Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 479

Regarding Gruul's question, Belen said with a sly smile: "With Ilia's ability, it's okay to hit you about a hundred times."

"One, one hundred!? You look down on me too much! I am very powerful now!" Gruul, who was very unconvinced about this, retorted immediately.

Belem said noncommittal: "If you have a chance to meet, you will know, and ah, she is much more mature than you."


The wolf boy still didn't believe it. He snorted and expressed his dissatisfaction. His growth in the past two years is not something that Belen, who has just met again, can know.

In fact, Belen can indeed know the general situation of the magical power in this young man, relying on his eyes, although this has not been said to Gruul.

Immediately afterwards, Belen raised his head and looked at the dim sky. He said, "It's late enough. How long will it take to end on your side? I'll take you to meet Lumia."

"About two days." Gruul judged thoughtfully, and then said curiously: "In other words, you leave Latir and the others in Eloranya, and let Lumia stay with you. , Is it really okay?"

Hearing this, Belen also froze for a moment, and then said with some uncertainty: "Yes, it doesn't matter, right?"


Chapter 477: What type does he like?

When Belen talked about Sealand and Hill, the wolf boy also remembered the scene he had seen in his home cave, so he smiled and looked at the people beside him.

"Has the soldier waited for the person she is waiting for?"

Belen nodded slightly and smiled: "Yes, she should have gone home by now."

It has been so long, and Hill must have taken Xilan home long ago, and probably at the moment when he saw the latter, that tsundere girl must have already had tears on her face.

Having said that, if I did not bring Ilia over, my own ban would not be able to open.

After Gruul sent Belen out of town, he stopped, because he still had a task to complete, so he couldn't go back with Belen.

After separating from Gruul, Belen returned to Futantis. I have to say that he is in a very good mood today. After all, he reunited with his old friend and talked so many stories.

It was late at night when Belen returned to the hotel. After he opened the door and went in, he found that Lumia was only wearing underwear and was fighting with the little wolf cub. Because the temperature inside was very moderate, it was not cold.

Lumia also turned her head when she heard the voice, her cheeks were slightly red, and then she smiled and said, "Welcome back!"

"Lu Mia, can you put on your clothes, what kind of style is it?" Belen glanced at Lu Mia's underwear, swallowed without a trace, then retracted his gaze and walked to the side to take out the clothes. Ready to take a bath.

"That one..."

Lumia was sitting in a duck pose, then she put her hand on her chest, and smiled unnaturally, "Do you like this new one today?"

Hearing what she said, Belen looked at the girl in confusion, and said inexplicably: "Why do you want to ask me if you like the underwear you bought?"

Hearing that, Lu Mia's face also became stiff. After a while, she puffed her cheeks, turned her head back with a snort, and continued to claws with the little wolf cub, looking angry.

"Lumia, are you angry?"


"No, you are obviously angry."

As a result, the girl turned her head and looked at Belem again, then used her hands to help her cheeks make a grimace, and then snorted and shouted, "Absolutely not!"

Belen felt very inexplicable, why was he angry?He thought for a while, then came to Lumia's side, reached out his hand to grab the little wolf pup and threw it aside for her, then sat down and looked at the girl.


Lu Hui immediately screamed in dissatisfaction, and then lay on the ground obediently.

Belen didn't care about the dissatisfaction of the little wolf pup at all. He looked at the girl and asked, "Why are you angry? Did I do something wrong?"

Lumia looked at the man in front of her, and stared at it for a long time before she said: "Belen, did Latier and the others scold you as a fool before?"

"You, how do you know!?"

Hearing Lu Mia's words, Belen was also shocked. It stands to reason that Lu Mia shouldn't know this!

"Belen, you are a wood!" Lumia cursed fiercely.

"Huh!? Why is this?" Belen was completely unsure of the situation. How did he feel that the girl didn't follow the sentence before, which made him very puzzled.

So Lumia asked again: "Belen, do you like Latier?"

"Like it!" Belen nodded.

"Do you like me?"

"Like it!"

Lumia, who got the answer, said calmly: "Sure enough, Belém is a wood!"

However, Belém looked blank. What does this feel like?It's like buying fruit at a fruit stand. Someone asked you if you like apples.Do you like pears?And you answered like it, but made someone scold a fool.

"Forget it, I'm going to take a shower."

After finally judging that he could not understand the situation, Belen also gave up. He stood up, picked up the clothes and went to the bathroom, sighing slightly, it turned out that girls are the most complicated creatures.

When Belen came back from the shower, he found that Lumia had changed her nightdress and was sitting at the small round table staring at herself.

"what happened?"

"I want to ask you some questions about Belem."

"Oh, OK."

So Belen came to the small round table and sat opposite Lumia. After a while, the latter did not speak, so he first asked: "Have you eaten?"

Lumia nodded her head.

"Then what do you want to ask?"

"I want to know what kind of girl Belem likes."

Hearing this question, Belem blinked, and his expression gradually became exaggerated, and then he felt that he had heard it wrong, so he asked: "What did you say?"

"I said, I want to know what kind of girl Belen likes."

"This, what does this mean?" Belen swallowed. For such a sudden question, he didn't know how to answer it for a while.

Lumia blinked her eyes and looked serious on her delicate face. She said, "I'm talking about the kind of love that I want to spend a lifetime with her."

"Well, um, why do you ask this?" Belen smiled somewhat bewildered.

Lumia said seriously: "I just want to know you more deeply."

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