Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 487

"That's good." Kony was also relieved, and then he looked at Gruer and said with a smile: "Gruer, do you have any water? Give me some, I'm done."

Gruul nodded, then threw out a water bag. He said, "Koni, do you know how far we are from Sadomali?"

Kony took the water bag, then thought about it, he said: "The distance can't be elaborated, but it will take at least three days."

Three days.

Belen thought, if the demons really intend to cut off the supplies, then the closer they get to Sadomali, the more likely they are to be attacked. It's probably halfway through now, and it may happen soon. Was attacked.

"Gruul." Kone called again. He was silent for a while, and then said: "After we reply to Tantis, let's go and worship Shanna. Another year has passed."

After hearing this name, Gruul's eyes also showed a touch of sadness. He responded softly, and then said: "When the time comes, we will buy some peaches. She likes this one the most."

"it is good."

Ko Ni responded, and then turned to leave. There was sadness in the eyes of this Huyaren boy, obviously he also knew about Shanna.

Belen on the side asked: "He also knows that?"

"Well, I was in the same team with Kony and Shana." Gruul explained, then lowered his head and said, "It's Shana's birthday in a few days. I agreed with Kony to go. Look at her."

"Well, you must go with a smile then." Belen patted Gruul on the shoulder, and then smiled: "Sana must not want you to look at her with such a frown."


Gruul laughed. As Belen said, Shanna must hope that he and Kony will visit her with a smile, so he can't go down like this.

Because it is getting closer and closer to the border, the wind and snow here are getting bigger and bigger, and you can even see the snow-capped mountains in the distance. The weather is terribly cold. The thought of fighting in such an environment is really amazing. Suffering.

Although Belen was wearing a thick coat, he could still feel the cold. Then, he looked at the wolf boy on the side and asked, "Gruul, aren't you cold?"

Gruul was wearing a piece of clothing that was not very thick, and he smiled when he heard Belen's words. He said: "I am cold resistant, and my magic can absorb temperature to convert it into energy."

"It turns out that it can still be like this." Although Belen had heard of "absorb" such magic power, it was the first time he saw it, and he didn't expect it to be so versatile.

As the mountains and forests deepened, the leader in front also issued an order to guard, because this generation of wild beasts is very strong, and they are very powerful in the snow. They must be prevented from destroying materials, otherwise it will be very troublesome.

Sure enough, I occasionally encounter beasts like white bears, but fortunately, there are many fighters. If they don't come in groups, they will not pose a threat to everyone.

But the most worrying thing is when passing through the snow-capped mountains. After all, they have a lot of people. If they encounter aggressive beasts, they will definitely make a lot of noise. Now the wind and snow are very heavy, in such a strong wind and extremely low temperature. , They must be more careful about avalanches.

Walking on the snow slope, you even need to use magic to cover your feet to prevent yourself from being slipped. In short, the snow road is much more tiring than before.

Belen was very cautious along the way, often using the power of his eyes to check the surroundings, but he did not detect anything unusual.

Transporting supplies in such a difficult environment, if it is attacked by the demons, it will definitely be a difficult battle, but fortunately, nothing has happened yet, and it is best not to happen.

Chapter 487: The Space Witch Appears

On the sixth day after Belem left, Futantis was still peaceful and peaceful. In Socia’s tavern, the Silverbird Adventure Group was drinking happily.

"That guy Belén actually went to the border alone, and he obviously didn't approve of us going!"

"No, when he comes back, we have to go there too!"

The Silverbirds had heard about the incident that Belen went to the border. They were very angry. They were not allowed to go to the border before, but they secretly followed the army. Up.

"That's Al? It's really beautiful! Maybe even more beautiful than Lumia?"

Gardre and others have noticed the girl sitting in front of the bar, especially this big fat man who wants to approach but dare not approach, so they had to discuss it from the back.

"What are you talking about! Lumia is the most beautiful!"

Some people are on Lumia's side. Although Al is indeed super beautiful, in their hearts, Lumia is the most beautiful!

Lucy couldn't listen anymore, and said dissatisfied: "Is the old lady not beautiful enough?"

Hearing the eldest sister's hair talk, everyone looked at Lucy, and then blinked noncommittal, and this attitude also made Lucy furious.

"You guys are tired of life!"

As for the frolicking here, Al is not interested. She is very disappointed that she hasn't found any clues about the space witch these days. At this moment, even if Socia is in front of her, she can't take the slightest interest.

"Al, you look very distressed. Why don't you tell me, maybe I can help you?" Socia laughed when he saw Al downcast.

"Please don't call my name, I don't know you at all!" Al retorted coldly, then shook the glass in his hand, his eyes blurred.

Socia giggled and said, "Why don't you get familiar with it?"

In response, Al glanced at her, and then calmly said, "Are there other witches besides you here?" She only remembered that the guy in front of her was also a witch.

"Well, don't you want to attack them?" Socia looked at the girl with a smile.

"I am not interested in you now." Al responded indifferently.

So, Socia thoughtfully said, "Since you asked about this, then I guess, maybe you are looking for that space witch?"


I saw Al stood up abruptly, slapped his palms on the table, opened his eyes and asked, "How do you know? Do you know where she is?"

The movement here also attracted everyone's attention, and Socia smiled and waved at them, indicating that it didn't matter.

Immediately afterwards, under Socia's smiling gaze, Al also sat down slowly, and then squinted his eyes, with a small flash of lightning in his eyes.

"How do you know her."

Socia wiped the glass, smiled and said, "She has come to me and wants me to work for the "Scourge". I think she has also looked for other witches in the city, but I don't know what their choices are. But I refused."

Her implication is that she does not want to get involved.

Al looked at her, and then asked, "Where is she now."

"I don't know." Socia shook her head, and then said thoughtfully: "I think, since she is here, she should have some plans, and she is a space witch, Futandi Si has an enchantment that restricts her movement, so the place to not restrict her is definitely outside Futantis."

Al also frowned slightly when he heard that. Indeed, since the other party stayed in Futantis for so long, then there must be something to do, but if there is no big move in Futantis, then it must be Beyond Tantis!

So, Al stood up, turned around and walked towards the exit. The moment she stepped out, she turned her head and glanced at Socia, then spoke slightly.

"Thank you."

Hearing Al’s thanks, the smile on Socia’s face was also a little brighter. She watched the girl leave, then smiled and turned back to continue wiping the glass.

After leaving the tavern, Al pulled her hat up, and she started to rush towards the outside of the city. If it was exactly what Socia said, then the Space Miko would not normally stay in Futantis. Instead, she settled down outside the city. So why hasn't she moved after so long?What is she preparing for?

Now that the border is fighting the Demon King's army, if something happens inside at this time, it will be really terrible!

wait wait wait...

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