidents.

Walking on the street, Belen learned from Lumia that Gary and Cheryl were still walking around the city and had no plans to leave for the time being. Then he thought about what had happened in Miesnison. , At that time, it was probably the girl who wanted to save Lu Mia that was hurt.

"Lumia, you made a great friend."

When she heard Belen's words, Lumia was also startled, and then she smiled, her eyes curled, she knew it was brilliant, and then she responded happily.

In Miesnison, if Cheryl hadn't come to comfort her and help her often, she would have fallen into the darkness and couldn't help herself. She would have regarded Cheryl as her best friend for life.

Because it was still early in the morning, there were many breakfast stalls on the roadside. Belen had a good aftertaste of the breakfast stall. After a full meal, he put down the dishes and chopsticks, and he looked at Lumia.

Now that Lumia has been rescued, he should also think about the things that follow. He has almost done what he should do in Eloranya. After that, he needs to inform Yu Hill about the things in Sealand. As for Yi Liya's identity must be handed over to Flotti to be no problem, so now Rumia should be considered.

"Lumia, do you remember Latier and the others?"

Hearing the name Belen mentioned, Lumia's heart jumped suddenly, and then she asked timidly like a little mouse showing a look of fear.

"Yes, is that the cat girl?"

Seeing Lumia so scared, Belen was also a little helpless. I didn't expect that after so long, this girl would still be afraid of La Tier, obviously her strength had grown to a very powerful level.

Chapter 453: Goodbye Hill

"No! I don't want it!"

In the room, Lumia was protesting loudly, muttering her small mouth, her small face was full of dissatisfaction and resistance, and she was sitting on a chair with her arms around her chest.

Seeing Rumia resisting so much, Belem said helplessly: "They are as kind as Rumia, you will love them."

Lumia shook her head and shouted, "It's not because of this!"

Upon seeing this, Belen asked in confusion: "What's that?"

"Because I want to be with you."

When she said this, Lumia didn't have the slightest shyness. There were extremely firm gazes in her big black eyes. She was serious.

However, Belem's cheeks blushed, and he scratched his white hair, which sounded really special. He pursed his mouth and exhaled.

"I will leave Eloranya later."

"Then I will leave with you too!"

Belen raised his gaze slightly to look at the delicate girl. He saw the firmness on the latter's face. In fact, he didn't want to take her on a trip. He didn't want to leave Latier and the others like this, but he had no choice. what.

He doesn't know how much time he has left, but after experiencing Miesnaisen's things, if it was less than five years before, then maybe it is not even half of it now.

What should they do if something happens accidentally one day while traveling?If it would be sad, then Belen wouldn't want to see that scene.

Letting them settle down early is also considered fulfilling their wish.

Putting away the complicated thoughts, Belen said with a smile: "Well, I have something to tell someone next, do you come with me?"


Lumia nodded.

So after Lumia left the note in Cheryl's room, she and Belen left the hotel, leaving the note so that Cheryl was at ease.

Belen intends to tell Hill about Sealand. As for Lumia, he still needs to think about it. After all, Lumia had attacked Hill before as a killer of Miesnison and wanted Hill to keep Lu. As for Mia, he didn't know what Hill would think.

I would probably refuse. After all, I had to take everyone away from Hill before. Besides, Lumia had also attacked Hill before as a killer of Mishnesen, and I would probably resist it.

It seems that my own thoughts are basically impossible to realize, so let's think about Lumia's thing later.

Belen did not go directly to Miesnison, but took Rumia to the location of his commercial car. Seeing the two earth dragons still loving, he also felt very speechless. He was tired these days. Too hard, these two guys didn't even look at themselves after they came back.


Belen looked at his old man and asked curiously: "I haven't come back these days, have you eaten it?"

Although the earth dragons will not starve to death without eating for a few days, it is impossible to be so energetic. If you think about it, maybe someone has come back to feed two earth dragons.

Earth Dragon's huge eyes glanced at Belen, then made a buzzing sound as if to answer, then retracted his gaze and slumped on the ground.

Seeing the Earth Dragon's response, Belen was silent for a moment. Perhaps Latier and Laya had been here. He was silent for a moment on the spot, and then nodded to Lumia, and the two walked to the castle.

Because the guard knew Belem, he opened it naturally, and then continued to be lazy. It was really healed that the scar was forgotten, and he was not afraid of being deducted from his wages.

That's pretty good, if someone were to inform Hill, maybe Latier and the others would come too, now he doesn't have much confidence to face them.

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