Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 488

Al suddenly thought of a terrible thing. Before she left Flozarno Academy, she learned one thing from Academy Selika, that is, the reason why the "Brave" was "natural disaster" at the time. The main reason for the seal is because of the help of a mysterious person.

And the identity of that mysterious person was personally determined by the "Brave", that guy is the "Devil"!

Is "natural disaster" colluding with the demons?


Al's pupils opened wide, and after gritted his teeth, the whole person turned into a flash of lightning and flew out. A storm was set off wherever he passed, and everyone was stunned. They seemed to see lightning.

At Al's speed, Fu Tantis quickly came out. After turning half a circle around Fu Tantis, she finally felt a wave of magical power. Her heart was shocked, and then she increased her speed again.

Finally, in a dense forest, Al saw the guy he had been pursuing, and the space maiden of the "natural disaster" was standing in the clearing.

"You are finally here, much slower than I thought." The woman in the white coat turned around, and she looked at Al and said with a smile: "Find someone in the city who is not in the city at all. Man, how do you feel?"

Space witch, Iona.

Al is staring at this woman coldly, with awe-inspiring murderous intent. She said with a cold voice like the ice and snow: "Today, you don't want to run anywhere."

I saw a monstrous thunder erupting from Al's body, which instantly sealed off this space and built a spider-web-like enchantment to block the space magic used by the opponent to escape.

Iona looked at the surrounding Thunder Enchantment, her smile on her face did not change, then she looked at Al, and said with a smile: "I didn't plan to run today."

"What do you mean?" Al frowned, but his eyes widened the next moment.


Iona snapped her fingers, and a huge magic circle suddenly appeared behind her, and then the magic circle began to operate, and she also showed a ghostly smile.

"You should run away."

Chapter 488: The Demon King Army Arrives

When she saw that magic circle, Al immediately realized that something was wrong. She could see that it was a space teleportation circle from the outside to the inside, and the barrier she constructed casually could not block the connection between the two places.

What does the other party want to send here!

Al was surrounded by thunder and lightning, she felt extremely uneasy in her heart, and immediately shouted: "What do you want to send over!?"

"Guess?" Iona pursed her lips.


The huge magic circle started to move, and then a series of tall figures came out from it. They were humanoids and beasts, but their skins were all very dark, and they had strange lines on their bodies, and they were all exuding violence. breath.

"They are... the demons?"

El's eyes flashed with dangerous electric lights, and she shouted in a deep voice: "You are actually in collusion with the demons, you dare to cooperate with the demons to deal with the empire!?"

Upon hearing this, Iona smiled and said: "The enemy's enemy is a friend. We have no conflicts in interests. Why not do it?"

"Aren't you afraid that the Demon Race will deal with you in the end!?" Al cried out in disbelief. These "Scourge" guys are really crazy, and they dare to cooperate with the Demon Race!

Iona shrugged noncommittal, and said, "The sky is falling and there are tall people holding it."

Al gritted her teeth, unexpectedly what Belen was most worried about happened. She knew that this was the thing that Belen was worried about when she left, but neither she nor Belen had expected that this space maiden would help the Demon directly. Leap to Futantis!


This magic circle is undoubtedly connected to a far place. It must take a long time to deploy such a space teleportation array, and he has been wandering for so long in Futantis, and this guy has time to deploy the teleportation array. !

After all, it was her mistake!

"You guys don't want to go there!"

El yelled, and lightning burst out all over her body. She wanted to destroy the teleportation formation directly, and immediately chanted a magic spell in her mouth, causing the sky to bombard the teleportation formation.

Seeing this, Iona also squinted her eyes. She couldn't let the other party destroy the teleportation array at this time, so she had to make a move immediately, and she suddenly stopped because of a wave behind her. It made her feel faintly suffocated.


The Thunder was about to fall on the Space Teleportation Array, but at this moment, an extremely tall figure suddenly jumped out, and the palm that was larger than a person's body slapped directly on the Thunder.


Only a sound of qi burst was heard, the violent wind and waves rolled back, and the dense forest was directly destroyed by the force of qi.

Seeing this scene, Al also opened her eyes wide. She was blasted back several tens of meters by that vigor to stabilize her figure, and then a huge war sickle appeared in her hand.

The tall figure came out. It was more than three meters high and looked like a giant. Behind him was a pair of demonic wings, with a pair of horns on both sides of his head, and the eyebrows did not look like a human face. , Even more fierce and evil, exuding a terrible sense of threat.

"Fu Tantis?"

The tall Demon Race's black and red eyes swept across the huge wall, and his voice was very thick, giving people an extreme sense of oppression.

"Yes, my lord."

Iona bowed slightly to the tall demon. She realized that she was a little nervous, and even sweat was all over her back. The demon in front of her, if she guessed correctly, was probably the legendary demon war. Will it?

"Devil warlord!"

Al also revealed the identity of the other party. She frowned tightly. The oppressive force given by the other party was too strong. This was different from the core members of the "Scourge". The witches gave her the same An unfathomable feeling, but this demon warlord gave her a huge sense of oppression!

Perhaps the demon warlord may not have those witches strong, but his strength is definitely also terrifying. According to rumors, a demon warrior is at least worth several superhuman warriors!


Two huge figures came across the space teleportation formation again. This time, Al felt an immense pressure. She gritted her teeth, and the anxiety in her heart finally broke out. This was terrible!

With the current combat power of Tantis, how to fight against these three demon warriors?Besides, there are not only these three demon warriors, but also hundreds of demon warriors!

At this time, Iona suddenly pointed to Al, and she smiled and said, "Master, this man is an arbitrator of the Holy See, and this plan was almost stopped."

As a result, the eyes of all the demons were focused on Al, and the murderous aura that she felt this time roared like an ocean, and she couldn't help taking a step back.

How can this be done?

Al gritted her teeth, she stood up straight again, and shouted in a deep voice: "You dare to attack Tantis, are you not afraid of being wiped out here?"

"Destroy us all? Just rely on Tantis's current combat power in the city?"

The tall demon warlord stepped forward indifferently. Every step he stepped on left a deep footprint on the ground, and his body was exuding black magic.

Sure enough, they had planned!

Al took a deep breath, her eyes fixed, thunder and lightning flashed in it, she clenched the war sickle in both hands, her whole body was covered by thunder arc, and her body exuded amazing magic power.

"Unexpectedly, I met a good human being when I came over."

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