Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 489

The demon warlord snorted coldly, and then walked in front of Al, one person and one demon looked at each other, and two amazing magical powers suddenly collided.


At this time, I saw that Al suddenly started to do it first. She leaned over and rushed, and then jumped up. A huge thundercloud shrouded the war sickle, exuding a nine-day thunder, and crashed down towards the demon warlord.


The demon warlord was wrapped in gray-black magic power, letting the thunder fall on him, then raised that huge fist and slammed it at Al.

Al also opened her eyes wide. She didn't expect that the other party would actually resist one of her moves. Seeing that fist was waved, she also placed the war sickle in front of her.


The huge force blasted her out directly, and the whole person directly slammed on the city wall, and then the demon warlord suddenly fluttered, leaving a cyclone on the ground, and his huge body was unexpectedly swift. , Came to the wall in an instant and threw a punch at Al.


Although Al avoided this punch, the city wall was hit hard and suddenly burst open, and Al also took this opportunity to jump back into the city.

Al looked at the demon flying in the sky, her eyes were sharp, the other party destroyed the city wall, and now a large army must be pressed in, she must notify everyone in the city to take refuge.

Chapter 489: Three Demon Warriors


When the Demon King Army entered the city through the gap in the wall, all the residents nearby were shocked, and then hurriedly fled around. Because of this, they also spread the news of the Demon King Army's raid.

This saves Al a lot of strength, but the seriousness of the situation at the moment makes her a little at a loss. She thought, only by bringing all the combat power in the city together can it be possible to fight these Demon King's army!

At this time, Al suddenly thought of something. She took out a crystal, and then her eyes lit up, and then magic power was transferred into the crystal.

Soon, the entire Futantis knew of the invasion of the Demon King's army, and the remaining fighters in the Asian League received the order in an instant and then took action.

In that tavern, everyone also noticed the movement outside, and everyone was shocked after learning the news from a fleeing population.

Demon King Army surprise attack?


A monstrous thunder suddenly attracted everyone's attention, and at this moment Socia walked out, she looked in the direction where the thunder came, and then squinted her eyes.

"It's Al who is fighting the demon king's army."

Hearing her words, everyone in the silver bird side opened their eyes wide. Was the girl sending out the thunder?So that's not an ordinary girl?

At this time, Lucy suddenly said: "Don't you want to see the demons? Isn't it the right time?"

Gadri and the others opened their eyes wide. Although this situation was a bit sudden, it seemed to suit them, but when they thought of facing the Demon King Army, they were still a little nervous.

"Then fight with those demons!"


Everyone drank together.

Lucy suddenly said at this moment: "Then let's do a good job, but, remember, I don't allow anyone to die here!"

"Yes! Big sister!"

Everyone in the Silver Bird Adventure Group also set off immediately. Although they have been clamoring to fight against the demon, they are not careless people. In this case, teamwork is necessary. After all, they are not facing a demon. Race fighters!

Looking at the thunder that was constantly coming down, Socia stood there in silence for a long time, and then sighed helplessly, she said to herself: "It's hard to find a place where the environment is so suitable for me, but I can't let you ruin it. what."


The thunder bombarded the Demon warlord and shook him back, and he didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, and this also caused Al to feel extremely headache.

The defensive power of this guy is too strong.

El's expression is gloomy. She has noticed that the Demon King's army has dispersed into the city. Maybe someone has died now. Although she is blocking a Demon warlord at this moment, there are still two Demon warlords who are already moving. Go elsewhere.

Belém, you have to come back soon!

Immediately afterwards, Al took a deep breath, her gaze fixed on the demon warlord in the distance. This was the first time she had fought with the demon. I did not expect to encounter such a strong demon for the first time. Family.

"Then I will try my best."


The thunder and lightning suddenly became more intense, the magic in her body surged wildly, the blue and purple eyes flashed with astonishing lightning, and the ground was even more sparkling.

The black robe was torn away by thunder and lightning, revealing the original priest's uniform. This priest girl has grown too much compared to the past, and she will go all out for a long time!

"This is decent."

The demon warlord looked at the girl who was full of thunder and lightning, and then made a low voice, and then the gray-black magic power on her body formed a huge whirlwind.


When the fierce battle started on this side, the fighters of the Asian League had already fought the Demon King’s army. It was extremely difficult for them to protect the safety of the civilians, and most of them They have never fought against the demons, so they can't get the upper hand.

After seeing the chaos in the city, Teldal looked extremely ugly. He did not expect that these demons did not intercept the supplies but directly invaded Futantis. He couldn't think of how these demons came here so quickly. By the side, didn't the border fortress even notice it?


Suddenly there was a violent wind and waves on another street, the house was instantly destroyed, and everyone looked to that side. When they saw the huge figure, Teldal’s pupils also shrank suddenly, his eyes Full of incredible.

"Devil, Demon Warrior?"

Teldal has been on the front line many times, and naturally he has seen the demon warlord, and he is the only person present who has seen the demon warlord. He knows how powerful this existence is, and he suddenly has a familiarity at this moment. a feeling of.

Isn't this the same as before?It was like this back then!

"That big guy, looks amazing."

At this time, a girl holding a wolf cub came over. She looked at the tall figure curiously, and then frowned slightly. When she watched carefully, she felt an unparalleled sense of oppression.

Teldal said in a deep voice from the side: "That fellow is not something we can contend with!"

"How can I know if I don't try?" Lumia's eyes locked on the demon warlord, and she calmly said: "You can't escape, so try to see if you can defeat this guy."

Hearing that, Teldal wanted to say something, but he breathed out after seeing the girl's firm look, and then grinned and said, "That's right, you can't be afraid before you fight. "

On the other side, the third demon warlord was arbitrarily destroying in the city. None of the fighters could stop him. The strength made many people fearful.

"Ice and Snow Magic Turn Tianshuang's cold air into thousands of ice crystals!"


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