Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 465


The violent weather waves swept by the squally wind even shook the friendly forces back, but this eased their pressure a lot, and the movement here also made people from other directions noticed.

Lucy also smiled after seeing this scene, she said to herself: "The two girls did a beautiful job."


After completing this magic, Latier and Laya slapped their palms together and looked very happy. This is the first time they have completed this magic.

Because they were worried about the outside situation, Latiel and Laya couldn't help but want to come out. Because they have a certain strength, they felt that they should dedicate it. As expected, the outside situation is not good, so they are more determined to help. belief.

Although waiting for Ilia to return is the best choice, Latier and Laiya remembered one thing, that is, Ilia’s sensitive identity. They knew that these invaders must have been influenced by Giovanni. Because of the enemy of the Duke, then the people who belong to the party and government, if the identity is exposed because of Ilia's action, then the other party will definitely make a big deal in this matter.

Therefore, they must rely on themselves!

The people of Poggiacorti had noticed that the magic was released by these two girls, and felt extremely surprised at the moment. They did not expect that there would be such reinforcements.


Just as everyone was in awe, suddenly there was a deafening thunder in the sky. Everyone opened their eyes wide, and only saw a huge magic circle appeared in the sky, although the scope was not large. , But the flashing thunder made the scalp numb.

What is that?

However, Willis and the others looked at a man in a large black robe behind him. He was obviously an old man with his back slumped, and he didn't seem to want to reveal his true face, so he stood in a more position. dark.

That is the strong man invited from the imperial court magic group.


I saw that a few lightning strikes suddenly fell from the magic circle and bombarded the ground. Many of the guards' knights were struck by lightning and lost consciousness, and some people were seriously injured.

"Laya, I will destroy that, please defend me!"

"it is good."

Both Latier and Laya raised their heads and looked at the magic circle in the sky. The lightning released by the magic circle is rapidly consuming their combat power. They must be destroyed, and now they can Only the two of them took the shot.

"Take it up, that noisy wind, wind cannon!"

"The spirit of the wind, when the whispering sound sounds softly, your compassion will turn into a whirling wind to protect this creature!"


A violent wind swept up, and when the thunder and lightning fell, it was resisted by the noisy wind, and then a huge hurricane bombarded the magic circle above like a tornado.


The gust of wind easily broke the magic circle, but when everyone showed joy, the next moment their faces became stiff, because a larger magic circle was enveloped on the dome that day. The purple and white lightning contained in that made everyone palpitations.


Before everyone could react, a huge thunder descended from the huge magical array, which bombarded La Tier and others below like a thunder dragon, and everyone opened their eyes wide.


A vast wave of magic power suddenly covered the entire Poggiacorti. When the thunder fell, the magic power like a tsunami instantly swallowed it away, and it instantly turned into nothingness, and at the same time, a The figure covered in silver-white brilliance stepped through the air, like a god.

Chapter 462: Leave or die

When the silver figure appeared, everyone's attention was attracted. In addition to being attracted by the beautiful figure, they were even more shocked by the vast magical power.

Is this magic really a god?

Everyone present has experienced countless battles, but this magical power is not just the killers. Even the palace mages who were invited were shocked by this magical power, because even in the military headquarters, they were all shocked. I have never seen such a terrible magic power.

Who is that silver-haired girl?

But not everyone didn't know this silver-haired girl. When some people in "Dark Moon" saw this silver-haired girl, the deep memories of that year came to mind again.

Yes... "Witch"!

Willis' look at the moment has also become extremely ugly. Obviously the two old men have already failed. At this moment, the princess has come to the battlefield. How can this battle be fought?

"Damn it, it's a "witch"!"

The young archer standing on the branch also opened his eyes wide at this moment, and he recognized the silver-haired girl immediately after seeing the silver-haired girl. Although the latter's body shape was different from the original one, he could still be recognized.

"This is bad."

Even the court mage who used the Thunder Magic took two steps back involuntarily at this moment. He originally planned to reject the Grand Duke Charles because the people of "Dark Moon" wanted to kill him, but because the promised benefits were too generous, so Only reluctantly agreed.

However, he never heard from the Grand Duke Charles that the "witch" was on the enemy side!


Latil yelled with great joy when she saw that Ilia was back.

Hearing her call, Illya also slowly descended to the ground, she came to Latil and Laya's side, and looked calmly at the invaders.

Latier and Laya seemed to have thought of something, and then they looked at each other, and the two girls sighed in their hearts. Although they didn’t want Ilia to do it for fear of revealing their identity, it seemed that it was too late. Illiya took the shot, maybe something went wrong with them.

Up to now, one can only take one step at a time.

"Who is that, it's impossible to win!"

I don’t know who underestimated it in the crowd, and then spread it from ten to ten. All of a sudden, the invaders’ military spirit was confused. How could it be possible to win against someone with such terrible magic power?

At this moment, Willis looked gloomy. He was unwilling to retreat like this. He had already done so once. He didn't want to have a second time, but the power gap made him unable to resist.

What should I do now?

Ilia stepped forward. Every time she took a step, the enemy backed away two steps. The guards of Poggiacorti were all dumbfounded after seeing this scene. They tried their best to fight. In front of a young girl, he couldn't even mention the fighting spirit.

Walking to the center, Illiya's eyes swept across the invaders in front of her, and she said to the invaders in that sweet and crisp voice: "Leave or die."

She didn't mean to hurt people, but the magic that flooded the world meant a warning. If you don't obey, you can only do it.

How to do?go?

The invaders looked at each other. They had already reached the gate of the castle. Isn't it a bit embarrassing for your efforts to evacuate now?But even though they were not reconciled, they knew that the beautiful girl in front of them was not what they could fight against.

So, there is an answer.

Just as the invaders were cautiously retreating, Brutus on the side of "Dark Moon" opened his eyes wide. He couldn't believe that these guys actually retreated like this, and he was furious.

"What a joke! A bunch of timid guys!"

Brutus’s angry shout stopped everyone’s footsteps, and then the magic swordsman rushed forward resolutely. He didn’t care how great the opponent’s magic power was. He clearly had victory in sight, so how could he retreat at this time? !?

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