Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 476

"Do you want to die?"

Compared with what the girl said, everyone was even more shocked by the cold murderous aura. Only those who have gone through the real killing know how the murderous aura can be produced.

Ko Ni's eyes also narrowed slightly. He didn't expect this girl to have such a terrifying murderous aura, which could not be obtained by killing a few people.

This beautiful girl has killed many people!

Feeling this murderous aura, Belen was also startled, he reached out and patted Lumia on the shoulder, and then said: "Don't be like this, I'm not angry."

Lumia looked at Belem and said calmly: "I'm angry."

She is one of the few people who knows Belém’s life. Although she has the determination that Belém will endure it even if she dies, she is also trying her best to keep herself from thinking about it, and she does not allow anyone to do this kind of thing. Just kidding!

When he heard Lumia's words, Belen also froze for a while, and then smiled helplessly. It was a joke to say that he was not moved. With a family who cares about him, how could he not be moved?

So Lumia turned her head and looked at Ko Ni, and she said coldly: "Next, I will be your opponent." After that, she walked forward.

Kony didn't respond at all. He just looked at Lumia seriously, and he didn't know when his smile was closed, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that he should not underestimate this girl!

I saw Lumia's right hand suddenly opened, and then suddenly squeezed, the stone under Kony's right foot suddenly shattered, the whole person was instantly out of balance, and the girl also turned into a black shadow and ran away.


Kony was startled, his right foot suddenly retracted and stepped back to stabilize his body, and then the black figure appeared in the pair of tiger pupils, his eyes drenched, and then he suddenly exerted force under his feet and swept his right whip leg. Past.

I saw Lumia suddenly fell to the left and avoided the whip leg. At the same time, a dagger in her hand suddenly rotated in her palm, and she drew it towards Connie. The latter frowned. He rolled back and avoided, but when he swept away his gaze again, he lost his goal.



Hearing someone yelled, Ko Ni was also suddenly awakened, and suddenly turned his head to look, he could not imagine that the girl was so flexible and fast!

The moment he turned around, he saw the tip of a sharp dagger stabbing at him, and Ko Ni hurriedly slapped him on the ground and shook himself up, and the ground shattered away.

However, Koni could not find the black figure in the air. The next moment his back was severely injured, and his whole person fell to the ground like a meteor.


Kony gritted his teeth to resist the pain, and then he felt the coolness from his back. He quickly turned around and rolled away from the dagger and stabbed him. When he stood up, he was suddenly thrown on his body by that slender leg. The whole person flew out again.


Everyone was stunned by this scene, what did they see?They saw that Ko Ni was actually beaten by a girl, and there was no way to fight back!

Isn't this a dream?

Apart from Belem, only Ko Ni himself understands one thing, that is, he can't keep up with that girl's speed at all, and the other party's power is very powerful!It's not like the power that those slender arms can exert!


I saw Koni hit the ground again, and a mouthful of blood was spit out from his mouth. He had never been so powerless before, and there was no room to fight back!

But Kony didn’t want to give up. He gritted his teeth and wanted to stand up, but at the moment he got up, the tip of the dagger had already stayed in front of his eye pupils, causing a slight tingling pain. A sense of danger came to my heart.

Lumia looked at Connie coldly, if it weren't for Belen and the others, her dagger would just pierce those eyes without any scruples.

"Lumia, it's okay."

Belen called out. He also felt sad for the arrogant Hoya boy. It was not easy to stop Rumia if he irritated Rumia. Faced with Rumia who was doing his best, this Hoya boy was not an opponent. It is excusable, after all, Lu Mia is not the original Lu Mia.

It's not that the other party is too weak, but the girl is too strong.

Hearing Belem's call, Lumia also retracted the dagger, then turned around and walked towards Belem. Although she was angry, she knew that she could not kill the opponent, otherwise Belem would be angry.

Ko Ni's expression was a bit gloomy. It was not that he had never lost, but he had never been suppressed by his peers like this, and he didn't even have the chance to fight back.

That girl looks younger than him, which is incredible!

Lumia, so strong!

All three of Gardre in the rear couldn't help but swallow. Although they knew that Lumia was great, they didn't expect that the strength they had shown in the past was not all!

Stanley, who played against Kony, felt the deepest about this. Although he did not fight with his life, he knew that he could never beat the former, but such an opponent was so easily cleaned up by Lumia.

At this time, Belen said: "My purpose is different from theirs. I'm here to find someone, so I don't want to cause trouble. My sister is a little impulsive. Please forgive me."

Everyone looked at each other when they heard the words, and they had already finished their impulse before saying this. It really made them wonder what to say. Then a person walked out from the gate leading to the inside of the square, and a message came out. Strong voice.

"You little bastards, they ran out to fight again, and they all reported back to Lao Tzu!"

Chapter 475: News from Gruul

When that voice sounded, Kony and the others all had their hearts beating, and then stiffly turned their heads and looked at them. When they saw the big man, they all got bitter.

The big man was a bear sub-race. He came to the center of the square, gave the young people a fierce look, and then came to Belem and the others.

"My name is Teldal. I am the instructor of this group of little bastards. Please forgive me if there is anything offended. The guys in our army are more naughty."

Hearing what the other party said, Belen shook his head and said, "It's okay, I know they are not malicious." Even the tiger sub-human boy is just more proud of himself.

"Thank you."

Compared with those arrogant teenagers, this instructor was obviously very mature. After he thanked him, he looked at Stanley and walked forward.

"Injured, I'll treat you."

"Ah, this injury is okay."

"you are welcome."

Teldal shook his head, and then stretched out two large hands covered with calluses. The turquoise magic slowly covered Stanley's body, and the soft magic wandered through the latter's body.

"The magic of wood attributes, healing magic?"

Gadri and Leo who saw this scene were also stunned. How could they not see that this brawny demi-human instructor would actually use healing magic.

Belen was also surprised by this. After all, healing magic is not so easy to learn. A demi-warrior who possesses wood attribute magic power is supposed to be mainly offensive.

After receiving the treatment, Stanley also relaxed in his whole body. He was a little surprised and said: "It's so powerful." His injuries have healed.

Teldal said with a smile: "I've passed the award, because what I am best at is healing magic, and it is not a serious injury."

At this time, Beov over there laughed and said: "Our instructor boss has the title of violent healer, haha!"

"Boov, I will not heal your injury, you will get better by yourself." Teldal glanced at the Niuyaren, then walked to Kony, helping the latter also recover from his injury.

After the recovery, Teldal looked at the black-haired girl, and said with a weird look: "You have a heavy hand. It's hard to imagine that a girl like you did it."

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