Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 470

Although Belen himself has no magic attributes, so he is not good at magic, but he still has a very high level of theoretical knowledge of magic, and he is also a graduate of the top magic school.

In addition, there is another thing that makes Belen very concerned, that is, there are actually two people in the silver bird who do not have the same magical attributes as him. This is really a very strange thing.

It is very rare to have no magic attribute. You must know that not one in a thousand people will not have the magic attribute. After all, this is a great era of magic.

This is not a lucky thing, in other words, it is simply unfortunate.

This is because, logically speaking, people who do not possess magical power have almost the path of self-contained magic in magic, but this is extremely difficult, because it is not talented to achieve the conditions for self-contained magic. People can't do it anyway.

But in addition to magic, there is actually a way to use "qi", but this way is more difficult, and it is not as practical as magic, even more so, even if it is Belen, he simply uses " "Qi" to attack is not as good as the magic of the Magister.

The two of Silver Bird are also very familiar with Belem, because they often come to ask about the use of "qi". One is Silver Bird's second in command Tonyard, and the other is Archer and Scout Alison.

The strength of these two is very good, and they also have good potential in the use of "qi". After all, they have explored this path on their own, and Belem has the teaching of Antrina.

Of course, in addition to these two, everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group has greatly improved in strength in the past six months or so. Regarding their requests, Belen will not hide anything privately, even He taught everyone his amplification magic, although no one could use it.

Ordinary amplification magic is almost impossible for any adventurer, but it takes extremely superb control ability to integrate magic into flesh and blood. It is no longer an ordinary person who can do this step.

At this moment, Belen is sitting on a wooden stake and watching the people who are doing morning exercises. Not everyone has the habit of morning exercises, such as the big fat man Gardrie. Of course, most people are drunk. He didn't get up with wine, and he didn't get up early for morning exercises, but for breakfast.

At this time, a young man shouted in Belém's direction: "Belen, are you free?"

Belen asked curiously: "Leo? What's the matter?"

"Well, can you study with me?" Leo asked with a smile.

It is already part of the daily routine to accompany the Silverbirds to compete, and Belém often uses the contest as his own exercise, so he will not refuse.

"it is good."

So Belen nodded in response, then he stood up, took out an ordinary long sword from the magic weapon, and walked towards Leo.

The young man in front of him is one year younger than Belén today. He is only 21 years old now. But his strength is one of the best among the Silver Birds. His profession is a magic swordsman, and he is mainly in the adventure group. The most offensive role.

The two stood on the clearing, and the rest of the morning exercisers stopped their hands and looked at both sides with smiles. What they are most passionate about is watching others discuss.

"Come on." Belen greeted.

Leo is also welcome, after all, everyone knows how strong this white-haired man is, so after Belen greeted him, he was the first to attack.


As a magic swordsman, he is very good at his own training. He has good physical fitness and is naturally not slow. When the sword is covered with blue magic power, he slashes towards Belen.

Although the speed is good, this speed is not enough in Belém's eyes, so the movement is too easy to be seen through. At the moment the sword fell, he turned sideways to avoid it, and then his sword swung towards Leo at this time. .


Leo's reaction was quick, he blocked Belen's sword all at once, and then bounced the latter with a shock of his arms, and then another sword was swung out. At the same time, an aqua ripple rippled and moved towards him. Shot from here.

That's right, Leo's magic is water.

Belén was holding the sword, his blue-black pupils were slightly bright, so he stepped forward, and the blade in his hand suddenly slashed across the ground, instantly splitting the curtain of water, as if he could see through the curtain. The magic trajectory behind the scenes, that sword just picked Leo's sword away.

Leo was also taken aback by this sword. He didn't expect that he was actually seen through, but he also found a gap in Belem at this moment. With the force of the sword being provoked, he quickly rotated in place. One lap, and then stabbed Belem again.

