Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 494

The Demon Commander roared angrily. He was making all the Demon King Army soldiers retreat. Although the scene just now made him unbelievable, he is not a fool, and he is definitely not the opponent of this white-haired man.

"Want to go?"

As if guessing the intention of the opponent, Belen spoke indifferently. His figure turned into a white afterimage and disappeared in place. A sword with infinite killing intent penetrated the chest of the demon warlord, and his defense was here. Unbearable under the sword.

It seemed that it was really easy to kill the two demon warlords. It was not difficult for Belem to kill them, but it would be a joke to kill them easily.

After solving these two huge threats, Belen's breath gradually weakened, and he gasped slightly, and then walked to the place where Al and Lumia were.

At this moment, all the soldiers of the Demon King's Army had already received the evacuation instructions from the Demon warlord. They turned their heads and ran away without hesitation.

Belen put away the sword and scabbard, he jumped onto the eaves and came to Al's face, smiled and said, "Look, I'm venting you."

Al was startled when she heard the words, and then felt amused. She said: "I have been killed because of the injury. Why do you need you to help me out?"

"Yes." Belen scratched his hair, then smiled and shook his head. He looked at Teldal and asked, "How is the situation in the city?"

Teldal came back to his senses, and he quickly said: "I just received the message that the Demon King's army has been withdrawn. Without the leader, they will probably be wiped out by the fortress reinforcements."

Hearing that, Belen nodded slightly, and then noticed Socia and others on the other side. He immediately saw that the dozen or so strange women were all witches, and he nodded to the latter, obviously Socia They also helped.

"Al, did that teleportation formation before, do it by the space witch?" Belen asked like this, and he had already guessed it.

Al nodded, then laughed at himself: "It was my fault. If I had discovered that she was not in the city earlier, nothing like this would have happened."

"You can't be blamed." Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Al's head. The latter was very depressed, but Al can't be blamed for this.

"Natural Disasters" colluded with the Demon Race. This is no small matter. Since they are now helping the Demon Race to make such a move, it is probably not far from their re-emergence, and it will definitely be another disaster.

Although the crisis was lifted, Futantis suffered countless deaths and injuries. No matter which side was concerned, there was no victory, because a lot of fighters died on the side of the demon, and even the three demon warlords were eliminated. .

In fact, no one benefits from war.

El's magic power is exhausted, she is very weak at the moment, and her body is weak. If she hadn't solved a demon warrior, maybe Futantis would have lost more severely.

At this time, Al looked at Belem again, and she asked, "Belen, have the supplies arrived? Nothing happened midway?"

Belen shook his head and said: "Nothing happened. I thought it was more likely for the demons to raid the supplies, but I missed the space witch. The maiden with space attributes is too much trouble."

Belen also sighed when thinking of the Space Witch. Not only did he miss this guy this time, but also the one at Flozarno Academy.

Space attributes are extremely rare. So far, Belen has only seen this space maiden and the tuxedo man in the dark night. This kind of magic is really hard to guard against.

Al was silent for a moment, and then expressed her concerns. She asked: "Belen, will those demons pose a threat to Sadomali?"

Regarding this, Belem shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be. The commander-in-chief of Sadomali also knows the situation here and will definitely take precautions. Besides, the space teleportation array has been destroyed by me. It also takes a lot of time to lay out a chain of spatial magic circles."

The space maiden didn't know whether this mission was a success or a failure, but in short, it was a blessing that Fu Tantis was not destroyed here.

However, the space maiden still worries Belen, she will definitely not leave this war zone like this, she will definitely do something, and the next thing will probably not be in Futantis, but in Sa. What did Domari do.

In addition, what concerns Belen is that since the "Scourge" cooperates with the demons, according to Al, more than one arbitrator was dispatched by her, so the members of the "Scourge" who came to the Northwest Theater really really Is this only the space witch?

