Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 460

Immediately afterwards, Belem looked at Hill again, and he said: "I will convince her, and I hope you can agree to my request. I only have this wish."

"I understand."

Hill agreed after a moment of silence, and then stood up. She glanced out the window and then at Belem. Then she asked, "My sister...where?"

Therefore, Belen informed Hill of the location, and the girl sighed when she learned about it. Unexpectedly, her sister would be in such a remote place, even if she took the fastest eagle, rushed to Eloranya It will take at least half a month for the Brugundy Prairie.

"By the way, there is something your sister wants to give you here." Belen suddenly remembered that there is a blank sheet of paper besides the pocket watch, which is probably for his family.

After handing the white paper to Hill, she watched for a while and then put it away. She nodded to Belen, then walked out of the study, and suddenly looked back.

"If you are not in a hurry, you might as well just live in. The room will be vacant for you. You can also chat with Latir and the others."

Hearing Hill's words, Belen also stunned, then smiled and nodded. After so many experiences, Hill's attitude towards him has also changed a lot.

Immediately afterwards, Belen came to the window, the breeze was very cool, his eyes looked towards the woods, as if he could see the girls who were working hard to practice magic.

Let's talk some time.

Chapter Four Hundred and Fifty Six: A Tolerable Determination

On the first day of returning to Borgiacorti, Belen had many opportunities to meet Latier and the others, but he avoided it subconsciously, always feeling that it would be a bit embarrassing to meet him now.

Still that room.

At this moment, Belen was a little bit at a loss as to what to do. He looked at the girl lying on the bed and said helplessly: "Lu Mia, are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something?"

However, Lumia still didn't reply, and Belen could only sigh secretly. He stepped forward and sat on the side of the bed. He looked at the moonlight outside the glass window.

"Lu Mia, staying here will be of great help to your future."

The girl lying on her side sat up at this moment, and said with a complicated expression: "As a result, I left there and still couldn't decide what I wanted to do."

When Belen heard these words, he woke up suddenly. He turned around abruptly and said quickly: "No, I'm sorry, I was wrong. You should have the right to choose."

He actually completely forgot the feelings in Lumia's heart. If she can't get her true freedom, how can he save her?

"So, can I follow you?" After hearing Belen's words, Lumia suddenly smiled and blinked playfully at the man.

Seeing Lumia's sudden change of smile, Belen also stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly. It turned out that this girl deliberately asked herself to say this, but Belen was still silent about her words.

"Belen, what are you afraid of?" Lumia looked at Belen, her expression was very firm, and she was even a little angry at the moment, so she shouted: "I have it, even if you die in front of me, I will The determination to endure it."

Belen also opened his eyes wide after hearing this sentence. This is what he has been afraid of. He doesn't want to die in front of the girls, no matter what.

If they could die in a remote place, they wouldn't know it, so that they would avoid everyone being sad because of him. It would be nice to wait for time to pass and wait until everyone forgot his existence.

Immediately after that, Belem came back to his senses, because in front of him, a young girl was sitting on the bed looking at him with tears, her face was crying.

Belen sighed, then got out of bed and came to the other side. He stretched out his hand to embrace Rumia in his arms, and then gently patted her trembling back.

"How old is there to cry."

"I want to follow you."

Obviously she is already a 16 or 7-year-old girl, but at this moment Lu Mia is talking like an immature child, but despite this, she still touches someone's heart.

At the moment when Lumia's world was illuminated, Belem had already become her spiritual support. Everything in the outside world seemed extremely strange, so she wanted to rely on him, and also wanted to be his support, who was also lonely at this moment.

"Then follow, don't cry."


In the end, Belém's defeat ended the end. From the beginning to the end, he couldn't hold back these girls. In the "clash" with them, he seemed to have never won, right?

Obviously he is the head of the family.

This night, Lu Mia went to sleep in a satisfied mood, and Belen was also by her side. Perhaps when the girl was in that place, she did not sleep as easily as she does now.

In the early morning of the next day, Belen might be the first person to wake up in the castle. He quickly finished the breakfast for two and returned to the room. He still needs to brew his courage to face Latier and the others.

"Practice harder today!"


The five girls walked out of the gate of the castle, and the silver-haired girl was at the end. She suddenly stopped. She turned and looked at the top of the stairs, just in line with a line of sight.

Belen swallowed, then put a finger in front of her mouth to make a silent motion, and Illya blinked, seeming to understand, then turned around to follow the crowd.

After Lumia was done freshening up, Belen took her out of the castle, and then walked towards the place where La Tier and the others exercised, and it was better to meet each other.


When Belen and Lumia approached, they felt a wave of air. The two blocked the wind with their hands. Belen looked at the cat-eared girl who was using wind magic in the distance with some surprise.

That magic power is very good.

At this moment, La Tier and Laya were chanting magic spells together, and the two of them placed their hands in front of them, turquoise magic lingering around the two women, and the wind was blowing.

"The spirit of the wind! Lend us your power, roll up the boundless hurricane on the earth, let the dust be swept away, the waterfall of the wind!"


At this time, Latiel and Laya gritted their teeth and worked together to control the magic, but in the end they couldn't control it. The huge whirlwind rolled towards the left. Obviously, the two of them were not proficient in this magic.

At this moment, Hill suddenly noticed Belen and Lumia over there, and immediately exclaimed "someone", and the girls also looked at them at this moment. When they saw the two people, they were wide open. Closed eyes.

"Be careful!"

Seeing the wind rolling in, Belen's right hand slowly shook up, but at this moment, the black-haired girl next to her walked out, then raised her right hand and held it slowly in front of her.


The huge air flow suddenly dissipated, and disappeared all at once, leaving only a faint breeze to make the leaves flutter, which also surprised Belen.

This magic...

Belen glanced at Lumia. He didn't expect the girl's magic power to be exactly the same as that of "King of Killer" Arden, and she seemed to have mastered it very skillfully, even the air could shatter.

Lumia turned her head to look at Belem, and said, "Don't force yourself to do it yourself if you are not in good health."

Hearing this, Belem retorted with some helplessness: "Where do you tell that my health is not good? I am in good health now."

Although this statement is not entirely correct, it is true that Belém’s current condition is not in a state of extreme weakness like the last time, but he is still a little weak physically, but this is just because the strength has been maintained for too long, but this The degree of weakness does not affect him much.

"Bei, Mr. Belen?"

At this moment, there was a girl's call, and Belen also looked at him. He saw Latier and the others standing there looking at him blankly, so he showed a faint smile.

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