But Belen’s eyes clearly saw everything. He moved his feet, his figure swayed slightly, and the sword erected in front of him blocked Leo’s sword block, and then instantly approached the latter. In front of him, he stretched out his palm and patted the young man's shoulder.

The outcome is announced.

Belen retracted his sword, looked up at the sky, and then said, "Okay, it's time for me to make breakfast. Those guys should be waking up soon."

"Oh, I lost again, Belem is really strong."

Leo didn't care too much about his defeat, he grinned, after all, he had lost countless times in the past six months.

"Thanks for your advice!"

"You're welcome."

The friends who watched the theater around were also teasing Leo ridiculously, but they all knew that this was a very normal thing. They had also discussed with Belen, and of course it was impossible to win.

When he arrived at the wooden table, Belem began to prepare breakfast. The ingredients had been prepared before. Because of the large number of people, the table was full of ingredients.

In the past six months or so, Belen has begun to adapt to that kind of perspective jump, in other words, he has begun to gradually master that ability, because everyone's movements will affect the flow of magic, so in the previous battle Only in China can you see through the opponent's movements so easily.

But having said that, Belen sometimes can't maintain a sense of balance, and will fall down if he loses balance, which also puzzles everyone who sees this scene.

If you can clearly grasp this ability, perhaps Belen can enter a higher level, but even though he has thought about this kind of problem, he will not choose to try, after all, it will take his life to try.

Chapter 468: Destination

Yinniao and his group are walking slowly in the forest, and they are very confused about the next purpose. They have already made a lot of money in the first few towns. The next thing is just making money. It seems boring. Their main business is adventure. It's not a businessman!

"Sister! Where are we going next?"

When her partner asked, Lucy frowned and thought deeply. She was also at a loss as to where she was going next, and in general she seemed to have nothing to do.

At this moment, Leo suddenly smiled and shouted: "Otherwise, let's go to Tantis for a look?"

Fu Tantis.

It is located in the northwest area of ​​Florentis, and there is still some distance from the current location of Silver Bird and others. It is an area closer to the border, where there are more sub-racial species than the previous cities. It's hard to find human species when you look at the crowd.

When he heard of Tantis, Belem, who was driving a commercial car next to him, was also startled. He suddenly remembered the wolf boy at the time. He seemed to be returning to Tantis's Asian League, right?I don't know how it is now.

Lucy was silent after hearing the words, and she said with some worry: "Fu Tantis is too close to the border, will you not encounter the Demon King Army? It's fighting now."

In this regard, the big fat man Gadri said with a smile: "No! The army is fighting on the front line, and the Tantis has the Asian League. Besides, everyone has not encountered the demons. Yeah!"

When it comes to the latter point, everyone in Silver Bird is excited. They have never seen the Demon Race for so many years as adventurers. If they can, it would be great. They just heard of how powerful the Demon King Army is. , But never seen it before, which is really a great pity.

Perceiving everyone’s excitement, Lucy, as the group leader, said helplessly: "Although I haven’t seen the Demon King’s army, I just heard that I can know that they must be very powerful. Tired of living?"

"Big sister! How can you grow up other people's ambitions and destroy your own prestige! Everyone has become stronger during this period!" Gardrie curled his lips, and then seemed to think of something, and added: "Say it! We still have Belen and Rumia here! Are you still afraid of their Demon King Army?"

Everyone can see the strength of Belém, and Lumia's strength has been seen by everyone in the past six months. This 17-year-old girl can make them all feel tricky if they have one person. the power of.

Hearing what Gardre said, Lucy twitched her mouth. She couldn't find a rebuttal for a while, but it was true that even she was very interested in the Demon King's army, and it was impossible to see everyone so excited. He refused, so he looked at the white-haired man driving a commercial car.

"Belen, what do you think?"

Seeing Lucy asking him, Belen also nodded and said: "Then go, just because I also have a friend in Futantis, so let's drop by."

Hearing that, Lucy also nodded slightly, and then shouted loudly: "Then then, I will go to Tantis!"


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