Belen was sitting on the eaves, he looked at the night sky, and he could smell the smoke of gunpowder. He always felt that he still needed to go to Sadomali, because Gruul was still there, that was his friend.

Chapter 495: The pair of chicks

After three days, Al also recovered a lot, but she squeezed her magic power out that day in order to solve the demon warlord, so these three days were not enough for her to recover, and her body was still weak. period.

"Belen, you don't have to be here with me all the time."

Al was sitting on the bedside, she looked at the white-haired man who was sitting on the side and reading, and couldn't help but speak. For these three days, Belen has been inseparable.

Regarding this, Belen read the book intently and said calmly: "I will stay with you until you regain enough strength."

As for why this is the case, Belen doesn't know the reason. If he insists on finding a reason, it may be because he was afraid, and almost lost her at the time, so that he is still a little afraid now.

Hearing this, Al retracted her gaze and looked at the window. The corner of her mouth was slightly hooked. Under the shining of the sun, on that delicate face, the smile was particularly beautiful.

"Like when I was a kid, you would sit next to me when I was sick."

Hearing the girl's words, Belen was also startled. He turned his head to look at the girl, his bright side face made his eyes rippling slightly, his heart beat, and then softly responded.

Al looked at the bird parked by the window, and she muttered to herself: "Although I think it's pretty good now, it would be better if I could go back to my childhood."

"Why?" Belen was puzzled.


Al did not continue to speak, but turned back to look at the white-haired man, showing such a brilliant smile in front of him very rarely.

Because we can always be together when we are young!

Although he didn't know what it was because of, but the girl's smile made Belén wonder what to say for a while. He woke up suddenly, then turned his head, and touched his nose, always feeling a little strange.

Immediately afterwards, Al looked at him and said, "Actually, I have almost recovered. You don't have to stay with me all the time. Go find Lumia and the others?"

Hearing that, Belen looked at the girl for a long time, then nodded and said "Okay", then stood up and walked outside the door, and said "Take a good rest" when the door was closed.

The girl inside the room pressed her lips, and then let out a sigh of relief. Her cheeks were a little rosy, and then she whispered something in her mouth, her eyes gleaming, and she looked at the nestling chicks outside the window.

After leaving the hotel, Belém walked in the heavy snow. After that day, the snow fell even more so that Belém’s figure walking on the street seemed to blend in with the snow, because whether it was hair Still clothes, he is all white.

The hotel in the city was almost full of people. Because there were a lot of ruins, there was a lot of open space. The members of the Silver Bird Adventure Group vacated their rooms and stayed in the commercial car.

However, the daily activities will be in Socia's tavern. Because of the events of that day, everyone in the Silverbird Adventure Group already knew that the proprietress turned out to be a witch, and they were also very surprised by this.

Belen walked into the tavern. It was great that it was not destroyed that day. It was very warm here. Although Socia was an ice maiden, it did not mean that she did not like the warm atmosphere.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Socia also looked towards the door. She also smiled when she saw the person who came, and said, "I am finally willing to come out of Al'na?"

"It doesn't seem appropriate to stay with her all the time," Belen said.

In this regard, Socia joked: "You are really too late to say this. You have been there for three days, so you have to take a bath and sleep together?"

The corners of Belen's mouth twitched slightly, and then he felt countless eyes gathered on his body, he was slightly startled, and then looked at everyone at Silver Bird.

"That, what's wrong?"

At this time, Gadri stood up for the first time, and he shouted: "Belen, you are too unjust, go to the border without us, and it happened to be awe-inspiring when he came back!"


Belen stunned for a moment, and then said with a wry smile: "The road to the border is not as easy as I imagined, especially the glaciers and snowy mountains. It is also very troublesome to walk."

"This is not the reason you didn't notify us!" Leo also shouted from the side.

"Yes, yes, then next time I go, everyone can go together." Belem immediately gave in. He didn't want to get entangled in this matter, but I asked Lumia to inform everyone that it was indeed his. After all, he was too. A member of Silver Bird.

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