Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 493

Belen turned around, and the blue pupils swept across the girl's body. He said: "I saw a lot of demons leaping out of the teleportation formation on the way back, and then they thought in groups. Stepping into the next teleportation formation, I simply got into the teleportation formation and then destroyed it."

More than one teleportation array?

Al also had a heartbeat, and then bit his lower lip, yes, so many days, there is enough time for the space witch to go to several places, no wonder the border fortress did not detect the invasion of the demon, and all rely on As long as the space teleportation array crosses the border, as long as there is no enchantment induction, then it cannot be detected.

At this moment, from Belen's perspective, he could see that there was no more magic in Al's body. Obviously, the girl had gone through a battle before he arrived.

Immediately afterwards, Belen's gaze swept around, he could see countless magical powers, and naturally he could judge how bad Tantis's situation was now.

Al suddenly thought of something, she said quickly: "Belen, there are three demon warlords, I solved one, and two more..."

"Leave it to me."

Belen came to Al’s face, and then showed a smile. He said: "Al is worthy of Al. He has always been so good, but this time let you see how good your childhood sweetheart is."

After the white-haired man finished speaking, he took off his white coat and placed it on Al. The girl without magical power could not withstand the cold.

Immediately afterwards, Belen turned and looked at the demon warlord. His face was already covered with frost. His hand holding the sword became tighter. If he was one step late, Al might be ...

Thinking of this, Belen's heart surged with anger, he walked forward, the magic flame on his body became more powerful, and the long sword in his hand trembled slightly.

I knew you were great last time.

Al looked at the white figure, and she stretched out her hand to pull the white coat that was draped over her body, her lips tucked lightly, showing a touching smile, this was the first time I saw him angry for herself.


At this time Lumia also came here. She saw Al sitting on the ground. Looking at the latter’s appearance, it was obvious that she had experienced a big battle. She hurriedly jumped off the eaves and helped Al Up.

Immediately afterwards, Lumia also turned her head and looked at the white figure. Her eyes were slightly enlarged, and then she smiled knowingly. She hugged Al, and then jumped onto the high house, which was too dangerous below. .

After a while, Teldal also came here. He was frightened when he looked at the mess around him, and he could still feel a palpitating magic.

"Al, did you solve the other big guy?" Lumia looked around, then curiously looked at the girl next to her.

El slightly nodded, and she knew that the second demon warlord had run over from Lumia.

Hearing Lumia's words, Teldal also looked at Al in shock. There is also a demon warlord that this girl solved?

Al couldn't support it, and then sat down. She looked at the white figure, and said with a bit of fatigue: "Next, leave it to Belen."

Lumia and Teldal both looked at the white figure. Teldal was also startled when he saw the white-haired young man. He remembered that it was Gruul's friend.

What he is walking towards is the demon warlord, what does he want to do?

At this time, another demon warlord rushed in, Socia and others also came to the surrounding eaves, and were about to use magic on this demon warlord.

"That's... Belem?"

Socia also saw the white-haired man. The liquid magic flame burning on the latter's body also made her eyes widen. The feeling that Belen gave her at this moment was as unfathomable as the sea, with no end in mind.

He is really not easy.

This is the feeling that Socia has always felt. He doesn't think that the person who can meet "Eye of Thunder" and "Sword Saint" is an ordinary person, and Belen has given her a special mystery from the beginning. sense.

"Human, you are very strong!"

Facing Belen, the demon warlord let out a deep shout, the magic power around him began to gather and compress, and then gradually converged into a huge black whirlwind.

Regarding this, Belen still had that indifferent expression, a scabbard appeared on his left waist, covering all the qi on the blade, and he slowly spoke.

"But you are weak."

Hearing his words, the demon warlord roared. He was taunted by a human species who had killed countless human beings as "weak". This was an insult!

"you wanna die!"

Black hurricanes continue to form, and the surrounding houses are torn to pieces by this pulling force, sweeping toward the white-haired young man, to tear it to pieces!

Vientiane created life, cut instant.

Belen put the snow lion in the scabbard, and then stared at the figure. He didn't care about the hurricanes that swept through. The next moment, his body trembled slightly, leaving a cyclone on the ground, becoming a body. The streamer flew away.

Under the gaze of the onlookers, they discovered that Belen had come behind the demon warrior. The sword in his hand had been unsheathed at some unknown time, and at this time it was slowly being sheathed.


The long sword was sheathed, and a terrifying sword intent seemed to flash from the void, and a full tens of meters of sword marks were drawn, and the hurricanes suddenly collapsed, and the demon war commander had an extra long The long sword light quietly dissipated the vitality.

"Sword Skill·Dead Song."

Belen straightened up, he turned around and looked at the third demon war commander in the distance. His expression was cold, and all the killing intent was on his face.


The body of the demon war commander was torn away by the terrifying sword intent, covered with sword light, and all the people with that bright thorn in a moment closed their eyes and opened it after a while.

Knot, is it over?

Chapter 494: Speculation

All the people who saw this scene at this moment, even Mozu Zhan, have been stunned at this moment. Isn't this scene seen in front of me an illusion?

This sword is over?


Even Al, who had seen Belen's shots, opened his eyes wide. He had worked so hard to solve a demon warlord. Although this one was much weaker, he died too quickly, right?

Today, Belen still has the ability to see through the magic of all things without entering the Demigod Realm. Although he can't see it all the time, and can't use some magical laws, he is undoubtedly much stronger than before.

Teldal was already dumbfounded. It turned out that the white-haired young man who had always looked ordinary was such a powerful existence.

It was almost unheard of to solve the demon warlord with a single sword!

Socia and the witches also opened their eyes wide. They had never seen such a powerful person. They could not withstand the white-haired young man with a dozen or so witches who were able to resist the demon warriors?

This is so strong that it feels like a dream!

Lumia is much better. She knows that Belen is very strong. Although she was surprised at the scene that just happened, she knew that this was not Belen's full strength. She still remembers that when she left Miesnaisen. A blue sword light.

It seems that today's crisis is resolved.

After slowing down, everyone realized this. With such a strong man here, there is no longer a demon warlord to be afraid.

Belen has already moved towards the last Demon warlord, and that sword just wasn't enough to dissipate his killing intent. Fortunately, there is another guy here.

"Damn it, how could there be such a human power here!"

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