Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 480

"That's it..." Belen scratched his cheek, there was no way, so he began to think deeply, and suddenly all the women he knew drifted through his mind.

After a while, Belen gave up, he didn't know how to judge whether he liked it or not.

"Then let me say hello." Lumia also noticed Belen's embarrassment, so she first reported a person's name and said, "Latier, is it your favorite type?"

"Latier, she is a very cute girl, and she is very hardworking, I like it!" Belen's eyes lit up, as if she found the type she likes.

However, Lumia continued: "So, is Laya the type you like?"

Hearing this, Belen froze for a moment, and then began to think deeply: "Laya? She, as a man, Laya is really super beautiful, with such a good figure and so smart, um, I like it too! "

"So, what about Latis?" Lumia asked again.

"Latis? She is so cute, I can't help but want to be intimacy, like, this little wolf pup?" Belen blinked and gave such an answer.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia asked again: "So, what do you think of Ilia?"

Therefore, Belem remembered the beautiful silver-haired girl. He smiled and said, "Ilia is a very gentle girl. She is also very beautiful in the appearance of a young girl, and occasionally makes people stunned, she , I always think about us. I hope she can think more about herself. The child has experienced painful things. If possible, I am willing to help her bear all the pain. Unfortunately, I can’t do it.”

"It's a very beautiful girl." Lumia also remembered the silver-haired girl who made her feel extremely beautiful. She glanced at Belen, and then intentionally or unconsciously said: "But well, she might also marry in the future. It."

Hearing Lumia’s words, Belem was like a deflated balloon. He sighed and said, "Yes, she might also marry. This is too bad."

"That's it..." Lumia thought about it, then thought about it, and then smiled: "I remember, you also mentioned a girl, like your childhood sweetheart, called Al, isn't she? She is you Do you like the type?"


Belen was stunned, he opened his mouth, and then frowned slightly. He said, "She, although we don’t get together often when we grow up, but I always think if we can stay together like we were when we were young. That's fine, but, she seems to have someone she likes."

"It turns out that the girl named Al is so amazing?" Lumia didn't know why she was suddenly surprised. She blinked, then coughed slightly, and then asked, "Then, what about me? "

Belen blinked, he looked at Lumia in front of him, and after a long silence, he said: "Then what, you, I still don't say anything?"

"Why! You!"

Lumia's eyes widened as soon as she heard Belen's words, her eyes were bursting with tears, she looked very sad, pitiful.

"No, no, you're right in front of me, I don't know what to say..." Belen was also taken aback when he saw the girl, he scratched his head, and explained something vaguely.

"Belen really is a fool!"

Lumia sniffed and cursed, she looked at the man in front of her, sighed and said, "Forget it, I know Belen you like."


Chapter 479: Marriage?

That night, Belen was unable to sleep all night due to the conclusion that Lumia had drawn. It was obviously not something that needed to be cared about, but it still made him sleep well, which made him very distressed.

According to Lu Mia, the conclusion is this.

Belem’s favorites are La Tier and Laya, and his favorite person is Ilia, who has the same sense of loneliness. The person who wants to get married is Al, his childhood sweetheart, and everyone is the person he wants to spend his life with .

I will feel very happy with Latier and others, I will feel at ease with Ilia, and I will feel very fulfilled with Al.

Why does it seem to call him a scum?

But in any case, Belem treats everyone as family, and it is an indisputable fact that he will feel extremely happy with everyone.

Besides, how can a girl who is only seventeen years old say it seriously?

That morning, Belen and Lumia walked out of the hotel, and there was a heavy snowfall outside. It was several times larger than the previous day, and the weather was colder.

"Belen, is it okay for you to wear something like this?" Lumia looked at the clothes on Belen, always feeling that it was not warm enough.

In response, Belen responded with a smile: "I am very strong, so I am not afraid of such a bit of wind and snow."

"Obviously not strong at all! Not good at all!" Lumia retorted.

"I have a lot of strength!" Belen responded dissatisfied.

Lumia blinked and said seriously, "Strong and good figure are two different things!"

Hearing Lumia's words, Belen sighed, and then asked curiously: "Could it be that Lumia likes boys with good bodies?"

"This..." Lumia thought for a while, and then said with a shy smile: "As long as it's Belem, it's okay."

"Don't say things that are so misunderstood." Of course, Belen didn't take it seriously. He always felt that this kid was easy to be shy but a little bold, and would always say something heart-pounding.

In this regard, Lumia smiled wittyly at Belem. She did not speak but made the latter a little helpless. He really didn't know what to say.

"Then, go meet Gruul."

Belen is going to visit Gruul with Lumia today, maybe he can help a little bit, after all, he has nothing to do.

When the two of them walked to a street, Belen suddenly noticed a figure, which was a figure wrapped in a black robe. The man gave him a very familiar feeling, and the blue eyes flickered slightly. .

Therefore, Belen subconsciously increased his speed and narrowed the distance between the two sides. When he came to the black-robed man, he stretched out his hand and patted the latter on the shoulder.

The black-robed man also stopped at this moment. When he turned his head, a ray of lightning flashed in the blue-purple eyes under the black robe, and then slowly opened, full of disbelief.

"Bei, Belen?"

Belen smiled slightly, stretched out a hand and swayed, he called: "Al."

That's right, Belen can't forget the face under the black robe, and the girl in front of him who only reaches his neck is his childhood sweetheart Al.

"Why are you here?"

Al pulled down the hat and looked at Belen in surprise. Her eyes fell on Lumia, who was also looking at her.

"Who is this?"

Lumia nodded slightly to Al, looked at the girl with some curiosity, and then introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Lumia. I am Belen's friend. You are his childhood sweetheart, right?"

Al's name has been heard many times from Belen's mouth for a long time, so she reacted the moment Belen called her name. After all, it was mentioned last night, and she was a very beautiful girl.

"Hello there."

The two girls shook hands to show good.

Belem asked curiously: "Why did you come here?"

Hearing this, Al opened her mouth, then glanced at Lumia, and then met with Belen's eyes. She was stunned, looked at Lumia with some curiosity, and then nodded.

"I'm here to chase the maiden of the "natural disaster". I had sex with her a few days ago, but let her run away. I think she should come to Futantis."

Space Miko?

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