Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 459

"You, hello, my name is Lumia."

Hill also noticed that Lumia seemed to be a little afraid of herself and a little confused, but she nodded, stretched out a hand, and also introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Hill."

Seeing Hill’s stretched out hand, Lumia hesitated and stretched out her hand to hold it, and after seeing the two girls shaking hands, Belen coughed and said that Ling Hill’s whole person If they are stiff.

"This is the killer who attacked you before."

Hill held Lumia's hand and froze in place. Her mind was blank for an instant. The next moment she looked up stiffly and looked at the bitter and shy girl.

"Open, are you kidding me?"

Lumia didn't know where to turn her gaze, but she said, "Yes, I'm sorry." In fact, she was also quite embarrassed. She was stunned when she opened the door and saw Hill.

Seeing the girl in front of her, Hill also gradually recovered. She retracted her hand, then looked at Lumia, and then curiously asked: "Are you the last killer who comes out every time?"

"Um...it seems to be." Lumia was not sure whether she was the last to play.

As a result, Hill fell into silence, which also made Belen and Lumia a little nervous. The former wanted Hill, while the latter felt guilty for wanting to assassinate the girl.

The next moment, Hill showed a smile, and she said, "Then it will be fine."

"Why?" Belen asked with some confusion. He thought Hill would accuse Lumia.

Hill looked at Belém inexplicably, and said: "She didn't hurt me. Besides, isn't it you who hurt her?"

Okay, it seems so...

Belen looked at Lumia helplessly. The latter also thought of the scene at the time because of Hill's words, and said quickly: "Sorry, Belen."

"It's okay, it's passed." Belen didn't care about it, even though it was really uncomfortable to get the knife.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at Hill again, his eyes hesitated, but in the end he made a decision. He said, "Hill, I hope you can take in Lumia like Latir and the others."


The two girls opened their eyes wide.

Four hundred and fifty-fifth chapters: because he is afraid

When the two girls heard Belen's words, they were all stunned. Lumia didn't expect that the place Belen had said to her before was actually here, and Hill didn't expect Belen to make such a request.

"Lumia is a very good child, if you can get along with her for a while, you will understand."

Belen was afraid that Hill would care about Rumia because of the previous incident, and he didn't want to disconnect the two that had just established.

"Belen! I just want to follow you!"

Before Hill could reply, Lumia spoke first, her delicate face full of anxiety.

Hearing that, Belen shook his head, and said in a soft voice: "Lu Mia, stay here and live with everyone. Your future will be full of happiness."

"No way."

Lu Mia still refused. She lowered her head, her body was trembling slightly, and she said in a low voice, "If you are because of your body, then I am ready to go to the end with you."

Hearing these words, Belen also widened his eyes, and he hesitated, "You know?"

Hearing this, Lumia suddenly raised her head. A line of tears had fallen from both sides of her eye sockets. She shouted hoarsely, "Isn't this something you can know at a glance?"

During the time when Lumia and Belém met for the first time, although this man always looked unmotivated, compared to his current appearance with white hair, it was nothing short of heaven. Farewell.

He is nothing more than a young man of about twenty-one.

That gray hair is not innate!

Hill on the side also had a heartbeat after hearing Lumia's words, her eyes fell on the white hair, no matter how she looked at it, she felt a sense of desolation.

"Your body..."

Hill couldn't help but remember what Latier and the others said at the time that this man's gray hair was not born with him. From the weakness of the first meeting to the present, what happened to him, it's just that Haven't seen you for ten days and become like this?

"What did you do?" Hill glanced at Lumia and suddenly thought of something. She opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief, "You are not going to Miesnison, right?"

Hill suddenly remembered the recent madness of Eloranya. After a huge movement a few days ago in the mountains outside Eloranya, the Imperial Army intervened and discovered that it was actually rice. Snaisson's base, but I don't know what has been experienced has been destroyed.

Belen didn't know what to say about this. Even if he explained the truth, maybe Hill would not believe it. After all, he was not a great figure in the latter's eyes.

"Oh, shouldn't it have anything to do with you?"

Even if Hill guessed that it had something to do with Belen, he couldn't think that it was Belen's work alone. After all, it was a shocking fact.

Belen nodded and said, "It's a bit related."

"Is your hair because of this?" Hill refocused his gaze on the white snow, not knowing why, but he felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"Yeah." Belen replied.

After being silent for a while, Hill asked in a deep voice, "Why are you doing this?"

Although she had an answer in her heart, she couldn't imagine the fact anyway, provoke that behemoth for everyone?This is too exaggerated!

"It's nothing, just do something as much as possible before leaving." Belen answered Hill truthfully, as he intended.

"Why do you want to be like this?" Hill stared at the man in front of him.

"Do you need any reason to do something for your family?" Belen grinned and showed a big smile. Even with his temperament, he could say such words naturally.

Upon receiving this answer, Hill was also stunned, and then said: "Did you make up your mind to let them stay because of your health?"

"It can be said that, besides, I also think it is better for them to stay with me than with me." Belen nodded, there is no need to hide anything from Hill, after all, Latier and the others can only rely on her. .

Then Belen looked at Lumia again, and he said: "Lumia, you have to listen to me this time."

Lumia took a step back when she heard the words. She opened her mouth and wanted to refuse, but suddenly remembered the rainy night that she had already refused once, so she bit her lip lightly, then raised her head to look at Belen.

"You took me out of that place without authorization, and you left me without authorization, I don't want it!"

After Lu Mia solemnly refused, she bit her lip and turned around and ran out of the study, apparently she could not accept this result anyway.


Seeing the girl running out, Belen also stunned, then shouted to no avail, he sighed, it seems that the most troublesome thing is on Lumia's side.

But as she said, maybe she was too self-willed.

Belen suddenly remembered the words that Lumia had said before, and he was very moved, but even so, he also thought that leaving Lumia here was the best choice.

Because he was scared.

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