Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 467

"So, do you still have questions?" Flotti smiled and scanned the nobles who were looking at each other, then looked at the minister in the hall, and then at the majesty who was covered by the curtain.

The minister stared at Flotti. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but his eyes suddenly squinted, his ears moved slightly, and then he closed his mouth.

Therefore, this time the "Witch" storm was resolved by Flotti.

And Charles, who wanted to take a bite back to Giovanni, didn't expect such a change to happen. He stared at Flori with that bitter gaze.

Perceiving his gaze, Flotti also looked at him, her charming eyes were suddenly covered with a layer of ice, where the extremely terrifying killing intent was suppressed, she smiled slightly, but this fell into In the eyes of others, it was as if a devil was grinning, and what she said seemed to be coming from the abyss of Nine Nethers.

"Don't worry, I will make you better than death."

Chapter Four Hundred and Sixty Four: Hope to see you in such spirit

After the dust settled in the hall, Flotti walked out of the hall with Giovanni, and many people's eyes stayed on the former.

This woman is really getting in the way.

The Grand Duke Charles has no place to stand up, and the nobles with whom he once joined forces are also afraid of the high-ranking Grand Duke Giovanni, who could have been beaten down by the "Witch", but because The appearance of this woman shattered all of this.

In fact, many people know that there must be something tricky here, because Flotti's timely appearance at this time is enough to explain a problem.

She knows what happened that night.

And the news of that incident has been blocked, except for the people involved, no one knows what happened, so why would Flotti know?

This is not known, but what is certain is that what this woman said in the hall today may not be true, but despite this, no one can stand up.

If one person is willing to come forward and point out some clues, then the people behind will definitely come forward one after another. In that case, Flotti's situation may not be as good as imagined.

But no one stood up, because no one dared to stand up first.

Maybe it used to be, but not anymore.

The people in the military department have never gotten into the affairs of the party and government. This is purely because they have no interest in it, but the people in the party and government are very afraid of the people in the military department because there are many people who can get it overnight The great glory, such as Flotti, is even higher than that of the Grand Duke, which makes people have to be afraid.

Someone once tried to deal with Flotti secretly, but don’t mention how terrible it was afterwards. Even the friends around that person suffered as a result. And that time, the chief of the Special Armament Department was treated by everyone. Fear, once this woman takes a shot, it is a thunderous method.If it is not a last resort, you must not provoke it.

Only the emperor on the road can really restrict that woman with power, but what is puzzling is that the emperor seems to indulge the actions of this woman.

Outside the hall.

"Why are you helping me?"

After leaving the hall for a long time, Giovanni asked this sentence. He was as puzzled as everyone in the hall why this woman, one of the three military ministers, wanted to help herself.

Flotti smiled and said, "Actually, I came here for the identity of that child, but you happened to encounter such a thing by accident, so you solved it together."

"Is that right?"

Hearing Flotti’s explanation, Giovanni couldn’t find any flaws, but he remembered one thing, and asked: "Chief Flotti, it is said that you are a graduate of Flozarno Academy. s student?"

"That's right." Flotti nodded.

After seeing her confession, Giovanni also flashed his eyes, as if thinking of something, immediately asked: "Could it be that you know Belém?"

When he first met Belém, he learned from Cuba that the latter was a top student from that graduate.

So, Flotti looked at Giovanni, then smiled and shrugged. She said: "Yes, he and I are classmates. I who appeared at this time were indeed entrusted by him."

"It turned out to be so."

Giovanni suddenly realized.

After the two separated, Giovanni was going to return to his home, and Flotti was going to the Special Arms Department. As the chief, she had a lot of things to do. Besides, there was another person waiting there. About her.

When Flotti returned to her office, she found a man sitting in a position eating cookies and reading a book, and she also smiled and teased.

"Aren't you afraid I didn't do it?"

In response, Belen just raised his head and smiled and said, "Is there anything you can't do?"

"You really can count on me." Flotti shook her head, then sat back in her seat, and then took out a biscuit entrance. She said: "I can only do what I can do."

"Thanks a lot."

Belen certainly knew that there was no problem with Flotti, but it was still a bit guilty to trouble people again and again, and he couldn't give anything.

Flotti looked at the man, and she asked, "Are you really going to keep those girls?" Obviously, she had also learned from Belen.

"Well, it's good to stay here." Belen nodded. He didn't regret it. Then he thought of something and said: "Wait until the Flozarno Academy is completed, can you please bring Illya and Latis go through the enrollment procedures?"

Flotti was stunned when she heard the words, she said with a weird expression: "Do you want that child to enroll? What else can she learn from the school?"

Of course she knows Ilia’s identity as well as her strength. The name of the "witch" is not just for fun. She also masters the supreme law of magic, the "Mantra of the Earth". Such an existence can be a student, Is it really suitable?

Belen smiled and said, "Knowledge is not the only thing that can be gained in the academy."

For this, he can be said to be a person here.

"All right." Flotti nodded. She wouldn't refuse the current Belen. When the latter got up and was about to leave, she suddenly said, "Is there anything else I can help?"

Hearing what she said, Belen smiled and shook his head and said, "No, thank you for your care so far." After speaking, he left the office.

After a while, Flotti stood up, she turned and looked outside the glass wall, the figure walked out of the armament office, her eyes swayed slightly.

Didn't you find it?You have become more and more laughing.

Hope to see you in such spirit.

After Belem left the special armament office, he left the royal city. He walked aimlessly, and finally came to a table of clock towers, where the cold breeze blowing on his face was extremely refreshing.

Poggiacorti was invaded that day, Belen and Lumia had actually returned there, but they were not in a hurry to take action, so he watched all the scenes in the dark.

Latir and Laya have grown up enough to be alone, and Illya didn't know what went through that night, and seemed to have found a choice. They both had grown up.

Belen didn't plan to see them again, because he was afraid that he could not help staying for a while, and then stayed like this forever.

What he has to do is now complete, and then he should take his last part of the road, and their road has just begun.

The young man stood on the clock tower, his gaze looked into the distance, as if there was a place he wanted to see, his snow-white hair was tossed by the wind, and his eyes were reluctant and determined.

At this time, the black-haired girl also came to the clock tower, and she had already bid farewell to her friend. At this moment, she was standing quietly beside him, and the young man also felt her coming and turned his head to her. There was a warm smile.

It's time to leave.

Chapter four hundred and sixty-fifth: a good journey

In the small woods behind Poggiacorti Castle, the girls practice magic early in the morning, which has become an essential part of their lives.

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