Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 466

"Ah! Die to me!"

He leaped forward, a fiery flame burned on the sword, accompanied by an astonishing arc of thunder, holding the sword in both hands and standing on top of his head, he slashed towards Ilia.

"No! Brutus!" Willis yelled immediately after seeing this scene.

However, it was too late. Brutus had already slashed down with the sword, and facing the sword, Illya still looked as usual, her slender fingers flicking at this moment.


The silver hair stranded Brutus in the air like a thousand flowing rain with a thunderous force, and the magical sword was cut off by the thin strands of hair in full view.


Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and the next moment they felt a icy cold, I saw that countless hairs suddenly penetrated Brutus’s body and then withdrawn, and the bright red blood fell directly to the ground. Not even contaminated with the holy silver hair.

A dignified magic swordsman, just died like this?

The silver hair began to stretch, and then floated around Ilia. Her eyes swept across the invaders coldly, and she calmly said: "I'll be silent for dozens of times. If I don't leave, just stay here."

Hearing this silver-haired girl's words, everyone felt aroused in their hearts, and then turned around and ran. They didn't think that this girl's words were joking. If they don't leave, their lives will be lost here.

The fastest escape was the young archer and the palace magister. It was not the first time that the two of them had seen the power of the "witch". When the latter issued the first warning, they had already retreated, even No one noticed that they had run away long ago.

In the eyes of those two people, let alone the hundreds of them here, even if there were a few hundred people, they might not be the opponent of that "witch", that is no longer an existence that can be won by quantity.


Willis stared at the silver-haired figure, and then turned and left with the "Dark Moon" people. Although he was not reconciled, he was not as irrational as Brutus, who went up and lost his life so hastily.

After everyone retreated, the barrier naturally dissipated. Everyone in Pogiacorti cast their eyes on Ilia. They had never seen such a powerful person.

The people in the Silver Bird Adventure Group also looked at the silver-haired girl curiously. They didn't know the relationship between Ilia and Belem, but they couldn't help but became curious. Who was the stronger silver-haired girl or the white swordsman?

Lucy was the only person in the adventure group who knew the relationship between the two. She smiled slightly and said to herself: "How come you are with such a wonderful girl?"

Chapter 463: The Devilish Flotti

Because of the failure of the action, Charles felt extremely desperate. When he heard about the "witch", he felt extremely hated for this girl who had never met. If it weren't for the appearance of the "witch", they The action may have been successful, and everything has a turning point!

But now, it seems that one foot has stepped into the ghost door and closed.

Many nobles who had met before had severed all contact with him after the action failed at this moment to prevent Charles from being dragged into the water, which also made him extremely angry.

On this day, in the royal palace.

"From now on, deprive Charles of the title of Grand Duke, remove the status of nobility, take back all territories, and immediately go to jail and wait for delivery."

Although this is the case, everyone knows that the former Grand Duke Charles Gebini is not far from death. The crimes he committed are enough for ordinary nobles to die several times, but because of the Grand Duke’s The title allowed his death sentence to be suspended.

Many nobles felt that Charles was guilty of death. There were countless relatives and friends around them who were scapegoated by his conspiracy. If they were allowed to lynch, they would have countless ways to make him worse off.

On the contrary, those nobles who had good relations with Charles felt sorry. After all, there is a grand duke as a backer, who has great convenience in many things, but if you want to involve yourself, then it is not convenient.

"Your Majesty! I have something to say!"

Charles fell to his knees. He knew that he was definitely not far from death, but before that, he had to bite Giovanni back.

The figure behind the curtain did not speak, and the minister on the side seemed to be signaled, so he looked at Charles and asked in a deep voice: "What else do you have to say, Your Majesty allows it."

So Charles looked at Giovanni who was staring at him viciously, and shouted: "In Giovanni's mansion, there is a "witch" from the empire!"


All the nobles in the hall have their eyes wide open. As members of the party and government, how can they not know that this extremely famous "witch" has received news of the appearance of the "witch" from various cities a few days ago, but now, Actually appeared in the residence of Grand Duke Giovanni?

A hidden empire fugitive?

Almost everyone's eyes were focused on Giovanni. This is no small matter. After all, the wicked name of "Witch" is unknown.

And Giovanni still looked calm. After his home was attacked that day, he knew something like this would happen, and the silver-haired girl pushed back all enemies. This was also his benefactor, and besides, he was personally. How can those who agree to adopt those children find excuses and embarrass their daughter?

Then, he will bear all this.

"Your Majesty, actually..."

"Actually, I let the "witch" stay with Grand Duke Giovanni."

The sudden voice interrupted what Giovanni was about to say, and everyone's eyes were looking at the door of the main hall at this moment. Only a pretty woman in a large robe walked in slowly and saw When this woman was, many people's eyes were slightly squinted.

How could she come?

The person who came suddenly was Flotti Pandora, the head of the Imperial Special Arms Department, the minister of one of the three military departments, and the woman who made countless people afraid of wanting to step down.

Grand Duke Giovanni also looked at Flotti in confusion. He didn't understand why the Chief of the Special Armament Department wanted to help himself. There was nothing to do with the two sides.

The minister above the hall frowned when he saw Florti's arrival, and asked in a deep voice, "You mean, you let the "witch" stay in the territory of Grand Duke Giovanni?"

Flotti came to the center of the main hall and responded with a smile to the minister's words: "In fact, the Grand Duke Giovanni did not know the identity of the child. I lied and told him that it was my distant relative. Take care, because the child's identity is sensitive, so I didn't bring it into the city."

Know the Grand Duke Giovanni and the Chief of the Special Arms Service?

After realizing this, many nobles who were hostile to Giovanni became vigilant. Why should the party and government members be involved with the highest-level military personnel? Perhaps something can be dug up on this point.

A Duke immediately asked: "Do you know Grand Duke Giovanni?"

Flotti glanced at him, then smiled and said, "I don't even know each other. Except for occasional encounters in the Royal City, this is the second time I have met the Grand Duke formally. The first time was when I met "The Witch "When entrusted to him."

"It's just to the extent that you have met each other, so you entrust your distant relatives to him?" The duke sneered at the moment. Isn't it weird to say that?

In this regard, Flotti smiled and swept across the crowd, and then looked at the duke, she said: "I have so many enemies in the royal city, and I can trust them with so many people, why, Do you have any questions?"

This woman, really dare to say, she is so directly speaking here.

At this time, the minister in the hall asked: "The "witch" was taken away by prisoners a year ago. Could it be that you did it?"

"I did it."

When Flotti confessed, everyone's eyes widened. It was unexpected that the person who robbed the prisoner would be this one, but how could she dare to admit it on such an occasion?

"Do you know what it means to rob prisoners?" The minister narrowed his eyes, staring at the woman in the hall.

Flotti’s smile remained the same, and she didn’t seem to worry about anything. She smiled naturally: "Everyone at the scene also knows who are in my special combat unit, so I want to include the "witch" under my hands. Is it strange?"

A nobleman blurted out immediately: "But you are breaking the law when you rob prisoners!"

In this regard, Flotti still responded with a smile: "At that time, so many organizations in the dark wanted to rob the "witch". If I didn't do anything, the "witch" would fall into the hands of others, so compared to me To control the "witch", are you more willing to let other forces take away the "witch"?"

Everyone was speechless. They couldn't find anything to refute, and it's not easy to refute it now. Once refuted, it means that there is disagreement. Doesn't this fall into the trap of this woman?

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