Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 473

But now that there is no major problem, is such a remarkable improvement in strength a blessing in disguise?It shouldn't be counted, after all, Lumia doesn't care about the strength of her strength.

At this time, Belen's eyes suddenly looked towards the forest on the right. His blue pupils could see a human-shaped magic circuit, where there was a person, and he had just arrived.


A wolf howl suddenly resounded across the sky, and everyone stopped at this moment, because the snow wolves stopped. When everyone was puzzled, the snow wolves turned their heads and dived into the forest without hesitation.

"Retreat, retreat?"

Gadri was panting at the moment, watching the wolves evacuate with some doubts, but he was also relieved, and he fell to the ground.

Everyone felt relieved. Although they didn't know why the snow wolves retreated, the result was good anyway. Even some members of the team were injured and there were too many. It would definitely be detrimental to them if they continued to fight.

Belen looked around, then looked in the direction of the person again, only to see that the other person stopped staying, but flew in one direction, he was a little confused.

"Who is that?"

Chapter 471: Why can you be with girls?

After all the snow wolves retreated, the Silver Bird Merchant Group moved faster. I didn’t expect to run into the snow wolves here. No wonder I didn’t see anyone else along the way, probably many people knew there would be there. Snow wolf.

"Why did the snow wolf suddenly run away?"

Lucy was also puzzled by this, and she also looked at Belem from time to time. Obviously, she felt that the latter used some method to drive the snow wolves away.

Belen also noticed her gaze, he shook his head helplessly, and said: "It wasn't me who did it, but I saw someone, probably he helped."

"One more person?"

Lucy was startled slightly, but she didn't notice anyone nearby.

"But he left after helping. He is a good man," Belen said.

Since they left without leaving their names, Lucy couldn't thank them. Sure enough, the good people in this world still account for the majority!

"How are their injuries?" Belen was a little concerned about the injured members.

Lucy said with a smile: "It's okay, it's all minor injuries, they are tough."

Although the speed of travel was increased a bit, the road ahead was covered by wind and snow for a long time, so it was still slowed down a lot, but it took a long time for everyone to reach a small town.

"I'll see what's delicious!"

Gadri laughed and ran to the town.

Seeing how excited this big fat man was, everyone shook their heads helplessly. This big fat man's mouth was so greedy that he had to eat delicious food every time he went.

Belén, who was sitting in the commercial car, turned his head and opened the window. He smiled and asked, "Lu Mia, do you want to buy you some dessert?"


At this moment, Lumia was sitting on the bed with her back facing Belen, not knowing what she was doing, but she still answered Belen's words. She is now very sad that she has become fat.

Belen noticed what Lumia's hands were doing, so he asked curiously: "Lumia, what are you doing?"

"I'm trimming this little guy!"

"Little guy?" Belen blinked, somewhat puzzled.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Mia turned around, holding a little black and white wolf pup in her hands, her cute eyes flashing, seeming to flash with tears.

"Is this... Snow Wolf? Where did it come from?" Belen was stunned. He didn't expect Lumia to bring a little wolf cub back, but why is there a little wolf cub?

Lumia said with a smile: "When I was leaving before, I found this little guy lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and then I found it, so I picked it up."

Pretend, pretend to die?

Hearing this, Belen was also a little dumbfounded. He looked at the little guy who was about to cry without tears and he twitched his mouth helplessly. Probably the little wolf pup was also attacking Lumia at the time, when the latter started to fight back This little wolf pup was terrified, so he pretended to be dead, right?

So Belen asked curiously: "Do you want to keep it?"

"May I!?"

Hearing Belen's words, Lumia also blinked her big bright eyes, her eyes filled with hope, obviously she wanted to raise this little wolf pup.

Belem rubbed his chin and said noncommittal: "It's not impossible."


So Lumia jumped for joy.

But Belen admonished: "Be careful it bites you."

Hearing his words, Lumia blinked her eyes, then lowered her head to look at the little wolf pup. One person and one wolf looked at each other for a while, and then the girl raised a hand. This action scared the little wolf pup. Broken, the whole body is curled up on the ground.

"Look, it didn't dare." Seeing this, Lumia smiled and put her hand on the little wolf pup's back and gently stroked, she looked at Belen grinning.

So timid!Are you really a wolf?

Belen's eyes were also a little weird. He was the first time he saw such a cowardly wolf. Although he was still young, he dared to follow the wolves out for food. How could he be brave?

Probably, it was shocked by Lumia.

Belen, who got this conclusion, also grinned. Indeed, the murderous aura that Lumia exudes is very scary. This is probably not the same as an ordinary killer. In the eyes of these animals, this girl is probably like a butcher. People?

No wonder it is scared.

That day, I spent the night on the edge of the small town, and I didn't worry about any beasts coming out. Even the beasts had brains and would not approach the human group.

After the arrival of the next day, everyone set off again for Futantis. As long as there is no accident, they can definitely reach that city today.

And on this day, Lumia had already gotten into a fight with the little wolf cub, and she seemed to be in a good relationship, and she also named Lu Hui. Later, Belen learned that this little wolf cub turned out to be It is a she wolf.

As for why this little wolf pup was so clinging to Lumia suddenly, it was probably because he could fill his stomach, maybe, there was still fear?

Belen doesn’t object to the fact that Lumia has a little wolf pup. Of course, she is happy. He still has enough food for a little wolf pup. It is impossible to eat him poorly. .

After this day's journey, Belen and others finally arrived at Futantis at dusk, but before entering the city, they still registered to enter the city, probably because of the proximity of the border. I am worried that there will be troublemakers. ?If someone is making trouble, according to the record of entering the city, the identity will be easily found.

When entering this city, the people who come and go are all sub-races, and rarely see human species, or because there are too many sub-races, ordinary people are ignored by others.

Futantis is very large, and the land area covered by the city is not worse than that of Eloranya. Obviously, the disciplinary regulations here are also strictly prohibited. The commercial vehicles of the Silver Bird Merchant Group cannot stop at will, so I found a place. In large hotels, everyone has no objection to this point.

Finally, I rented a hall, a large room, and a small room in the hotel. Naturally, the hall was occupied by a group of big masters from Silver Bird. The big room was occupied by Lucy and other girls, while the small room was Belen rents with Lumia.

When taking a bath in the bathroom.

Gardre suddenly approached Belém, and asked with envy and jealousy: "Say, Belém, why can you live with a girl!? It's not fair!"

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