Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 472

"That's it... Isn't it because you have become fat?" Belen smiled and glanced at Lumia's abdomen.

When she noticed his gaze, Lumia's face flushed suddenly, and she shouted: "It's only, nothing!" After speaking, the girl puffed her cheeks and was cute and angry.

Upon seeing this, Belen stopped joking, so that Lumia would take out a dagger to fight him desperately, so he immediately retracted his head, smiled and looked forward, obviously in a good mood.

On the commercial car on the right, Lucy also saw Belen’s smile. She was taken aback, and then smiled and said, "Belen, are you in a good mood?"

"Can you see it?" Belen was taken aback.

So Lucy pointed at Belem and smiled helplessly: "Are you going to look in the mirror? Your smile has exposed your mood."

Belen was stunned when he heard the words, he stretched out his hand and squeezed his face, then blinked, he suddenly realized his own changes, and after a while, he smiled again.

He suddenly remembered what Ilia said to him at the beginning. Indeed, he has changed a lot, but the person who made the change is unconscious.

However, such a change is not bad.

Belen, who was satisfied, looked forward. There was little snow falling in the sky. Several familiar figures could not help but appear in his mind, and he didn't know how they were now.

At this moment, Belen suddenly came back to his senses, frowned slightly, and then shouted in a deep voice: "Lucy!"

After hearing Belém's low voice, Lucy reacted instantly, and shouted: "Everyone is on guard! Alison, Ye Danni is investigating the surroundings!"

The two people who were named immediately jumped out of the commercial vehicle and came to the top of the commercial vehicle. There were small magic lines in front of their eyes. It was farsighted magic and was often used for detection.

"Something seems to be approaching!"

Hearing the words of the two of them, the Silver Birds immediately took out their weapons. As adventurers, they had the instinct to deal with danger at any time, and immediately surrounded the commercial vehicle in a circle.

Belem’s pupils were glowing with blue light, and his eyes swept around, his perspective was not the same as others saw, he could see the magic circuit of everything!

So, at this moment, he saw the magic circuit of many creatures!

Chapter 470: Snow Wolf Pack

"The animals are approaching! There are so many!"

"It's Snow Wolf!"

When Alison and Ye Danni discovered that the creature they were approaching was a snow wolf, they were shocked. You must know that the snow wolf is very aggressive!

After everyone learned what kind of creature they were approaching, their hearts became dignified. A very large number of snow wolves approached, so they should not only be careful of their own safety, but also be careful of the cargo of the commercial vehicle. These guys are all damage. Crazy!

"Don't let them get close to commercial vehicles!"

With an order from Lucy, everyone at Silver Bird raised their weapons and stood two meters away from the commercial vehicle, staring closely at the white dense forest in front of them.

Belen also turned his head to look at Lumia in the commercial car. He found that the girl was actually doing sit-ups, so he twitched the corner of his mouth before speaking.

"Lu Mia, come out to help, there is a problem."

"Ah good!"

Lumia stopped, then jumped out of the bed, opened the door and walked out. She noticed something at once, looked at the dense forest, and she could see several snow wolves crawling out one after another.

"Snow Wolf?"

Seeing the snow-white wolf, Lumia's eyes suddenly lit up, and then she exclaimed: "So cute!" After that, she ran towards the snow wolf.

"Lumia be careful!"

When everyone saw Lu Mia ran over, their eyes widened unanimously, and they were all shocked. Was this kid too courageous and rushed directly to the wolves.


Seeing someone rushing, the group of snow wolves was also startled, but immediately became fierce, and rushed towards the girl, revealing their fangs.

Lumia still looked at the group of snow wolves with surprise. When they pounced, she didn't panic at all, but avoided with a smile. Even the dagger capital was not taken out, and she did not attack those who were constantly attacking her. The snow wolves started to walk and dance among the snow wolves instead.

That's right, just dancing.

Seeing this scene, the corners of Belen's mouth also twitched slightly. Did the child make a mistake?Those snow wolves obviously wanted to eat Lumia, but did they change to other scenes from the latter's perspective?

Because Lumia attracted a large wave of "hatred" from the snow wolves, the pressure on this side was also reduced a lot, and the Silver Birds were also doing their best to fight the snow wolves, but Belen did not intervene, because he In the Silver Bird Adventure Group, he also served as a scout.

No matter what kind of enemy he is facing, as long as it is not too much, Belen doesn't need to help. This is the requirement of everyone from the Silver Bird. After all, if he is allowed to take action, it will not achieve any training effect.

For a long time in the past, Lucy and the others are still fighting hard, and Lumia has already achieved obvious victory. She breathes evenly and does not seem to be exhausted. The snow wolves have already begun to breathe, let them fly. I couldn't meet this human girl even if I flew around.


Realizing that the snow wolves were panting, Lumia was also startled, and then she came to a snow wolf and squatted down with a smile, and said kindly: "Then take a rest?"

At this time, Belen couldn't help but speak: "Lumia, these snow wolves want to eat you!"

Hearing Belen's words, Lumia also turned her head to look at the helpless man. She blinked and froze in a daze, then slowly opened her eyes wide.


With such an exclamation, the girl turned her head again to look at the snow wolves. This time the appearance of the snow wolves with their fangs finally changed from cute to vicious in her eyes.

"Ohara, is that so?"

Lumia swallowed, and then began to step back step by step, watching the wolves approaching with some nervousness, she ran back with a "wow".

Seeing Lumia actually ran back and brought back a large group of snow wolves, Belen was also shocked, and hurriedly shouted: "Don't run! They can't beat you!"

When she heard these words, Lumia immediately stopped her feet and blinked. Yes, why did she run?She is obviously better!

As a result, Lu Mia immediately turned around, and when she turned around, all the snow wolves braked suddenly, and the pair of wolf pupils stared at the human girl blankly.

Immediately afterwards, two daggers appeared in the girl's hands. She smiled and walked towards the snow wolves, naturally exuding murderous aura, and even the surrounding air seemed to be much more serious.


Feeling that awe-inspiring murderous aura, the snow wolves instantly realized that it was not good. How could it feel that this human girl seemed to be more cruel than them?

"Tonight, I want to eat wolf meat!"

Lumia yelled, then rushed into the wolves, two daggers flying wantonly, since these guys in front of her were not so cute, she didn't show any mercy.


The screams of the snow wolves sounded, and their aggressiveness was no better than this girl who had been a killer, and after a while, she started to run around.

Belen sighed when he saw Lumia doing it. Was the girl's character a bit too natural? He shook his head, and then began to look at the girl's skill.

When he first rescued Lumia, he already knew that this girl had become very strong, and she became so strong in a short time because of human experiments. He also took her to find Wendy later, it seems because of magic. Because of the reason, the remaining medicine in her body was also broken, but her body was more or less damaged.

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