Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 477

And Lumia was not afraid of this bear subren, and responded coldly: "He just made me angry."

Before Teldal could say something, Belen pulled Lumia back with one hand, and then said apologetically: "Sorry, my sister is a little impulsive."

"It's okay, since you annoyed your sister, it also means that this brat must have done bad things." Teldal responded with a very understanding.

In response, Lumia looked up at Belem, pursed her lips, as if she wanted to say something, but finally retracted her eyes without saying anything.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at the three of Gardre and said: "Fatty, you go back first, I have something else."

"Yeah, good." Gardre nodded, then he looked at Booff again and shouted: "Don't be proud, I will fight you next time! I won't lose!"

Hearing that, Booff scratched his head and said with a smile: "Okay, I'm waiting for you, and I will be with you at any time."

Ever since, the three of Gadri left first.

After the three left, Teldal also looked at Koni and others, and said: "You little bastards, quickly go back to me and double this afternoon!"

And everyone couldn't refute, they knew that once the instructor made a decision, he would never change it easily, and it was obvious that they had the wrong thing first, so the suffering could only be endured slowly.

After the group of demihumans walked away bitterly, Terdal looked at Belem and asked curiously: "Is there anything else? Maybe I can help."

Belen nodded and said, "I'm here to find someone."

After that, Teldal took Belen and Lumia into the real gate of the Asian League. Outsiders can’t enter casually, and there are things that need to be notified. Teldal is much more convenient here. .

When he heard the person Belen was looking for, Teldal also smiled. He said, "Gruul? That kid seems to have gone on a mission."

"do you know him?"

"Of course, I am also that kid's instructor."

Hearing Teldal’s answer, Belen was also taken aback. He didn’t expect it to be such a coincidence, so he asked curiously: “When did he come here?”

Hearing that, Teldal really thought about it, and then replied after thinking for a moment: "It was probably two years ago. That kid has crossed half of the empire to get here by himself.

"That's it."

Belen also smiled slightly.

Immediately afterwards, Teldal asked, "Speaking of which, what is your relationship with that kid?"

"It's a friend, he was going to join the army, I mentioned this to him." Belen replied like this, then after thinking about it, he asked the question he cared about: "How is he doing?"

Hearing this question, Teldal smiled and said: "At this point, you probably need to ask him himself."

"Yes." Belen blinked.

At this time, Teldal seemed to have thought of something. He smiled and said: "Although I don't know if he is doing well, I admire this kid very much. Although the talents are much worse than those of Kony, this The kid is hardworking."

"That's it."

Belen is also a little curious about how Gruul is now.

"Of the boys I lead, he is the most diligent. You see, they still have time to fight and play here, but Gruul is on a mission. He just came back from outside a while ago, and yesterday Ran out."

Although Teldal did not control the soldiers he led very strict, but he was very pleased with a hard-working kid like Gruul, after all, this was his own soldier.

Upon hearing this, Belem asked curiously: "What task is he performing now? Is it dangerous?"

"We are going to see the task he has taken now, this aspect is not my control." Teldal explained with a smile, and then led Belen and Lumia to a hall.

When he got the information, Belen was also startled. It turned out that Gruul was not too far away from Futantis, but instead helped the residents of the town build houses in a small town outside the city.

"Not far."

Belen was thoughtful, probably Gruul will stay there for a while, and he has nothing to do during this time. Why don't you go and meet the young man? Is it a surprise?

Chapter 476: Reunion with Gruul

Because of Gruul’s relationship, Terdal and Belem are slightly connected, and the Asian League is not a military secret, so Terdal took Belen and Lumia around in the Asian League. , And talked about many things along the way.

From Teldal's mouth, it turns out that the total number of fighters in the Asian League is not large, only tens of thousands, which is much less than the Imperial Army.

And this time the Demon King's army again aggressively invaded, the Asian League also dispatched four-fifths of its fighters, and half of the remaining one-fifths were new fighters who had been in the team for less than three years. After all, the base camp could not be without fighters.

Furthermore, one thing happened once, that is, there were demons who lurked into Futantis and killed wantonly in the city. At that time, many people died, because there were few soldiers left at that time and almost all went to the front line. It is impossible to stop those demons, if it were not for the arrival of reinforcements, probably the entire city would be in ruins.

Therefore, leaving one-fifth of the soldiers is also to avoid this happening again.

Futantis is the closest non-frontier city to the border, and the demons came here for a surprise attack on both sides, encircling and destroying the Northwest Theater.

However, Belen didn't care much about this. Although the Northwest Theater suffered a heavy loss, the Mozu did not succeed in defeating it. It would be a blessing in misfortune to think about it this way.

As for now, since there are so many soldiers here, it is obviously impossible for them to rely on their original strength to succeed in a surprise attack, so there is no need to worry too much about this incident.

On this day, outside of Futantis, Belen was walking alone, but there was no Lu Mia by his side. That was because Lu Mia was taking her little wolf pups to the forest for food, and occasionally needed Move your muscles and bones.

"Is it here."

Belem murmured and walked outside a town. He found that the town seemed to be undergoing renovations. There were very few people around. At this time, workers are all resting, right?

So, is Gruul here?

Belen only knew the approximate location of Gruul based on the news he got in the Asian League yesterday, but he was not sure if it was in this town, because there were other towns not far away.

There are wooden fences all around, presumably to prevent wild animals, while Belém bypassed the fences and walked into the town, and people around were carrying things.

Belen scanned those who came and went, if it were Gruul, he probably wouldn't be able to recognize it at a glance, because there were too many demihumans here, and there were also wolf demihumans.

When he walked to a construction site that was still under construction, Belen looked around, he was about to ask someone to ask, but at this moment, an anxious voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Be careful!"

Belén also felt the movement. He looked up and found a huge piece of wood falling towards him. When he was about to move, suddenly a figure flew over, cutting the wood very accurately. Kicked out.

"Are you OK?"

"Thank you, I didn't..."

When he heard the greeting, Belen also turned his head to look at the person who helped him, but before he finished speaking, his eyes slowly widened with surprise.And the person who helped Belen also widened those gray eyes at this moment, and the two called out each other's name at the same moment.


"Bei, Belen!?"

Gruul at this moment is much taller than he was back then. Probably because of training, he is almost as tall as Belém at the moment, and his appearance has not changed much, just from his immature face. More handsome.

"Are you OK!"

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