Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 469

"Yeah." Illiya nodded.

So, after the atmosphere was silent for a long time, the girl with cat ears walked out of the city gate and looked towards the endless plain in the distance. She couldn't see the familiar commercial car. She pressed her lips, tears overflowed in her eyes. , And then took a deep breath and shouted with all his strength.

"Mr. Belen! You idiot!"

The girls came to La Tier's side. They looked into the distance, as if they wanted to capture something, but in the end there was nothing. The autumn wind blew by, and five girls stood in a row, praying silently in their hearts.

Bon Voyage.

Volume VI: Meet the Dead in the Northwest

Chapter 466: The Land of the Northwest

Recently, another major event happened in Florentis, and this major event was also panic for a while, and it took a long time to gradually calm down.

That is, the border is at war again.

After two years, the Demon King’s Army once again provoked the war, and the three empires also successively discharged their troops and once again joined forces with them to start a war.

And as the strongest existence in the coalition, the "brave" naturally went to the border. She is the backbone of the coalition, so she must be there.

The fact that the Demon King's army launched another war naturally caused panic, but in fact, most places still maintained a quiet life.

In the northwest of Florentis, the racial distribution there is compared to ordinary human species, sub-races can be said to occupy the largest part, almost seven out of ten people are sub-races.

I have to say that the Northwest region is rich in products. Many famous merchants will come here to do business, and being able to marry a wife and have children here can also be said to be a very beautiful thing. Coming this way is even more interesting. There are many beautiful and enchanting girls.

Most of the people bred in this land have cheerful and lively personalities. Perhaps this is what makes this land so rich.

In a city, there is a merchant group called Silver Bird. They have been here for more than a month. It can be said that they have gained a lot. They also brought a lot of special products from afar, so The business started here is naturally much better.

At this moment, in the wasteland outside the city, commercial vehicles are parked there, the bonfire is lit, and the warm light is emitted at night, while the people sitting around to keep warm are eating delicious food.

In a commercial car, a young man was also counting today's gains. After tens of thousands, he also stretched out and showed a satisfied look.

It's another harvest day!

"Belen, come to eat!"

Hearing the girl's cry, the young man put the things away, then responded with a "come", and jumped out of the commercial car and walked towards the crowd.

"Hey, Belem! Sit here and sit here!"

"it is good."

This young man was Belém. He smiled and sat on a chair beside a round table. Then he looked at the delicious food on the table, and he looked thoughtfully at the girl aside.

"Lumia made today's food?"

The big fat man on the other side responded with a smile: "Yes! Lumia's craftsmanship is really amazing, it feels comparable to what you have in Belém."

Belen glanced at the big fat man, and then said with a smile: "Since you have said so, Gardrie, it seems that Lumia's craftsmanship has improved a lot recently."

Lumia on the side waved her hand somewhat embarrassedly. She said, "No, no, Belen is the "God of Cooking", so I can't catch up."

Hearing this, Gardre retorted with a smile: "Although Mr. Belém is very powerful, in my opinion, Lumia, your talent is much better than him! One day you can surpass him."

At this moment, a blue-haired woman suddenly stood up and raised an oversized glass in her hand, with drinks overflowing. She shouted, "Everyone! Drink whatever you want to drink today!"

"Big sister is drunk again!"

"Fuck him! I made a lot of money today! Big sister is talking about her hair! Drink whatever you like today!"

Seeing the crowd cheering, Belen also shook his head helplessly. He smiled and started to eat. He was no stranger to this situation.

After finishing the meal, Belem was sitting on the stake and looking at the bonfire. At this moment, everyone at Silverbird is still drinking wine wantonly. They have not been doing business for a long time during this period. Crazy, it was obviously suppressed to the extreme and finally broke out.

It has been more than half a year since joining Silver Bird. Belen and Lumia have been fully integrated into this group. In the past six months, they have visited a lot of places, and even learned from them as adventurers. I saw a lot of scenery when I went adventure everywhere.

All in all, such a trip is great!

Belen looked at the burning flame, his eyes gradually blurred, and he couldn't help thinking of the girls in his mind, and he didn't know how they were doing now.

More than half a year has passed, I think they have already adapted to that kind of life.

Since these days, Belen has often thought of Latier and the others, and he will not deliberately avoid that feeling, because he really misses them.

By the way, after such a long time, Hill should have picked her sister home, right?Has Laiya returned to the Fairy Forest?The Flozarno Academy should have been rebuilt, and Latis and Ilia should also be enrolled?

This is really worrying. What kind of friends will the two children make in the school?This may not be difficult for Latis, but Illya still worried him a little.

However, since he chose to leave, the next path can only be let them go by themselves, I hope they will be happy.

A few days ago, "The Brave" and the Imperial Army went to the border to join the battlefield. This also made Belen very concerned, but he knew what Sisia had said.

That's not a joking girl.

It's up to her to save the world or something, as long as she spends the next days peacefully and steadily, he is also very satisfied with his current life.

At this time, the big fat man who was jumping around the bonfire suddenly shouted: "Bring out the 30-year-old Mo Shisang! I will do it today!"

When he heard the words of the big fat man, Lucy, who was already drunk over there, suddenly violent, and yelled in the direction of the big fat man: "Gardre, you get the old lady here! I want to drink the old mother's 30-year Mo Se Sang , You want to die!"

"These two are drunk! Who can help carry it away!"

"Hey hey hey! There is wine over there! Don't bump into it!"

All of a sudden there was a group of troubles here, and this movement also brought back Belen's thoughts. He was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled. It was a group of noisy guys.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia came to Belém. She rubbed the corners of her eyes and said sleepily, "Mr. Belém, I want to sleep."

"Sleepy? Then go to sleep." Belem blinked.

Lumia reached out and grabbed Belen's arm, and then yawned cutely. She said in a daze, "Belen will be with me."

Hearing this, Belen glanced at the sky, then nodded, and said: "Okay, it's not too early. Go back to sleep."

As a result, Belém was pulled by Lumia and returned to the room, sitting on the side of the bed. He suddenly felt a little strange. Why did he have to sleep with the child?

Lumia fell asleep on the bed, but Belem shook her head helplessly. She was once a killer. Isn't that a nocturnal job?Why are people so sleepy at night?

Immediately afterwards, Belen suddenly discovered that Lumia hadn't taken off her clothes. He sighed, helped to take off her coat, and then covered the quilt. He was stunned for a while, and then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Why does it seem to take care of the children again?

Chapter 467: Changes on the Body

In the past six months or so, Belen and the members of the Silverbird Adventure Group have become very familiar with each other. Everyone knows that this white-haired young man is a high-achieving student who graduated from Flozarno Academy, although in many places All begged him.

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