Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 468

They didn't end their exercise until the sun was high in the sky. After returning to the castle, they habitually came to the dining place to eat breakfast, while the girl's gaze swept across a vacant seat.

There was still a person sitting there.

Grand Duke Giovanni did not forget to greet the girls during the meal. After all, he has become the guardian of three of the four girls since that day.

"If you need anything, you can tell me at any time, we will live together like a family."

Hearing the words of Grand Duke Giovanni, La Tier smiled and nodded, although the smile was not so natural, and Giovanni didn't mind it, he knew the girls still need time to adapt.

Immediately afterwards, Giovanni looked at Laya again and said with a smile: "Laya, if you want to go home anytime, tell me, we will accompany you back."

"Thank you Lord Duke." Laiya also thanked him politely.

Leia looked at Latier and the others again. Although it was a good choice to stay in Poggiacorti, it goes without saying that Hill, the Grand Duke Giovanni is a very good father, and he will live there for a long time. Will be a good family.

However, everyone still can't let go of that person.

Don't know where he is now, has he left Eloranya?

At noon, the girls are all sitting on the sofa eating desserts, their clothes are still the usual ones, and at this moment, their mood is a little low.

At this time, Ratil suddenly muttered to himself: "Mr. Belen, has he left Eloranya?"

Everyone didn't speak, they didn't know where Belem was now. They hadn't seen Belem for several days. Perhaps, they had already left?

La Tier was a little sad for a while, because Mr. Belen left without saying goodbye, and she also regretted it because she was wronged and agreed to the latter.

She should not be able to accept it anyway. In that case, Mr. Belen's temperament would definitely not refuse. In this case, everyone can still be together.

Now, it seems to be too late.

Illiya, who was sitting quietly by the side, suddenly stood up at this moment, the girls all looked at her, and the silver-haired girl turned and walked towards the door.

"Brother is leaving."

When the silver-haired girl finished speaking, she turned into a silver stream and left the hall instantly, and she flew directly out of Poggiacorti.

She is going to see him.

At this moment, La Tier also opened her eyes wide, and the scene of her first encounter with the young man suddenly appeared in her mind. It was the scenes of more than a year that floated in front of her eyes like dreamy bubbles, and her eyes suddenly moistened. Up.

He has not left yet!

So, at the moment Latier stood up, Hill and Laya also stood up, the three girls looked at each other, and a small hand held Latier, and the kitten showed a big smile.

Upon seeing this, La Tier also smiled. She nodded, and then said: "Let's go see Mr. Belen."

"Although that guy is very annoying, it would be too much to leave without saying a word." Hill smoothed the folds of the skirt and smiled.

Laiya smiled and said, "Then, we must hurry up."

The four girls immediately ran out of the castle, and then immediately called the fastest groom, rushed out of the mansion in a carriage, and followed in the direction of the silver streamer in the sky.

At the gate of the northwestern end of Eloranya.

At this moment, Lucy and the others are sorting luggage and goods on the commercial truck, but in the Silver Bird Adventure Group, it’s not right. At this time, it should be called the Silver Bird Merchant Group. There is a small business group beside them The car is the one from Belém.


After all the goods were arranged, Lucy also let out a long sigh of relief, and then walked to the side of another newly-added commercial vehicle, looked at Belem who was moving things, and smiled slightly.

"Belen, how are you preparing?"

Hearing Lucy's voice, Belen also turned his head to look at her, smiled and nodded and said: "We are almost ready to go."

"Sister Lucy, where do you put these?"

At this time, a black-haired girl walked out from the side. She was carrying a large box with her hands. It was huge and the goods here had a certain weight.

"Just put Belem here, it's all the same." Lucy responded with a smile, and then smiled and thanked: "Thanks for your help, Lumia."

"It's ok."

Lu Mia also smiled and shook her head.

After Belen introduced Lumia to everyone, in the past two days, Lumia has become familiar with each other. Lumia, whose mood has changed, is no longer so introverted, and the Silverbirds are not right. Lu Mia's previous killer status was somewhat resisted, because everyone's occupations were not much different.

At this time, Lucy looked at Belen and asked, "Is there really no need to say goodbye to them?"

Hearing this, Belen smiled and shook his head, and said, "This is good."

Lucy nodded, respecting Belen's choice, and then ordered everyone to get on the commercial car, and soon left the gate of Eloranya.

After leaving Eloranya for a while, Belen still had a charming heart. He looked back and saw that the city was getting farther and farther away, and just as he was about to withdraw his eyes, a silver-white light and shadow suddenly appeared. He approached quickly, and his heart jumped when he saw this scene.


The arrival of the silver light and shadow set off a storm, and she floated in front of Belen and Lumia, this person was Ilia who came quickly from Poggiacorti.

"Yi, Illya?"

Belen stared at the girl in front of him blankly.

I heard Ilia suddenly ask: "Brother, will you come back to see us?"

Hearing the girl's question, Belen was also stunned. He was a person who didn't like to lie, so he stared at the girl in front of him and fell silent, and finally spoke slowly.

"Of course I will come back."

Illiya nodded her head, then floated to Belem and embraced the latter with her arms wide open. She wanted to convey all her thoughts to this man through this hug.

After a while, Illya let go of her hug, and then slowly floated in the air. She took a deep look at Belen again and then turned into a stream of light and disappeared here.

Lumia watched the silver streamer leave, then looked at Belem, and said after a moment of silence: "She just seemed to want to stay."

Although the silver-haired girl didn't express this, Lumia felt this way. That girl really kept her heart, even she felt it beside Belen.

"Yeah..." Belen sighed, then looked towards the blue sky, and he said sadly: "If I hadn't let her stay with Latier and the others, maybe she wouldn't leave just now. "

That day, the child agreed to protect them for himself.

"Belen, you just lied." Lumia looked at the man next to her, and she remembered the answer the latter had given the girl.

"Perhaps." The young man looked up at the sky.

At the gate of the southwestern city of Eloranya, a carriage arrived, and the girls stepped out of the carriage. Only a silver-haired girl came slowly in their sight.

Latier stepped forward, bit her lower lip lightly, and then asked, "Illya, has he... already left?"

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