Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 471

Everyone cheered. They were actually more concerned about the Demon King Army than the scenery of Futantis. It would be nice if they could run to the border to take a look. Even if they wandered as adventurers for many years, they had never seen a real war. It.

Belen couldn't help but think of the cheerful wolf boy. After two years, he should have grown into a big boy. After all, even the current wolf boy is still in the growth stage.

He couldn't help but look forward to it. He was very curious about how far that wolf boy has grown up now. He has fulfilled his dream of joining the army, right?Have you become an excellent fighter?

After dinner in the evening, the people of Silver Bird were very accustomed to setting up a bonfire and then sitting nearby and chatting. Other than that, there seemed to be nothing to do.

Compared to other professions, adventurers are really free.

Lucy, who was sitting by the campfire warming up, suddenly looked at the white-haired man. She curiously asked, "Belen, have you seen the Demon King's Army?"

When Lucy asked this question, the rest of the people also looked at Belém curiously. Yes, although they have not seen it, it is not necessarily Belém that they have not seen it!

Belen was also taken aback, then nodded and said, "I have seen it."

"Is the Demon King's Army strong? What does it look like?" Lucy asked his most curious question, and it was also the curiosity of the rest of the people.

For this, there is nothing to conceal, or that in the past six months or so, as long as it was Lucy and the others, Belem answered truthfully.

Belen recalled the demons in his memory. He said, "It's amazing."

"How awesome is it?" Gardre was also taken aback for a moment, then after thinking about it, he asked: "Compared with Leo, who is better?"

Gadri did not compare Belém. Everyone knows that if all the soldiers of the Demon King's Army are as strong as Belém, then what else?So this is impossible.

Leo didn't mind hearing Gardre compare himself, but he was very interested. He was also curious as to who he was better than the Demon King's soldiers.

Belen looked at Leo, then thought for a moment and said, "Compared with ordinary Demon Army fighters, it's about the same. After all, Demon Army fighters are also strong and weak."

Everyone frowned slightly when they heard this. They found that they and the others actually underestimated the soldiers of the Demon King Army. You must know that Leo's combat power is also one of the best in their adventure group, and such a strong person is only comparable to the ordinary Demon King Army. Warriors are equal?"

Tonyard also frowned, and he muttered to himself: "The ordinary Demon King Army fighters are so strong, how strong is the legendary Demon Warrior?"

Demon warlord!

Hearing this, everyone's heart jumped heavily. You must know that the mainstays in the Demon King’s army are those Demon warlords. It is said that every Demon warlord has the strength to contend against several superhuman species, and the superhuman species is Although everyone in Silver Bird has never seen what kind of existence it is, it can be known from the rumors that it is a super tyrannical race.

Immediately afterwards, everyone discussed the many threats that the Demon King Army has posed to the world over the years, and for a while they couldn't help resenting those members of the Demon Race. In their opinion, they were all those who were unscrupulous in order to rule the world.

"It's terrible, I really want to go to the battlefield to kill a group of demons!" The big fat man Gardrie was also filled with righteous indignation.

In response to this, Belen smiled and said, "Fatty, I will send you to the front in a while."

"You follow me and I'll go!" Gardrie was not stupid, he smiled.

Everyone burst into laughter, and the tension suddenly eased down. It has to be said that Gardrell is the happy fruit among them.

Belen was not interested in the affairs of the Demon King Army, he looked at his own hands, as for whether the Demon Race was good or evil, he had nothing to say.

He believes that the distinction between good and evil has never been objectively stated.

Chapter four hundred and sixty ninth: getting fatter!

As usual, it should be summer at this time, but at this moment Belen and others have put on thicker clothes. The closer they are to the northwest, the colder they become.

The reason for this is that there is a glacier not far from Futtantis that formed after an unknown number of years. It is cold and snowy all the year round, which makes the temperature in this area so low.

Because it’s almost approaching Futantis, the ground is already covered with snow, and the walking speed will be much slower. At the current speed, it only takes two more days to reach, and at this moment they You can also see the snow falling all over the sky, although not big, but the cold weather is like winter.

However, this kind of weather is a gift from nature to Gardre. He wants a cold runny nose more than sweating all day.

Gadri was walking in the snow, laughing loudly, shouting in a high mood: "Ah! The weather is really great!"

Leo, who walked behind him, wrapped his arms in front of him, and smiled slyly: "Sure enough, pigs are more willing to be frozen to death than being roasted to death by fire."

Hearing what Anton said, Gadri was immediately unhappy, and turned around and shouted: "You are a pig!"

"Who is the pig scolding?" Leo grinned.

"The pig is scolding..."

Gadri suddenly woke up and almost followed the way of this guy, so he glared at Leo viciously, and actually trapped himself!

Everyone has become accustomed to the daily choking of the two. If the two do not make a noise for a day, they will find it strange. This is good.


Hearing the call, Belen also turned his head. What caught his eye was a delicate and pretty face. It turned out that Lumia poked her head out of the window.

"what happened?"

"Dessert is finished."

Belem was startled when he heard the words, then looked at Lumia weirdly, and said with earnestness, "Lumia, are you getting fat these days?"

Hearing what he said, Lumia was also shocked, her eyes widened, and then she shook her head again and again: "It's not! I won't get fat!"

"But ah, you eat dessert after eating every day, and after eating and sleeping, how can you not get fat?" Belen smiled when he thought of the scene.

"Bah, baah! Only, I'm not fat!" As she said, Lu Mia retracted her head and sat on the bed. She hesitated for a while, then stretched out her hand to pull up a corner of the clothes on her stomach and squeezed it. meat.

However, this pinch is terrible, Lu Mia froze there, how does it feel that the hand feels different from before?No, you won’t really get fat!?

This time, Lumia was very scared. She was so fat. She recalled what Belen had said. Recently, it seemed to be exactly the same as what he said. She has been eating dessert...

Belen, who was driving a commercial car, was smiling. He estimated that at this time Lumia was already upset about her gaining weight, although he didn't know if Lumia was fat, after saying that , It is estimated that even if you are not fat, you will feel fat.

So, in order to know whether his judgment was correct, Belen didn't forget to turn his head and open the window. He happened to see the girl pinching his waist.

"Are you fat?"


Lumia, who heard the sound, hurriedly pulled her clothes down in fright, and then looked at the smiling man. She shouted in shame, "You, how are you peeking!"

"Is it like I'm peeking?" Belen was startled, looking at the girl weirdly, and obviously pulling herself to sleep together all night, why do you care about such small things? The girl's mind really doesn't understand .

Lumia snorted, then said: "I haven't gotten fat!"

"That's it..." Belen thought thoughtfully, and then said with a smile: "Then to Futantis, I'll take you to buy desserts. Choose whatever you want."

Hearing this, Lumia's eyes lit up immediately, but the next moment it was like a frustrated balloon, she said with a flat mouth, "Forget it, forget it, I still don't eat it."

"Stop eating? Why?" Belen looked puzzled, but he was happy in his heart. It seemed that he had guessed it correctly. This girl really felt that she had become fat.


Lumia suddenly woke up and almost spoke out. She shook her head repeatedly, and then shouted in shame, "Because I don't want to eat it! So I won't eat it!"

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